Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 - The Year In Review

So... I was going to write something.

But then, I changed my mind. I mean, really now... you've read it all (well, all that was fit to print anyway, snicker snicker! My parents read this thing you know!!) and I thought why should I use up more space here on the www to just rehash it all? Didn't make any sense to me.

As well... I got lazy. The last month of this year has been a bit of a wild and crazy time, and quite frankly, I'm tired. Plum tuckered right out.

I will, however, tell you this...

2008 was a huge rollercoaster ride. And while I'm hoping for a somewhat calmer 2009, I still want it to be as exciting as 2008 was. Just without the rollercoaster I guess.

(yes, I "borrow" images off the internet)

Happy New Year! May 2009 be everything you hope for.

And then, even more too!



And then....

There were seven.

So far.

Hell of a long night, got but a few hours sleep.

But all is well. Pups are big and very very black!

Photos to follow.

1st one is here

Yes, we're having puppies. Well, "we're" not, the girl dog is....

3:23 am ~ first born

Monday, December 29, 2008

Can you say Visual Stimulation?

No, not that kind of visual stimulation!! I don't know whether it was something I ate or just the subconscious downloading after the busy holidays, but man, did I have some wicked, crazy dreams last night.

One of them was I was in this big metal box with two autographed, very rare, Gibson guitars and was being wheeled around the backstage area of some arena. My job was to make sure the guitars didn't bang together. The guy pushing me around in the big metal box was a bit of a crazy ass and thought it would be fun to drive the box around like it was a race car. I kept having to manoeuver the guitars so they wouldn't hit various lights and mic stands and speakers. I woke up right when one of the light kegs came loose from the overhead rails and was falling, right toward me and the guitars...

Then, I was in a high school, looking for someone or something, and I had this big thing cradled in my arms (I think it was a stick, may have been a machine gun) and kept bumping into all these locker doors. It was sort of like they were opening as I was walking down the hall and I kept walking into them. I turned a corner and got whacked in the head with a smaller locker door that I didn't see and it spun me around. Behind me was one of my co-workers and there was a look of shock on his face. He pointed to my ear and then turned and ran. I dropped the big thing I was carrying and felt my ear. My earlobe was missing. The hook of my earring, complete with earlobe attached, was stuck in my glove and I knew I had to get it on ice if there was any chance of reconnecting it. I went to the cafeteria and they wanted me to try the lunch and I didn't want to, I just wanted some ice, but they wouldn't give me any if I didn't try the lunch! I finally said "give me the lunch" and had some of the Quiche Lorraine (don't ask where that meal came from...I don't know!) and they gave me this little tiny cup of ice which melted as soon as I put my earlobe into it. I was getting all stressed and frantic when I woke up.

Yeah, so I spent a little time on the xBox, can you tell? Guitar Hero and Need For Speed fuelled the first one is my guess. Oh, and by the way, I suck at both. I'll admit it. I do. The boys had to leave the room in complete and utter disgust when, after who knows how many times I tried, I still couldn't get past Slow Ride. On easy. And wouldn't relinquish the guitar! It was a good time! I finally gave up because I was fairly certain I wouldn't be able to move the fingers on my left hand if I didn't. The driving game? Uhmmm, apparently if you are a good driver, you shouldn't play car racing games. You'll just lose.

I'm not sure if the second one had anything to do with the stealth game that #2 and his buddy played all afternoon, but yeah, chances are good it did.

But I was very pleased to see when I woke up this morning that my ears are intact and I'm not missing an earlobe.

I think I'll tackle Kung Fu Panda today, see how I do in that one!

And I can't wait to see what kind of dreams I'll have tonight!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hey Everybody!!!

We're seeing signs of progress over here....

They've figured out how to get it closer to the holder!!


I'm in for a helluva New Year!!


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday Lessons

1. Make sure you put a lid on the meatballs. If you don’t, they might just end up all over the place as you attempt to navigate your way through a refrigerator that has too much stuff in it.

