One of the perks of living in a small community is that the people in the community know you. And by you, I mean the entire family. There is downfalls to this as well, but I'm not going there right now...
And this is particularly true at what is called our General Store. Your one stop shop if you will. They sell just about everything. At a premium mind you, but still. They know you to see you. They know what you like. What you buy. What you want. This was proven late last summer when I called them up on the eve of one of the few weekends I have at home alone and asked them if they had a particular movie I wanted to see (it was a chick old chick flick...and they did) and if they would put a bottle of the grape I like in the cooler to chill (again, they did). I'd be by at about 5:30 to pick the both of them up.
I know, I know.... I'm spoiled. But hey, I've sunk enough money into the place that I deserve to be treated like I'm a major shareholder! They know this and as such, they waive the dollar charge for cash back! Oh yes, I rock! I am a VIP!
But that aside, they also know your children.
It is this familiarity that allowed me to walk in there last night and say "Apparently #1 thinks he's coming here tonight to buy booze for all the party goers and that you're going to sell it to him."
And to have them reply "Yeah, he thinks so. But he's wrong."
To which I replied "Good. Because if you sell to him....."
And they interrupt me to say "We know, if we sell to him you'll be by to kick our asses.. and we don't want that... so yeah, not gonna happen."
Not to mention that HE'S 16!! HE'S UNDER AGE!!! HEELLLLOOOOOO?
Yes, there are perks. That being said, tomorrow (well, today really) I'm visiting the beer store. Apparently, I've got me some ass to kick. Well, and some beer to pick up as well....
However, I'm feeling downright awesome (albeit tired) right now. The phone rang at 2:02 am, and it was #1, asking me to come and pick him up from the party.
I know, I know.... When I was 16 my time to be home was midnight. One minute past and it was an automatic grounding. But hey, times have changed. Kids have changed. We live in the country. Time moves slower....doesn't it?
Anyway, turns out his ride home had indulged in some of the beer that had been purchased. The beer that my #1 had bought. It's tough having a kid who's 6' 6" and weighs in at 240 and looks old enough to buy booze. But never mind that, imagine how the seventeen year old felt when he had to ask a kid a year younger than him to buy it for him... okay, I'm off topic here. Not where I was going, nor am I proud. Just so you know. Well, maybe a little proud, but still, it's wrong...
Back to the phone ringing. He wanted to come home and would I come and pick him up? Of course I would sweetheart, I said to him.
And.... if this is just the start to this new adventure, I am sooooo looking forward to it!
Because it means the message made it to the brain.
And he heard it.
And he listened!
And, most importantly, he followed through!!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
So, well, I missed it
Sometimes life gets in the way of the plans we make.
For example, the other day, I had a plan to sit and do nothing. I had been to the library and loaned out a load of books that, in my opinion, are absolute must reads. (Yes, I've been to the eye doctor and got the 'script. I can do that now....sit and read I mean.)
But, as life sometimes does, and its not just me, it happens to the best of us, my plans were waylaid. Laundry, baking, supper, puppies, fighting teenagers and SG all had a say in how my "plan" was not going to come to fruition.
Frustrating I know. Believe me, I KNOW!!
But that aside, for one entire year, 365 days, I managed to stay at the same address for my incredibly well written, highly entertaining and oh so enlightening blog that I put out here for y'all. I know, modesty.... Yes, My Pocket Lint had its first anniversary. Its 1st birthday if you will. Quite a milestone if I do say. For those of you that aren't aware, previously, there were issues. I had stalkers. They were nasty SOB's. And I got scared. So, I moved. I changed. I deleted and re-invented. Kept it anonymous to the idiots that were wanting to continue to harrass me.
Yesterday, Tuesday, January 27, 2009, was the My Pocket Lint 1st Anniversary. Yes, yes it was.
And well, yesterday, life got in the way and I missed it. But... we're here today to take a look back at some of the good stuff. Well, good stuff in my opinion. Which, after, is really the only opinion that matters.... snicker snicker
There were a number of great posts in the past year. Some of my favourites were this my first post with an actual picture of moi. I love the comment about the lighting! ha ha ha! Oh, and then there was this one. I'm still not at ease, particulary with my Maggie and him! Oh yeah, I really liked this one too. And well, we can't forget when I was banished from the tree fort now can we!
Oh, by far the best that I think I've had to offer has been this, this, and well, the whole series if I do say so! I have my hosting site to thank for the ability to schedule my posts. That series of posting would just not have been possible if not for that! Yes, sometimes I schedule. I do have a life you know...
