Sunday, November 30, 2008

Everything you say can and will be held against you...

Apparently some people think it's okay to tell me what to write about in my blog.

We had a couple of things go on over here in the past couple of weeks that would have made awesome blog material. Really, they would have.

And it was during the first incident that I realized I couldn't write about it. Could not force myself to sit down and tell the story to you loyal blog readers.

Well, actually, I could write it. I could tell it. And it would be good. Very good!!!

It was just that "one of the other people in this house" managed to find the strength to yell, in a deep, deep, very loud and authoritative voice that I've never heard come out this person before ever... "MOOOOOOOOOOMMM... DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT BLOGGING ABOUT THIS!!!!" as I headed downstairs to, well, blog about it.

I was slightly taken aback I will admit. Such strength coming from the little bugger. And so sure with what he was yelling at me.

So, I turned around and headed back upstairs. To keep this between him and I.

But, then there's the other story I would love to write about. But won't. Or can't I guess.

Because once again I was stopped, like I had walked into a wall. This time it was with "Mom... SO HELP ME!!!, you tell the blog world about this and I will never, ever, forgive you."

What else can I say? I have to honour the wishes of those closest to me. I have to listen to them when they have such strong opinions of what they feel I should I put out here.

I've been muzzled.

And with the muzzle come this: they best be doing absolutely every single stinkin' thing that I ask of them from here on in if they expect me to keep the muzzle on!

If not, it is soooo coming off!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Miniota 2008

Or...#2's first big hunting trip...

Okay, I’m supposed to be at the mall right now, getting the Christmas shopping done. Actually, it was my intention to go last night, but after yesterday, well, no, that didn’t happen. I just came home and continued to feel sorry for myself in all my sadness.


As I previously alluded to, the boys have gone hunting. It’s the big 3 day trip out west whereby they say “we gonna go and shoot us some deer!!” It happens every year at this time. It definitely happens if they’ve been skunked right here in our own backyard!

The preparation for this trip is quite large. There are lists. Lots and lots of lists! So many lists that it boggles the mind. Why one can’t have just one list is beyond me. I’m guessing it’s because as things pop into their heads, they write them down. On many, many pieces of paper. That are scattered ALL OVER THE HOUSE!!! In the kitchen. Beside the bed. In the bathroom.

So, on Thursday, while waiting for the supper dishes to be done so I could prep the food that would be my contribution to a successful hunting trip, I sat and read. I was not going into the kitchen until it was tidied and cleaned up. Bad enough I had to deal with the kitchen table and counter being loaded with various deer calls and antlers and scent covering vials of awful smelling stuff, I was not dealing with the cluttered corner where I stand to prep food! Tossing out things like “I can’t slice the cheese if the kitchen isn’t clean” or “How am I suppose to get the food ready if you don’t do the dishes” and “You want muffins for this trip? Someone better get the dishes done”, it was quickly approaching the time where I start to think about heading to bed.

Finally, #2 steps up and does the dishes. “There! Now would you please just make us some muffins!” he asks. “Well, I’m tired. I have a big day tomorrow so I’m heading to bed. Give me a kiss…” I say.

I know, I know… how nasty of me!

The plan was to leave at about three in the morning. Great. Like I need to be woken at THREE AM!! But when I woke, as usual, before the alarm went off, everyone was still sleeping. “Geez, this is really going according to plan now isn’t it?” I thought to myself, and laughed. After waking SG to tell him they missed their departure time and being informed that the departure time had changed after I had gone to bed, I got up and made muffins and cut cheese and sliced pickles and made sandwiches. You didn’t really think I would send them out into the wilds without this stuff did you? It was okay. I didn’t mind. It was a good distraction from the day that I had to face. The kitchen and living room were a complete and total disaster. Stuff everywhere. Backpacks and bags loaded with clothes. Wool socks and mittens and hats all over the place. The cooler and various cooler bags …. Well, it was a mess.