2. And while you're at it, next year, remember that it would appear you don’t have much luck with meatballs at Christmas time; best not to even attempt it!

3. Very interesting to discover that two teenage boys have a tough time fitting comfortably in Maggie’s back seat. How sweeeeet is that?!!

4. Rum soaked raisins absolutely make the butter tart. They really do. Take the time and pour the rum... if only a few ounces!!

5. Don’t even attempt to play Guitar Hero with a couple of glasses of grape in you. Really. Don’t.

6. Don't even attempt to play Guitar Hero with a couple of glasses of grape in you with a mate who’s armed with a video recorder. Seriously now....DO NOT DO IT!!

7. And, in further gaming news, in case you need to know this, hand/eye co-ordination does not necessarily include body co-ordination. Remember, it is okay to sit down on the couch while managing the game controller for some silly car racing game the males in the house are all hot for. Really, you don't need to stand up and bend over sideways to turn the car in the same direction. Same video recorder scenario in #6 applies here as well....

8. It has been decided that a person needs to have a degree in computer science in order to figure out the newest in DMP's. I was starting to think I was dumb. But I quickly decided that I'm not dumb. I just don't know what I'm doing!

9. Leaving boxes of chocolates and trays of cookies and other stuff laying about the house is not conducive to keeping a waistline slim and trim. Damage control needed... STAT!!

10. And finally, if you head into the holidays with no expectations whatsoever, you won't be disappointed. Only absolutely thrilled with every little bit of it!

And with that, we prepare to head into 2009. I’ll have to see if I can get all my "stuff" together and pull off a stellar 2008 recap. Uhmmmm….. yeah, not so sure about that....


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T'was the Night before Christmas

While I know it's supposed to be Happy Holidays, or Season's Greetings or some other politically correct phrasing, in my house we celebrate Christmas.

So, to each of you out there who read the blog faithfully and those of you who have stumbled upon it and keep coming back, Merry Christmas. All the best of the holiday season to you and yours, may it be filled with warmth, love, health and happiness.

I'm letting the fingers rest for a few days. Well, no that isn't it. Actually, I plan on spending some quality time with my family. Well, no, that isn't it either.

If the truth be told, I plan on driving my car. Every chance I get!! Even if it's just up and down the driveway!

Baby, It's Cold Outside, The Last Part

I couldn’t believe my ears.

Slow down????

“What do you mean “slow down”? I’m not slowing down. I want this car. I want to buy this car and I want to drive this car home, right now, this very minute!!” Typing it out cannot express the urgency that was in my voice.

“I know, I know… But you need to step back a minute. Calm down, relax, breathe.”

Easy for him to say. He has a vehicle.

I have a pile of junk sitting in the driveway that had already had a good chunk of cash sunk into it. No wheels. I was feeling stranded, both at home and at work. Not to mention the car pooling - we are not even going there!!

A decision needed to be made and it needed to be made right now!!! was my opinion.

“Okay. I’m breathing again. Thinking logically. I’ve calmed down. And I still want to buy this car.”

“So you liked the way it handled? It felt good? You felt sa...” SG was stalling for time, I just knew it.

I interrupted him, “I’ve already told you this stuff. The car is a dream. It’s great. I feel safe in it, I feel in control of the car instead of the car being in control of me. We’ve already discussed this.”

“Well then, get the nephew to fill out the papers and I’ll be by to sign them on Monday.”


I wasn’t expecting that.

I present to you, the newest addition to our family.

Meet “Maggie”.

And yes, it is a very "Merry Merry!!"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside, Part Six

I needed to step back out of the incredible excitement zone I was in and do some thinking. Make some decisions.

And not any stupid decisions either!

I headed back into the showroom to take a look at the alternative, the sedan model. I sat inside and took a look around. Virtually the same car as the sporty model, just with a trunk. And the trunk was very spacious.

While it was classier looking than the sporty model, I still wasn’t sure. I really had my heart set on the sporty model. The Cav had looked somewhat sporty. I wanted to continue with the sporty look. I thought that the sedan was a more mature looking car and wasn’t sure I wanted to go mature. Or was ready to for that matter!

