And you really dread walking through that front door because you just know that it'll probably only get worse once you get in the house because all three of them will bombard you with stories of who did what to who, all the while the others will be denying what everyone else is saying? And then the urge to open a bottle of grape will overcome any shred of common sense you currently have and you'll head for the cabinet and run for the corkscrew?
Yeah, me neither.
But hey, if you should, I've discovered a new therapy. And it doesn't involved illegal drugs or over consumption of the grape.
Photo Therapy.
Not only does it make you giggle, looking back on the life you used to have, but it also allows all the love that you know you have for your family to once again re-surface, overcoming the urge to run away from it all (which I'm sure is the urge one would have if one was feeling as described above ~ snicker snicker).
I was looking for puppy pictures this morning as I've already had a couple of calls, to which I owe my fellow Shepherd breeder "BIG TIME" as she puts it. And in doing so, came across a bunch of old photographs that I had scanned last year. The quality leaves a lot to be desired, maybe because they're compressed, I don't know...
So for your viewing enjoyment and proof that it does really help, here you go.

I know, I'll hide in here!

Looking at some of these pictures made me realize that no matter how hard it's getting with them growing up and turning into rotten little, well, never mind, I still love them with all my heart. Their presence in my life, while making my hair go grey and my frown lines get much deeper, means more to me than absolutley anything. And I wouldn't trade any part of my life with them. I know, I know, I'm getting sappy.
But really, try Photo Therapy. It does work. Look, I posted a blog, bragging about the love I have for my children.
Oh crap, they're awake. Here we go again....
Remember the pictures, remember the pictures!!!
Happy Saturday, now get out there and garden!
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