By the time they finally left, I was at work and had been for 3 ½ hours! Noon-ish I think it was that I received the call “We’re on our way”. That’s like 9 hours behind the originally scheduled departure time…

And, as I discovered this morning, all the lists in the world won’t help you if you don’t stroke things off as you go. I mean, if you need to depend on a list, (or LISTS!! in this case) you better be following them. If you don’t, you’re bound to forget something

Like, oh… let’s just say, warm clothes and clean socks and underwear!

Whilst putting freshly washed, dried and folded laundry in #2’s room this morning, there it was.

His bag. Packed and ready to go hunting. On his bed.

I did what any mother would do. Just shook my head and laughed.

And thought “Great!!! less laundry to do when they get back.”

Then, finding the more nurturing side of myself, thought that, for next year, I’ll hand out pre-formatted lists. You know, stating the basics and the obvious. Such as, in big, bold letters, right there at the bottom:


Friday, November 28, 2008

Crazy glue maybe...

What a couple of weeks…. I will say, I don’t think that I would ever want to do this time of my life over again.


I said goodbye to my boss today.

He was one of the most important and influential people that I could have ever hoped and dreamed of having in my life. He was absolutely awesome! A bit of an ass at times, (aren't we all though?) but still, he was incredible. He mentored me in the ways of business. He mentored me in the ways of life. He had a huge impact on me in just about everything that I had, and have, going on. And while I sometimes didn’t agree with his take on things, I took what he was saying and used it in my own way.

I couldn’t look at him today. I could barely even speak to him. (Okay, I’m a girl and girls can be somewhat emotional… never mind!) It was hard.

It was the end.

And when I walked into his office, well past the close of business, and said “So…this is it I guess.” he just looked at me and said “Thank You. You’ve been the glue that’s held this place together. Stay strong. Continue to be who you are. I will miss you”.

Then I left.

And proceeded to cry my face off in my car.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things I need to tell you about...

Overheating... complete with roadside assistance

Fever induced hallucinogenic dreams that would absolutely blow your mind!

Puppy love for slippers (but only new ones)

The 3 day hunting trip prep currently being done by the boys... this is hilarious

But... only after I lose the awful feeling of sandpaper in my throat, the aching in my bones and the heavy "load" in my chest... I know, I know, I really should give up the smokes....if it's any consolation, I've cut back???

Monday, November 24, 2008

The battle was lost

Remember when I was bragging about being in a tie with the cold/flu which was a good thing because I couldn't afford to be sick right now? And that I thought I was winning? Wait, maybe I didn't tell you about the winning part.

I did, I thought I was winning.

I'm here to tell you, right now, that I was wrong.

I lost.

It won big time Saturday night and is proceeding to Kick. My. Ass.

I feel so absolutely lousy and crappy that I'm actually at home. Can you believe that!! I never stay home when I'm sick. The reason for that is part that I always feel compelled to do other stuff rather than rest (like, oh let's say, posting a blog that has been proofread over and over, at least 17 times!! to make sure all the words are there) and the other part is I feel so incredibly guilty about not being at work. Yeah... that last part... some people tell me is a sickness in itself.

Actually, if the truth be told, I prefer to be out there, spreading the very same horrible germs that got me, around to the rest of the world. I know, I'm nice like that.

No idea how long it's gonna last, just thought I'd let you know.

Besides, I'm looking for Sympathy (sniffle sneeze sniffle cough sniffle).

And don't be telling me I can find it in the dictionary between sh....

Monday, November 17, 2008

So, yeah, another post

I'm sorry.

I know I've been remiss in posting but hey, I got stuff going on man!!

Like battling a cold. And seriously battling a cold. We are talking intense ingestion of vitamin C, and garlic. Not together, that would be disgusting, but ingesting none the less.