As I was standing back, looking at it, giving it the “once over” for the 57th time, trying to convince myself that the car was okay, it would be acceptable, the sales guy came up behind me and whispered, “If you want to see what it looks like in red, turn around and look outside. There’s your car.”

I slowly turned and looked.

Then I went outside and walked around it. It looked like a completely different car than the black one inside the showroom. It looked sharp. It looked fun. It didn’t look quite so “mature”.

I went back inside and called SG.

“Hi. I want to buy this car. I want to buy this car right now."

“Jodie…slow down….”

To be continued

Merry Merry!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside, Part Five

As I pulled on to the highway, I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something I shouldn't be doing. You know, like driving a car I shouldn't be driving with a guy I shouldn't be talking to. But that feeling disappeared in mere seconds as I switched into 3rd gear and experienced driving the cute little sporty thing.

My phone rang. It was SG.

"Where are you?"

"Where am I? What do you mean, where are you?" I said.

"I'm just wondering what you're up to. What you're doing."

I had no choice but to 'fess up. I needed to change gears and couldn't do it with the phone in my hand. "Hang on a sec while I put the phone down.... okay, I'm back... I'm driving the cute little sporty thing on the ring road with a sales guy sitting beside me. Why?"

"How's it handle? Do you like it?"

Uhmmm hello?? Did he just ask me if I liked it? "SG, it's awesome. It really is. It handles like a dream, it's gripping the road so well that I'm doing 100 and can barely feel the bumps and it blows good heat and th...."

I was interrupted. "Okay, good. Call me when you get back to the dealership."

Twenty minutes later we were back. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I was going to buy this car. I wanted the cute little sporty thing, in red, and I wanted it right now. This minute. Get it ready!

The only problem was, they didn't have the cute little sporty thing in red. Just grey. Yuck. The nephew did a search and found one for me in Calgary. To get it transported would take time, and more money and well, we all know how patient I am....I was not waiting.

What now?

To be continued...

Merry Merry!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside, Part Four

A day went by. I didn't have a chance to meet up with SG and see the truck or the cute little sporty thing that I wanted. And I was feeling somewhat disadvantaged.

When I got home from work, they were still talking about "the truck". I ignored them. I didn't have time, nor desire, to listen. I had a party to throw. Yes, I am now the proud owner of two teenagers.

After a rather lousy night’s sleep, due in part to a living room full of 13 year old boys playing Halo 3 on the xBox that #2’s friend takes with him everywhere he goes... as well as a late night waiting up for #1 who was out at a party, which no doubt had the booze flowing like a river in the springtime and wondering what kind of shape he’d be in when I went to pick him up in the middle of the night, I woke up thinking, “I have to go and see this car. I have to.”

Stating that I was going out finish the last of the Christmas shopping, I headed to the city. I was going to finish up the Christmas shopping, but I thought a detour could possibly be in order as well!

I wasn’t even on the highway! when I was dialing the nephew, telling him I was coming by to see him.

I headed to the dealership first. Because the malls were open late and the dealership wasn't. So it made sense to me to go there first. I walked in and asked to see the nephew. We sat for a few minutes and he said “So, what do you want?”

“SG wants a truck.”

“I know, but what do you want?”

“I want the cute little sporty thing.”

The nephew stood up and advised me that he would get a salesman.


Just what I didn’t want.

I was introduced to the sales guy and he and I sat down and discussed the cute little sporty thing. Features, benefits, colour, manual or automatic transmission, you know, car talk. Once he figured out that I knew what he was talking about, we had a great time.

“Let’s take the cute little sporty thing for a ride” the sales guy said.

Oh crap I thought.

You have to live here to know what the weather was like on this day. It was snowing. It was icy. It took me an hour and 35 minutes to get to a place that should’ve taken me 50 minutes. It was not a good day to go out and test drive a car.

‘Who’s driving?” I asked.

“I will. I just want you to feel what it’s like to be in it and moving.”


