Sunday, May 25, 2008

They failed the test...

So, check this out. We hung the feeder last weekend, and a darn good thing we did

She stayed there for probably a good 4 minutes, just drinking and drinking and drinking. Which makes me think that we are the first ones to hang the feeders.

Oh, and check this out too!

Last nights sky. Isn't that incredible? I mean, the compression of the picture doesn't really do it justice, but it was waaay coool!!

And, right now, that's all I got for ya. It's drab and dreary today, so perhaps a little basement cleaning and puppy bonding is in order for today.

Oh, and just so you know, I conducted a little test with Facebook. If you remember back to my previous post about huge amounts of junk mail coming into my personal email and I blamed Facebook just off the top of my head. It was the only thing that made sense. I have other email addresses that I use for things like newsletters and what not and never thought to use one of those. I mean, if I'm finding friends, I really thought it best to use the email address that I check all the time. The others, well, not so much. Well, turns out I was right. I changed the email address on Facebook and waited it out. In just over 2 weeks, I now have 374 pieces of email advertising just about everything under the sun in my Spam folder. Some of which have the same names as those that have been coming into my old email address! So, if any of you have a huge amount of crap coming in, blame Facebook.

I am.

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