Both the boys have had it and I'm trying my hardest not to get it. Yesterday I thought it would over take me and win, but today, well, maybe I'm tied. I don't know. SG asked how come I was getting a cold and the only answer I could provide was that, despite my intense "impatience" with the little brats I call my children right now, I still like to kiss them good night.

So that's where I got it from. Them. Just another "thanks mom, here you go"....sheesh

And I can't afford to be sick right now. Two weeks until the new owner takes over and I have to bring my "A" game, complete with all my brains and all my knowledge to the table right now. Really. Well, not really, but you know.... The new dude would be lost without me and while I know no one is irreplaceable, right now, and for the next 2 -3 months, I'm fairly confident that I am. That being said, did you know with the change of ownership I am officially unemployed as of 11/30/08? Yes, yes I am. And that on 12/01/08 I need to see about being re-employed? Yes, yes I do.

Oh, and the dog is pregnant. Yeah, I know. I already talked about this one, but one little mis-step, like leaving the two of them in a room together, alone, despite the fact that there was no evidence WHAT SO EVER!!! that she would even entertain the thought of letting him near her, I left the room. And there they were, upon my return, locked, in the middle of my kitchen. Great, just great....

And a not so stellar report card from #1... four subjects, two of them failing... but he assures me he's got it covered. All credits will be attained come January.... Cripes! That had better be the case I told him, or life as he's currently knows it will be over.

Finally, to make matters even worse (like that's even possible!!!) my Christmas lights aren't up yet. The outside ones. And I'm not a happy camper let me tell you that!!! Not that they are turned on when they're up this early, well, okay, they are, November 12th is the day that it's okay to do such things, but the frickin' things aren't even on the house!!!

I can see it now....people will think we're Jewish and we don't celebrate the season....

Well, I gotta go. I'll be back later...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I don't know, it takes Domo gas

I had the pleasure of attending our local automotive store the other day with #1 son. He needed to get some spray paint for the sled and asked if I would take him. I was going to town anyway and thought "why not".

While driving there, I once again used this time to talk to him about stuff he needs to know in order to progress further in this thing called life. Well, actually, I was harping on him that he needed to get his resume written so I could type it up and he could start handing it out. Yes, he no longer has a job. Decided to quit without having something else to go to. Please tell me, who in their right mind does that, particularly when one is so fond of having a regular paycheque? I was not happy about this decision he made, but he was.... Don't worry, he's already had THAT lecture! And, according to him, he's been out asking for applications and all these places only take resumes. So write the damn thing up so I can type for you!!!

On the drive, in order to shut me up, he said that he's was going to get the Cav ready for winter and do this and do that and do the other thing. Okay, that's nice. Thank you for thinking of me and my winter road chariot I said.

We were in the store and he was wandering and meandering all around, picking up this and picking up that. I was getting frustrated because all I really wanted to do was go to town, pick up the groceries, a bottle of grape and get my ass back home. I had things that needed to be done and was getting rather impatient with him.

But nooo, he needed to see about "some stuff". Check this out, see about that. Finally (thank you powers that be!!), after following him around the store for about 45 minutes he indicated that he was ready to go and get the stuff that was needed for the "winterization" of my car.

First up was new wiper blades. "You won't believe the difference Mom, it'll be great."

Alrighty then, new wiper blades it was.

Then there was the oil for the oil change he was going to do. It was on sale, "niiice" said the boy.

"How's your power steering fluid?"

Taken by surprise, I reply "Huh?"

"Your power steering fluid? Does it need topping up?"

Okay, so here we go. I can see some serious "mess with my kid" time coming up, so I take it up a notch.

"Well, the steering wheel still turns, I guess it's okay."

"Brake fluid?"


"How's your brake fluid?"

"The brakes still work, so I think I'm good."


"I don't's not overheating, it's blowing warm air, I'm guessing it's good."

"Transmission fluid?"

"Uhmmmm, how do I know if that's low?"

"Mom, as a responsible driver it's up to you to make sure the car is road worthy and that the fluids are topped up so the car will run as efficiently as possible."