He got it out of the snowbound parking lot. And out on to the road. And he drove it. And I couldn’t believe how comfortable the ride was. I couldn’t believe how it handled going over the ridges of snow in between the lanes. And on the ice, I could just feel the traction.

We headed out on to the ring road and picked up some speed. Now, I never drive the speed limit in the conditions that we were in. I'm always going a little slower. And I was wishing the sales guy would drive a little slower too, but after a minute, I realized that the car was handling the snow and ice quite well. Exceptionally well actually. I was impressed.

The sales guy pulled off the road, stopped and popped the hood. We took a look underneath and he pointed out this and I pointed out that and we almost had a “high five” moment going on. Then, he said:

“You drive.”

To which I replied “Huh?”

“You drive, see how it handles, what it feels like, you live it. Experience it.”

And, as I slid into the driver’s seat, adjusted the steering wheel and seat, pushed in the clutch and put it into first, I said to myself “You probably shouldn't... no wait.... YOU REALLY SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS!!"

To be continued….

Merry Merry!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside, Part Three

Needless to say, the testosterone in the house glommed onto the literature that had the pretty picture of the truck on it. It nearly turned to bloodshed as they struggled to be the first to take a look. I needed to step in and stop it.

"I'm not getting a truck."

You could've hear a pin drop it got so quiet. The literature was released from the vice like grip it had on it and fell to the floor.

"Why?" it was whispered by one of them.

"Because I don't want a truck. I want a car. I want a car just like this car." I said as I held up the picture of the car that could quite possibly become mine. And with that, I left the room.

Which... on second thought, I probably shouldn't have done. Because by leaving the room, it gave them time to discuss the situation, put a plan together and come at me with both barrels. Well, I guess all six barrels.

I was only gone for about ten minutes and when I came back into the kitchen, I wasn't prepared for what they were hitting me with. What they considered good reasons to buy a truck. I had no idea they were discussing in my absence a plan of attack to convince me to buy a truck rather than the cute little sporty thing I wanted.

"Mom. Think about it. We can load stuff like the quad in the back and take off and leave you at home and you can enjoy your quiet time."

"And Mom, it's a 4 x 4 which means highway travel would be better."

"Besides, you've always wanted to drive a van. Now's your chance. It's a brand new van."

Hold on here a minute. I needed to speak up and speak up soon or I wouldn't stand a chance of winning this one!

"Excuse me??? I never, ever! wanted to drive a van! And it's not brand new! It's already had an oil change which removes it from the "brand new" category. And what makes you think that I would let you load up the back of my truck with the quad and take off in it? And 4 x 4, in my opinion, is only used in off-roading and I won't be doing any off-roading. I'm getting the car."

"No, we really think you should get the truck. Just look at the picture. It's really nice. And it comes in red too."

"I'm not getting a truck."

"But mom, what about...."

"I'm not getting a truck." I interrupted.

"Jodie, just think about it. It would be much more practical for us to have a truck than the cute little sporty thing. We're a family. We have dogs. We'd get much more use out of a truck than a car."

"Yeah mom, what dad said."

"Who's "we"? This will be my car. Just like the Cav was my car. No one ever wanted to lay claim to the Cav as a the "family" car. We're not getting a truck."

As I walked out of the room it was apparent that I was not getting through to them. The discussion was continuing with what they thought were the endless possibilities that having a truck could bring. They were getting very excited as the three them stood, looking at the pretty picture of the truck.

"I'm not getting a truck!!!!" I yelled as I walked downstairs.

To be continued.

Merry Merry!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside, Part Two

SG finally made it to save me from frostbite and what was sure to be the amputation of both of my feet!

Once me and my brain thawed out, I had to make some plans. What were we going to do? I need a car. We can’t drive together. Our hours are different and it would be a real inconvenience to car pool. Not to mention that I’m a much better driver than SG (he doesn’t think so, but he’s wrong) and well, I can’t smoke in the van. So car pooling is definitely out.

