SG finally made it to save me from frostbite and what was sure to be the amputation of both of my feet!
Once me and my brain thawed out, I had to make some plans. What were we going to do? I need a car. We can’t drive together. Our hours are different and it would be a real inconvenience to car pool. Not to mention that I’m a much better driver than SG (he doesn’t think so, but he’s wrong) and well, I can’t smoke in the van. So car pooling is definitely out.
If it were spring, summer or fall, I would be willing to grab the commuter bus that travels daily from the local town right smack into the center of the big city where I could then grab a transit bus and make my way to work.
But not in the winter. No. Nope. Nada. That just isn’t going to happen.
A few phone calls and a couple of emails later, and, well I had the makings of a couple of plans! Our banker lady would be more than happy to dole out a bunch of cash for a car. Our nephew would be more than happy to give us another great deal on a new car.
What to do, what to do?
SG went and stopped by the dealership where nephew now works. He saw a really nice vehicle that he thought would be perfect. And a good deal! In the meantime, I get an email from nephew pointing out a super sweet deal on a vehicle.
Two great deals. One is what I wanted, a small car, and standard. The other one was what SG wanted, a truck, and 4x4.
Apparently, somewhere in the lines of communication, well, there was a mis-communication. Actually, I think we can call it "selective hearing" but nah, let's go with mis-communication. and this became very clear once we got home and the literature for the vehicles was placed on the table where the boys could get their hands on it….
To be continued…
Merry Merry!!
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