"Well, if you want to top up a fluid, I'm almost on empty.... want to put some gas in it for me?"

I think, that he thinks, he's getting my car! This sudden interest in my well being while being behind the wheel of what could quite possibly, one day, maybe, become his car is disguised as concern for me.

And the little bugger didn't even top up the most important fluid, the gas tank!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wrong kind of Ferris Bueller!!

I had today off. Used some overtime and thought I would book myself a four day weekend. The boys had school. SG, however, did not have the same forethought as I and therefore, well, he had to go to work….tee hee hee.

After making the boys a nice hot breakfast, being informed that I was causing a disruption in their usual morning routine and would I please just try to stay out of their way, (nice, I know, don’t know where they get that from!) and waiting for all the males to just leave the house ALREADY!!!, I found myself alone.

Alone, with no plans for much of anything. Nothing at all if you want the truth.

Absolutely nothing.

Just play it by ear and see what happens was my attitude.

That lasted all of about 10 minutes and then it started…

Seeing as the bathroom didn’t get done yesterday (boys were busy bruising each, err, uhm, “bonding” yesterday) I may as well do it. And while I was doing that I was also cleaning the oven. Huge pumpkin mess in there that needed tending to. And, the oven was actually cleaning itself; all I really need to do is try not to burn my self by cleaning up the ashes too soon. Then there were four more loads of laundry, which I really don’t understand because over the weekend I had already done seven … And seeing as the oven was cleaning itself, I thought that I’d wash the kitchen floor. While washing the kitchen floor, I got the brilliant idea to reformat one of the computers. The both need it, may as well get one started. Cleaned up the DVD’s and CD’s. You know, put them back in their cases, filed them into alphabetical order – no, I’m kidding – I just stuffed them back on to the shelf and made sure all the fronts lined up. Found a couple of old mixed CD’s that I made a while back. Nothing like the rush of stumbling across CD’s that have only “MIX CD” written on them! I was very excited. Popped them in and listened to some Streetheart, QCK, April Wine, and one of my very faves, Nick Gilder, while cleaning the back landing area and swapping out coats and jackets, gathering hats and mitts to put through yet another load of wash. Then I pureed the pumpkin meat, bagged and froze the majority of it. The rest got made into muffins and bread and soup. Decided to wipe down all the windows from the inside one last time before it gets too cold and after that, washed the living room floor. I could go on, but I’m not going to.

And I’m not bragging. Really, I’m not. Well, maybe I am just a little snicker snicker … More importantly however, is that I’m trying to tell that if you should ever decide to take a day off, and you'll have no one around, and decide to start it off with absolutely nothing planned … DON’T!!!

You need a plan!! Seriously… Even if it’s just a plan to make sure you have a bite eat… or go the washroom occasionally… or a plan to make a plan!!!


Now, I’m going to watch Ferris and get motivated to do it right and attempt to switch tomorrow for today! Or today for tomorrow…however you say it.

The point is, I’ve got a PLAN for tomorrow!!

Lest We Forget

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Someone please tell me what is going on????

Nothing like spending the day with the kids to fuel me some fire for a blog!!

Man oh man OH MAN!!!

How is it possible that laughs, giggles, camaraderie, teamwork and brotherly enjoyment can turn into death threats, bruises and bad words??

The day started off nice enough.

I'm up before the sun (SG leaves the bed at some ungodly early hour to go to the bush....uhmm, helloooo? there's something wrong with this), then the boys get up early and decide they're going to work on the snowmobile together.

Say WHAT????

Yes I'm told. #2 needs to learn and #1 will teach. And, as I stand there, my jaw hitting the floor and my eyes about to fall out of my head, it dawns on me that maybe we've turned the corner. Maybe, just maybe, they're at the point in life where they've decided to be friends rather than have zero tolerance for each other.