If it were spring, summer or fall, I would be willing to grab the commuter bus that travels daily from the local town right smack into the center of the big city where I could then grab a transit bus and make my way to work.

But not in the winter. No. Nope. Nada. That just isn’t going to happen.

A few phone calls and a couple of emails later, and, well I had the makings of a couple of plans! Our banker lady would be more than happy to dole out a bunch of cash for a car. Our nephew would be more than happy to give us another great deal on a new car.

What to do, what to do?

SG went and stopped by the dealership where nephew now works. He saw a really nice vehicle that he thought would be perfect. And a good deal! In the meantime, I get an email from nephew pointing out a super sweet deal on a vehicle.

Two great deals. One is what I wanted, a small car, and standard. The other one was what SG wanted, a truck, and 4x4.

Apparently, somewhere in the lines of communication, well, there was a mis-communication. Actually, I think we can call it "selective hearing" but nah, let's go with mis-communication. and this became very clear once we got home and the literature for the vehicles was placed on the table where the boys could get their hands on it….

To be continued…

Merry Merry!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside

They say that what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger

Wait... wait. It's Christmas, we're trying to do the 'ho 'ho 'ho here.

But I have to tell you about this. And I don't need you thinking "bah humbug!" I promise, it'll end up nice.

Eventually... maybe.

Sometime in 2009...

I'm sure you all remember the Cav thing I had going on. I wrote about it when I was driving the Volkswagon... and then I got to drive a Dodge Caliber for a couple of days... oh yes, never told you about the Caliber. Nothing memorable, didn't really like it, but hey, I did appreciate the loaner...

Anyway, after far longer than originally thought, I finally got the Cav back. And while my girl wasn't performing quite the same way she was before I had her fixed, I figured that she would be okay. She'd figure it out. She'd get her computer memory back up and running and soon enough she'd be purring along in the same fashion as she was before the "illness".

Which brings to mind a question. Why is it cars are always referred to in the female gender?

Just wondering....

Okay, back on track.

Driving into work today I had, well, some road troubles. Despite the issues my girl was still having, (which I quickly figured out how to handle), for some reason she decided that she just didn't want to work anymore. Well, she was working, she just didn't want to use the anti-freeze to keep the motor cool and the heater sending out heat.

The temperature light came on. The motor was hot, hot, HOT!!

I immediately pulled over, shut her down and called SG. I told him what happened and asked him to come and get me so firstly, I wouldn't freeze and secondly, I could get to work. The question came, "What are you going to do with the car?"

"Someone can steal it, set it on fire, pillage and destroy it, I don't care. Just come and get me."

So while I sat and waited, I tried to think good thoughts. Tried not to get down, depressed and cry. Think thoughts of positive stuff... you know... like how I woke up this morning (this is a good thing) and how I'm healthy and how I had a container of freshly made shortbread to eat while I waited so I wouldn't starve (funny how in times of stress cookies can save the day!), you know, good things.

"Oh look... sunrise over the city. It's been a while since you've seen this." And then I took out my camera.

You'll have to pardon the blurry shot. I had to find a spot on the window where I could get the best picture.

Because what I was actually looking through was this.

Yes, it was a tad frosty on the ring road around the city.

And while I should've been staying warm underneath my blanket and fleece outerwear, with the candle lit to help generate heat (seriously people, you need a road side emergency kit if you travel on the highways and biways), I rolled down the window and took this;

Not the same zoom, but it was so lovely, to see that big red ball of warmth and light shining out over there... it was pretty cool.

Then I rolled the window back up and tried not to get frostbite.

Now, it's decision time. Put more cash into the Cav? Or buy something new?

To be continued....

Oh yes, Merry Merry!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seasonally spacially challenged???

Last year at this time, I went out and purchased additional house decorations. You know, candles, window decorations, extra tree stuff. It's not like I didn't have enough to lay about the house already. I had so much that I didn't have enough places to put them. But... my Mom and Dad were coming for the holidays. First time ever... well at least since they moved to Lotusland. I wanted to make the house look really nice.

