Monday, March 30, 2009

Ice Jams

I took these a few days ago. After the snow storm.

And before my camera went for a swim.

Wait...I'm not going there! Just know it wasn't I who cracked through the ice on the pond, ended up to my knees and in order to save a puppy, dropped the camera in the water...nevermind, that's another blog.

Anyway, they're calling for more rain and quite possibly snow.

It could get ugly. I mean, it could get even uglier. Things up in this neck of the woods are not looking good.

We are far enough away from the river that we shouldn't be affected with its water. However, with more rain and snow on the way, yeah...we may have to sandbag in order to deal with the overland flooding. The pond has already overflowed its banks. The ditches are frozen. And while we are about 3 1/2 feet higher than in ''s hard to call.

All I can say is please, let it melt slowly. Very slowly. We can wait until May to hit the soccer fields and golf courses.

Please don't give us a quick melt.

South Side of the bridge
North Side of the bridge- that's a lovely picnic site under that there water.

North Side

South Side

The quality isn't so good but just know, the water on the north side is as high as the water on the south side. And there is normally about a fifteen foot difference on either same. They're the same right now.
Needed to toss that picture in just to continue to give us hope. This winter from hell will end.... but just not too fast!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow tires...and other stuff

Maggie loves her snow tires. She really does. She cuts through the snow and ice and drifts like there's no tomorrow. And for this, I love the snow tires too. They make me feel safe, and secure.

But I don't love them that much on March 25th, a mere four days after the 21st when the day was spent outside with only a hoodie on, enjoying the sun and warmth.

I'm getting a little ticked off at Mother Nature right now.

The drive home tonight only took an hour and 52 minutes... not bad considering that Colorado has nailed us again with a low. It was the sort of drive where you say "this is gonna take some time, sit back, be careful". Which I did. I didn't necessarily enjoy it, but I did it.

But, the closer you get to home, the more you want to be there. And stay there. But I knew that once I got home I would have to leave again to pick up some dog food and a few things at the food store.

I also knew #1 would be harping at me to drive. And.... I also knew that wasn't going to happen!

Anyway, the boys and I set off to do the errands and on our way home we happened upon a young girl, in a red Grand Am, who was stuck in a parking lot. As I pulled in to buy a bottle of grape, he told me to come across the street and get him because he was going to help her get her car unstuck.

Just wanting to get my ass home, I said that if he wasn't in the car when I came out, I'd leave without him. Well, you should've heard the language!!! I swear, that boy is meant to be a truck driver...

I bought the grape, went back to the car and he was there, pissed right off and madder than hell. I drove across the street and said "Get! And be careful and don't hurt your back!!"

He helped get the girl, and her car, un-stuck and got back into our car and we drove home.

I won't go into detail about the talking to I was giving myself, in my head, on the drive home. But I will tell you that once we got there, I thanked him. And told him to never stop helping others. And then I gave him a big hug and kiss and well, he wasn't too happy about that, but that's okay.

I also thanked him for getting mad at me. And I told him to make sure he did it again should I ever decide to be so....well, whatever...

I think he's going to turn out okay.

Actually, I know so....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Catching up....

I know, I know....I've promised pictures and stories and stuff for like days now...

And to be quite honest with you all, I'm gonna bluff my way through this one.

I'm tired. heard me...TIRED!!!!

As much as I hate to admit it....#1 may be right.

I'm old.

Wait a minute....No, I'm not old. Just tuckered out. Big difference. HUGE difference!!!! I will never be old!!!! Take that you little sh.....!!!!!

I am, however, completely lacking in creativity.

So, I give you this, a little visual stimulation. Some stuff to think about, things to ponder and things to wonder about....well, not really.... just some pictures.

Take a look and enjoy....

These greeted me as I exited the Vancouver airport last weekend. Crappy shot I know, but I had to edit the big ass rain drop that attacked my camera lens...

Here you have it....low tide. See the #8?

And here you have High Tide... check the number....

I know that the west coast is big into veggie-tarianism and all that...but really?

Here's my girl.

And.... I need a name. I'm leading toward Pepper. Or Shiloh. But any input is welcome.

And with that, I'm out. I hope to regenerate the creative juices and give you all something a little more worthwhile soon.