It was great. In and out they came and went, getting this and getting that, working as a team. Well, actually, in my logical world I know that, #2 was the fetch boy to whatever #1 wanted. In my fantasy world however ...#2 is so tuned in to #1 and learning and watching and anticipating and they're being brothers and talking and being together and almost even maybe kinda sorta liking each other. Sometimes they even came in together to give me a status update. Like I know anything about carbs and rails and tracks....but I feigned interest anyway...

Holy Crap!!!!


And... it wasn't long after that, that the bottom fell out.

After being brutally yanked out of the lovely little fantasy land I was in, I had no choice but to return to reality. Screaming, yelling and loud thunks will do that to a person.

Now, while both of them are taller than me, one of them stronger than me and one of them faster than me, I can still make them stand still with just a look. I'm not sure if it's the fire coming from my eyes or the whisper like screaming I'm doing through clenched teeth all the while flexing a fist, but they stand still. God forbid I take a step forward whilst acting this way, they'd run like little school girls!

They were both sent to separate rooms for some chill down time. I've checked them over and nothing is broken. I've given them both ice packs and have warned that if I ever, EVER!!! hear that kind of language again they'll be dealing with the flossing of a bar of soap out of their teeth while standing because their butts will be so sore from the whipping I'd given them. Oh yeah, and the fighting too...jeez.

Not that I would ever whip my children, but they don't know that....and, hey, the empty threat continues to work! Play your cards when you have 'em.

And that's why I'm in my little piece of heaven, down in the basement, in my office that has a door, that locks, and a fridge that contains grape and candles and ..... well .... you know, on the internet, writing a blog.

Oh yeah, I'm also looking for answers. Because I just don't get it.

Running on Empty

And I feel bad about it.

Well, not that bad.

I've never really relied on outside stuff to keep you loyal blog readers coming back. It's just that the creative juices have had to be switched over and are needed to help the analytical juices get going. And I hate that. I'd much rather be thinking about drivel to put out here and keep you entertained. But, I also would like to continue to get a paycheque!

So here.... I give you this. On October 10, the subject line for it.

Go ahead, click it. It's really, really funny. It's also safe for work (not that any of you read the blog during working hours tee hee hee).

Make sure to read the whole thing.

And make sure to laugh out loud.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Conversation

#1: When we go shopping, can I drive?

Me (looking out at the car, covered in freezing rain and the ground covered in snow: No

#1: Why not?

Me: You can drive for the first few times in this stuff with your dad

#1: I did already. Yesterday. He let me drive. I'm good at it

Me: No

#1: But Mom, I was born to drive in this stuff

Me: No

#1: But Mom, I'm good with it. Really, I am. I've got lots of experience driving on ice and snow

Me: Huh?

#1: You know, snowmobiling

Me: No


Me: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

#1: Mom, I'm begging here. You have to let me drive

Me: You really like hearing the word NO, don't you?

It's not that he won't be able to drive my car in the snow and ice. It's just that he's not going to drive my car in the snow and ice with me in it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Home, Jeeves

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of playing the role of chauffeur. Well, actually, I play this role all the time, but this time it was different.

Normally, I shuffle one kid at a time around, it's just me and him, in the car, going somewhere. And usually these transportation adventures involve lectures and talking to's and serious amounts of advice being dispensed that isn't really wanted. Lots of fun for them, NOT!! Incredibly satisfying for me. I feel very strongly that it's these car rides that are forming my children into the adults that, God willing, they will turn into. Yeah, okay, whatever....

But the other night I drove #1 and one of his friends to the city so they could go to a comedy show that #1 had won a couple of tickets for. He won them on the radio, one of those contests where you had to call in and identify who the celebrity was that was laughing. I gave him the answer. He called in. He won the tickets.

I thought he would take me. I mean, after all, I did give him the right answer., he took a buddy. Which was okay. Well, not really, but I'm dealing with it. I'll be okay, really, I will...