It was in my pursuit to make it even more memorable that I stumbled across a great deal to be had at the local Wallyworld. Light up holiday figures that you could hang in your window. A small extension cord and voila! It would just add to the ambience of the season.

As I hung the window ornaments, I was very pleased. They looked good. All of them. I would show you photos of them all, however, this post is just about one. And one only.

In the kitchen window, I had this.

And we spent the entire Christmas season with it lit up. It was great!

The time came to put the season away and #2 pointed out to me that something didn't seem quite right about the wreath. To be quite honest, he said it looked a little "whacked". As he and I stood there and stared at to see if we could figure just what was wrong with it, he said "Mom! It's upside down!!" he stated as the holiday light fixture was taken down.

"No, I don't think so" I replied.

"Turn it over, you'll see."

#2 was right.

This year, I hung the wreath again, however this time, I took the time to have a good look at it and make sure I hung it as it should be hung.

After a couple of days of having #2 snicker everytime he came into the kitchen I finally asked what he was giggling at. It took some time to get it out of him. He really didn't want to tell me. He was enjoying whatever it was that was so funny immensly!

Finally he relented and 'fessed up. He nodded toward the the window and said, "Mom, you screwed it up again".

I shook my head and immediately rectified the situation.

At least this year it was fixed BEFORE Christmas.

And next year?

#2 is decorating the house for Christmas....

Merry Merry!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More smells of the season!

Okay, so I showed you this picture the other day. Don't gripe... I've got a story here.

See that little orange bowl at the top?

Here, up close and personal.

Those there, my friends, are Sultana raisins, soaking in spiced rum. Oh yes... The Captain has come for Christmas!

After many hours sitting in the bowl and getting all plump and juicy and very very flavourful, they were placed into the bottom of the tart shells and then covered with probably the finest syrup that I have ever had. The Best Butter Tarts EVER!!!!

The only thing that could possibly make these more wonderful would be if the pastry was homemade. Uhmmm, yeah, about that...not so good at homemade pastry. And, as much as I say HANDS OFF!!! you can see they listen very well.

Merry Merry!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sights of the season

I know I have my rule about not talking about the daytime thing I do five days a week, but I have to tell you this. I just have to. And then I'll resume being quiet about it.

Here's a first for you. This has never, ever, EVER!!! happened before. Are you ready for it? Please, make sure you're sitting down....

The office has a Christmas tree.... an actual visual indicator of what time of the year it is!

We also had our Christmas party last week. We've done that before, but this was different. In the past it was always at some dining establishment. It would appear, however, with new owner comes new ways of doing things. This year, we had it catered (well, not really.... we all chipped in and made the appies and the dinner and it was very good!) and we had it at the office. After the close of business. "Beverages" were brought in and the co-workers from the branch were flown in and we all ate, drank and made merry together. A very nice (and different) start to the holiday season.

A lot of stuff has happened at the full time gig since the 1st of the month. I knew things were going to change and that I would probably find myself, on more than a few occassions, standing there, shaking my head in wonderment. But I never, ever, ever! thought that I would find myself totally speechless and amazed as the company begins to turn itself into what many would consider "normal". It's a whole new attitude with a whole new approach.

And the change? Well, this change is good!!

Merry Merry!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Smells of the season

Got a little baking action going on over here.

And while your computer can't send out smells (which, you know, sometimes, this could be a good thing), I can let you imagine just what it smells like in my house right now.

Prepping the mini "pumpkin cheesecakes" A little bit of cinnamon, some nutmeg...

Mission accomplished!

Now, I must go and hide them in the trunk of my car.

Wait... I still don't have my car. That's a story for another day. Because we're being happy here!

Merry Merry!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

'Tis the Season!

To be jolly....falalalala la la la la!!!

Okay, got that off my chest!

In order to celebrate the season properly here at My Pocket Lint, here's what I'm going to do. I have decided that I'm going to post something every day from now until the 25th, you know, sort of along the lines of the 12 Days of Christmas.

But not really.