Sooner I should opposed to later!


Friday, March 20, 2009

The Birthday Day

Wow, so many greetings and emails and phone calls. Thank you all!

The birthday "weekend" celebration has kicked off and will be done "laidback style".

I'm tired.

As I should be because according to #1 I'm "old". But I'm also looking "kinda cute" according to #2. As this is "family" type blog, I can't tell you what SG had to say...!

Now, on to being closer to 50 than 45.

I think I'm going to like it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

48 hours and counting

The subject line is serving a dual purpose for this post.

The first purpose being that I haven't been to an airport, nor on an airplane, for 48 hours. I know, I know, I beat this with both trips recently taken, but I'm talking about being home for 48 hours. In my own province, my own house, with my own pillows and in my own bed!! You don't realize how much you miss your bed and pillows until you don't spend any quality time with them. So yeah, I'm thrilled to be back in my own bed....

The second purpose, and I'm being totally selfish and self-centered here, is to tell you that in 48 hours (or so...depending on when you read this and when I post it) it will be the first day of Spring. And we all know what the first day of Spring is, now don't we?....It's my birthday.

Yes. I will have survived another year and earned the right to increase the second digit by one on the two digit number that is my age.

I'm thrilled.

Can you tell?

I do have stories to tell and pictures to post of the travels that will no doubt entertain you. Amuse you. Amaze you.

Well....maybe. I guessing.

Back in a bit....


Sunday, March 15, 2009

If this is Sunday...

I must be in BC.

What a week! Five airports in six days. Nothing like being trapped in a tin can of re-circulated air with sniffling and sneezing and, well, stuff going on. Over 15 hours this week has been spent in airplanes, and I'm fairly certain that I've come into contact with thousands of germs, some of them exotic in nature no doubt, with no known cure, and becoming deathly ill is likely imminent.

I'll have more on my trip once I'm done fighting the germs.

For now, I have to go to a wedding....


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Flying United....oh my....

No, you're not seeing things. I placed my "Sparkle" post back into my drafts. It needs some work....which I will hopefully get to once I return.

I'm leaving town.

Have a business trip to attend. And, I will need to be one hundred and ten percent focused on this business trip. It's not like the other business trips I've taken where I've known everything and have been a major contributor in helping others that don't know as much as I do learn some of the stuff.

This trip, I'm learning stuff. Lots of stuff. I'm delving into the bowels of computers and programs and software and it will be intense.

Very intense.

I know.... you're probably thinking "How could you possibly get any more intelligent than you already are?"

I too am wondering that!

But where there's a will, there's a way.

So, with that, I say see ya! Wish me luck. And let's all hope I can pull this off without any major brain cramps!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Flowers, Chicken and I Love You's

We had a wedding yesterday. No, not our's. Which is good..the "not our's" part. And before you even ask...NO!!!, we are not getting married next!! End of story. Don't bring it up. It's not going to happen! My brother will be the next one getting married. Then my sister....maybe.

It's just not going to be us.

We will, however, have huge ass bbq's and pool party's this summer. If you want to think that it's a celebration worthy of wedding proportions, by all means, go ahead! And bring gifts. Money is preferred, but I could also use a new dryer. Or a fridge. Stainless steel is nice....

Okay, anyway. It was a lovely wedding. The bride was absolutely gorgeous, the groom very handsome. The food was awesome. And the drinks, well.... wine is always very good. We laughed, we cried (okay, I cried..something about hearing people talk about how much they love each other does that to me), we ate, we danced, we drank, we danced, we drank (some of us a wee bit too much according to #2...) but you get the point.

And we took pictures. Lots and lots and LOTS!!! of pictures.

Which, I'm praying to the powers that be, I'm hoping will never make it to the internet.


And as I've indicated on the phone today, answering the many calls that were inquiring "How you doing? Feeling okay?" or "Did you have fun or can't you remember?" or my favourite "How many pain relievers did you need to take in order to feel human?" that if any of them should happen to be published to oh, let's say someone's Facebook account, there will be repercussions.

Repercussions that could include ** edit ** apparently one should not threaten any type of violence to another human being.... sheesh!!!

That's all I'm saying.