Anyway, I had the pleasure of listening to these two sixteen year olds carry on and have a conversation. And I have to tell you blog readers, I'm concerned.

I'm not exactly sure what they were talking about because the words they were using, or perhaps it was the lack of!! and my interpretation of them, well, it just wasn't all coming together for me. As a matter of fact, I didn't have a freakin' clue.

"Dude...check it"

"Whoa, sick"

"Yeah dude ... sick"

"Dude! Check it.."


"Yeah Dude!!!"

Is it just me or has the art of communication with the youth of today been reduced to two or three words? It would appear, that in this day and age where they're using phones to text each other and wouldn't even consider talking on the damn thing, that they don't know how to talk to each other anymore. I mean, the above was the actual conversation, repeated over and over, during the 37 minute drive in to the venue. Sure they tossed some other stuff in there, but the majority of the convesations didn't have any more substance that what you read above.

Which got me to thinking. Maybe, on one of the many one on one drives that I do with my kids, I should just shut up and let them talk for a bit. I'm fairly certain that my silence would nearly kill them. And they would feel uncomfortable. And then they'd feel obligated to talk. And then, they'd learn how to communicate. How to speak. And have an actual conversation. With real words. Maybe not on the first ride, but surely to God by the 4th or 5th!

And I can answer with "yeah dude" "check it" "sick".

And I have absolutely no doubt that I would blow their minds!

Yeah Dude....

Monday, November 3, 2008

I can't believe it!!

When we bought my car, I was very thrilled. Not only would it be really good on gas, it was small, four door (all of which worked by the way!) I wasn't too keen that it wasn't a standard, but I could live with that. The colour, while boring, manages to hide the dirt. But only to a point. Eventually one must take it to the car wash to clean it up.

But the best part about my car was the CD player. I'd never had one before. I was veeerry excited.

I headed out and bought a spool of blank CD's so that I could burn almost everything I had purchased and downloaded just so I could have them in my car. Didn't neccesarily mean I was going to play them all. But I could if I wanted to. Music is the gateway to the soul. Well, my soul anyway. They kept spilling out of the glove box everytime I opened it and the ones that were always at hand kept falling to the floor everytime I took a corner too quickly. Time to downsize and clean up ... yes, most of the CD's are now safely stored inside the house. With the exception of but a few. You know, the ones that you can listen to time and time again and over and over and never, ever, ever get sick of. Yeah, you know... I don't have to tell you. Hee hee...that's funny.

Anyway, a couple weeks ago I was forced to take a good long look at my CD player. It wasn't working all that well. And yes, I was getting depressed. What in the would I do without my CD player? I don't particularly care for the radio right now. Well, that's not true. I listen to my friend on the drive home, but really, if there's too much ABBA or Lionel Ritchie, or hell, even Elton or Billy Joel going on, I switch to the CD player. But the CD player wasn't working all that well. It wasn't playing some of the tracks and it was skipping it's way through others. I figured it was shot.

And I was bummed. Very bummed.

And then came the weekend and I get to drive the van around to do my all stuff and come Monday morning, I had completely forgotten about my CD player not working properly. And feeling like listening to a little something different, I put in a different CD.

And well I'll be damned, the thing worked! It played the whole M5 CD, all the way through, without skipping one time. Without crapping out on me.

The thought passed my mind that maybe, just maybe, I had worn out a CD. I've heard that it happens, to other people. "Played the stupid thing so much I wore it out". But I didn't think that it could possibly be true. I mean really, how do you wear out a CD?

On the drive home, I put the CD that kept skipping and missing into the player.

And guess what? It still skipped and crapped out on me.

I wore out a CD!!!

EDIT: Because my little brother is looking out for his big sister (yeah, and being a bit of a party pooper at the same time), apparently my offer was breaking the law...which I knew, but hey, live on the edge...

I can't believe it...but for now, I must go burn another copy. For my own use!!

It really is that good....