Because I'm not sure if I count the 25th as the 12th Day, or if the 24th is the 12th day. The things I lose sleep over, I tell ya.

Anyway, whichever day is the 12th day, I think I've got it covered by starting today. I've mentioned it, which definately counts for something. And I give you this, which counts for even more!

Merry Merry!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Phone Rang

And it was my mother.

She called to talk about the blog.

I absolutely love this. Family and friends read the blog. They laugh. They shake their head. They have opinions.

And then, they phone me! To talk about the blog. And one of the reasons for the blog is so that they don't have to phone me. I mean, it's not like I don't enjoy talking to them, I do. But the blog is for me to keep those I care about in the loop of my life and to get stuff off my mind and entertain. My take on my life and what it is. Maybe toss in a few key words that will get me a few more hits and allow me to continue with the hope that "Yes Jodie, There Is A Cheque From Google Waiting For You!

Well, no, not really. Well, maybe.

It's an outlet to vent and gripe and tell stories, and well, according to my mother.... whine.

Here's the conversation:

Me: Hi

MM (My Mom): You have to quit whining.

Me: What are you talking about?

MM: I'm reading your blog and I had to stop to phone to tell you to quit whining.

Me: Whining? About what?

MM: The boys. You're really whining about the boys.

Me: No, I'm not "whining" about the boys. I'm "bitching" about the boys.

MM: Well, you have to stop. It sounds like you're whining.

Me: I am not whining. I'm simply bitching. And I don't do it too often, only when it gets to the point where I think I might want to do permanent damage to their bodies and then I vent about it using the blog. It's my blog. I can write what I want. At least I'm not going into things that you really don't want to read about, like for example my sex life. Or my adventures with menopause. Or the 47 shots of liquid nitrogen I've just had to my body. By the way, weren't you the one who phoned after the hunting blog and raved about how hilarious it was and how well it was written and compared me to frickin' Erma Bombeck??? Hey, wasn't that you?????

MM: Well... okay..... Just quit whining about the boys.

And this is why I must point out, as much as I love talking to those of you that have my phone number (and no, I'm not giving it out here so you too can call and complain) there is also other ways for you to gripe about what I'm writing. You can also forward compliments if you like!

Right down there, below, is the "COMMENT" option. Go ahead. Click it. You don't have to tell me who you are, or you can if you want to. It's up to you. And then there's the email option. That will send it directly to the inbox and you can say what you want, except only I will know who you are and what you've said. Unless of course you've taken the time and energy to set up a fake email account, in which case, you should've probably just used the "comment" option where less energy would've been expended.

So go ahead, utilize the options.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Their noses are soooo brown!

You'll have to pardon me if the words run together. My space bar appears to be messed up and my thumb has to absolutely pound on the frickin' thing in order for it to work properly. Missing words in this evening's post? Well, I'll just have to blame that on the grape. Ventured into the world of the Bordeaux tonight. Somewhat lacking in substance and body, at least this bottle is, but still, it gets the job done! Thinking I'll stick with the Malbec however...

Okay, so on to a slightly tipsy blog! Or vent maybe.... yeah, venting... I'll go with that.

After spending the day asking and begging and then, resorting to yelling, at the boys to get the few things that needed to be done, done, I was ticked off. Really ticked off.

Pissed right the hell off in case I was being too subtle.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why it almost takes me getting down on my hands and knees to beg them to help out around the shack. To chip in and do what needs to be done. I'm not sure where they think they're at in the food chain of life, but I get the impression they seem think that it's right up there at the top!

Keep climbing there boys!

I've tried reasoning with them, explaining to them that, yes indeed, they do need to know how to keep their room tidy. And that they really should have an appreciation of all that a dresser can hold (such as their clothes!!... not just booze!) And just once, experience what it is like to walk into their bedroom and see the bed made, ready and waiting for them to turn down the sheets and climb on in. And most importantly!!! know that they they did it!! That it isn't just a "Mom thing"!!

