Saturday, May 31, 2008

The week in pictures

Here you go. Sorry, no witty post this morning. I used up all my finger speed writing an incredibly long email to an old friend of mine. And I don't mean "old" as in "you're gonna be 46" old, I mean "I've known her for 34 years" old.

Eight wiggling, squawking black and brown fur balls. Their eyes are starting to open and one of them can even stand on all 4 legs!

Outside my office this week. What a gaggle (hee hee, I'm funny)
At least there were two of them taking care of things.
Right under my office window they were.

Let's get ready to garden.
Essential tools.

One must have the measuring tape to make sure the rows are evenly spaced and one must have the string to make sure the rows are straight. I was not in charge of this phase of the planting. I am, however, in charge of the next phase of planting, which is the rest of it, and more than likely will NOT include the string and measuring tape! I like a garden with "character" if you know what I mean.

In all honesty, bending over like that is just too hard on the back!

So, I've got a question for all you. Here's the situation. Last night #1Son was closing the restaurant, which meant he worked until about 12:15 - 12:30. I was tired and had been up since 4:30 so decided to head to bed at 9:30, set the alarm for 12 and get up and go get him.

And, if memory serves me right, I don't recall my parents coming to get me at midnight way back when, when I worked at McD's (Mother, correct me if I'm wrong). I remember getting rides home with my boyfriend or co-workers at the time. The boyfriend ride home was always the best! But wait, #1Son isn't answering the cell so I just drive over there. The lights are still on, there's a truck in the parking lot and some guy walking out of the front doors. Well, me and my imagination, what the hell is going on? Are they being robbed? Were they having a party?

I pulled into the lot and out runs #1Son. I'm on the verge of freaking out, thinking all the worst a mother of a 15 1/2 year can think, when he says:

"Mom, I'm sorry. We were really busy tonight and we're going to be another half hour. (Insert co-workers name here) will give me a ride home. I know I should've phoned, but it was just so busy."

I must've been sitting there with my mouth open and an either an incredibly pissed off look on my face, or one of shock. Because he said again:

"I'm really, really sorry mom".

You have to understand, #1Son DOES NOT apologize of his own doing.

"Okay, so you'll be home in 1/2 an hour then?"

Now, here's the thing. Should I be pissed at him? Or should I just not bother and be happy that he's getting good grades in school, has a job, is somewhat responsible, is healthy and still alive?

I'm really torn with which emotion to feel on this one. And which speech to give him. You know I need to give a speech! I mean, he does take advantage of us a lot of the time. Did he take advantage of me last night? Or was he just being a typical teenager, with no concern whatsoever except for himself? Is this my control freak issue coming to the surface?

1 comment:

  1. Calm down, he didn't walk out with with a crack pipe in one hand and a crack whore on the other. He was at work. But, ya, I'd be annoyed for getting up and out of the house when I didn't have to. And like you said, he apologized. Thank him for that and nicely remind him what you were doing for him, and what the couteous thing would have been. How's eveything else? Shayne