They need to know that doing dishes is a good thing! Even better? Putting them back into the same spot they originally came from! They need to know how to clean the bathroom. How to put toilet paper on the holder. And we won't even go into putting the seat down!!! How to hang up their coat so the puppy isn't given an opportunity to think that something in the pocket smells really really!! good and proceed to chew up the left side to get in there and find it. And that when the garbage is full and overflowing, they should take the bag out and put a new one in that can take the stuff they want to put into it without dumping it over the side.

They just don't seem to get that I am teaching them things that they will need later in life, in order to survive. To live. Well, maybe I'm over exaggerating a tad, but still. To hopefully, one day, maybe (God willing!) find someone that will put up with them the way I have had to, all the while attempting to hand over, to whomever that may be, a better person than what I've had to deal with... is it possible? Really now, tell me the truth...

Have I mentioned I don't like puberty?

After the day from hell whereby the boys did not like their Mom at all!!! it was pointed out to me that I best be putting channel 213 on. "Mom!!! Put it on!! It will put you in your happy place!" #2 yelled from the basement. Surfing the tube downstairs, (banished from the upstairs - attitude, that'll do it every time!) he found my boy John on the TV. I turned it on, cranked it and totally zoned out, watched, and listened. Didn't matter that I already have it on DVD... I really needed to do this. Go to the "happy place" that this guy can take me to every time I see him play.

Along comes commercial break and I head back to reality. What do I see? The both of them, sitting upstairs, watching, right along side me. I look at them at say "Uhhhh, hello? Why are sitting here watching this?"

"Well Mom, he's not so bad" offers up #1.

"Yeah, he's pretty good actually. He's managed to stop making those ugly faces when he plays" states #2.

I looked at them both, shook my head and thought, "Okay. Maybe there is a chance that I'm getting through to them. If not life wise, at least in something!

Brown noser's!

I have to wonder what they'll want from me tomorrow?


Friday, December 5, 2008

You can call me Danica

The Cav is sick. Very sick. Which translates to "expensive".

The head gasket needs to be replaced/repaired... I don't know. A big job apparently. Mechanics allow 9.5 hours to do this job. And shop rate is high. Very high.

Lucky for me, there's a couple of people I know who have decided that it is their sole purpose to make my life easier.

I like this. I like this a lot!!

First one being "DC". A former mechanic, he's got connections. Lots and lots of connections. So many connections that he was able to get the parts for free (which, by the way, was the least of my worries cost wise I'm told). And, not only that, a place, and a guy, to do the work. This will come in well under the $1,500 this job could've cost me. I like DC. He's looking out for me.

And the other person is my new boss. When he found out that The Cav was getting work done, he yelled from his office, "Can you drive a stick?"

"Of course I can drive a stick!" I hollered back.

"Good!! You can use my car while I'm out of town."

"Really?? Are you serious? You're going to let me use your car? You hardly even know me."

"Oh, I know you. And I like you. You can use my car."

I like my new boss! And not because he's letting me use his car. There is a whole bucket of reasons why I like my new boss. Maybe more on that later....

So, this week I was given the opportunity to drive a Volkswagon Jetta TDI. And, just before I got into it to drive it out of the warehouse, where it was parked, freshly washed and with a full tank of gas, ("Your chariot awaits you" I was informed!) the guys in the office were placing bets on whether I would pop the clutch and stall it.

Yeah... too bad, so sad for them.... I made $20 bucks!

I like wheeling my way around the city in this car with "a stick". I can see myself getting a speeding ticket if given the pleasure of driving this car too much longer.

But not to worry. The Cav should be all better by Monday. Complete with properly working headlights I might add! THAT repair is getting tossed in for free.

And then, with headlights that finally work properly, I'll still stand the chance of getting a speeding ticket!

I think I'm going to look into getting some sponsors.

Just in case I want to be an Indy driver.

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1, 2008

Guess what people?

Yes, I'm still gainfully employed. Go Me!!

As I said before, I wasn't too concerned, but you just never know in this day and age now do you?

I will say, however, that I think I am in for some serious culture shock.

And I mean that in the best way possible.