So, join me as I raise my glass and say "Happy Birthday/Anniversary to My Pocket Lint".
Here's to another (stalkers be damned!!!) 365!
Thanks for hanging out and reading, emailing, and for the few of you that comment, everything you say is appreciated! Not necessarily listened to, but still....
And I'm seriously hoping for that cheque from Google this year!
For example, the other day, I had a plan to sit and do nothing. I had been to the library and loaned out a load of books that, in my opinion, are absolute must reads. (Yes, I've been to the eye doctor and got the 'script. I can do that now....sit and read I mean.)
But, as life sometimes does, and its not just me, it happens to the best of us, my plans were waylaid. Laundry, baking, supper, puppies, fighting teenagers and SG all had a say in how my "plan" was not going to come to fruition.
Frustrating I know. Believe me, I KNOW!!
But that aside, for one entire year, 365 days, I managed to stay at the same address for my incredibly well written, highly entertaining and oh so enlightening blog that I put out here for y'all. I know, modesty.... Yes, My Pocket Lint had its first anniversary. Its 1st birthday if you will. Quite a milestone if I do say. For those of you that aren't aware, previously, there were issues. I had stalkers. They were nasty SOB's. And I got scared. So, I moved. I changed. I deleted and re-invented. Kept it anonymous to the idiots that were wanting to continue to harrass me.
Yesterday, Tuesday, January 27, 2009, was the My Pocket Lint 1st Anniversary. Yes, yes it was.
And well, yesterday, life got in the way and I missed it. But... we're here today to take a look back at some of the good stuff. Well, good stuff in my opinion. Which, after, is really the only opinion that matters.... snicker snicker
There were a number of great posts in the past year. Some of my favourites were this my first post with an actual picture of moi. I love the comment about the lighting! ha ha ha! Oh, and then there was this one. I'm still not at ease, particulary with my Maggie and him! Oh yeah, I really liked this one too. And well, we can't forget when I was banished from the tree fort now can we!
Oh, by far the best that I think I've had to offer has been this, this, and well, the whole series if I do say so! I have my hosting site to thank for the ability to schedule my posts. That series of posting would just not have been possible if not for that! Yes, sometimes I schedule. I do have a life you know...
So, join me as I raise my glass and say "Happy Birthday/Anniversary to My Pocket Lint".
Here's to another (stalkers be damned!!!) 365!
Thanks for hanging out and reading, emailing, and for the few of you that comment, everything you say is appreciated! Not necessarily listened to, but still....
And I'm seriously hoping for that cheque from Google this year!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Budget Day
Just because the country is getting their budget tomorrow doesn't necessarily mean that we have to do ours, does it?
I'm sooo not looking forward to this.
I'm sooo not looking forward to this.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Okay, okay... I know, I'm tardy in putting these up, but I do have a million excuses. All the batteries were dead, the camera was full, I was baking, my mouse is on the verge of crapping out and well, I could go on and on and on...
But mostly, the internet has not been kind. It has been giving me grief. And still is I might add!! AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!
Oh, and have I mentioned I have an incredible dislike for dial up?

As you can see, they're incredibly cute. Probably the cutest batch yet. Their personalities are starting to come out and one of them is going to be a troublemaker for sure....
But mostly, the internet has not been kind. It has been giving me grief. And still is I might add!! AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!
Oh, and have I mentioned I have an incredible dislike for dial up?
As you can see, they're incredibly cute. Probably the cutest batch yet. Their personalities are starting to come out and one of them is going to be a troublemaker for sure....
Friday, January 23, 2009
Just a couple of "quickies"
I've some stuff to write about, but nothing really of substance (or at least substance that I'm willing to share...maybe later....)
Okay, so #1 has a job. Well, at least I think he has a job. He started yesterday, and is on the schedule for tomorrow. Looks promising! lol And, you know, I really shouldn't do that. He's a good, hard working, smart, young man. Guess he takes after me where this is concerned ... (tee hee hee, sorry, couldn't resist). Everywhere except at home. But I'm certain he'll do well and enjoy this job. Well, at least I'm praying he will. I can't afford him anymore! As much as I hate to say this, and I only say that because I fear it may jinx the situation, we may very well be seeing signs of our puberty hell with #1 ending. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. It would seem that there are signs of maturity happening...
#2 on the other hand... yeah... not even going to GO there!!! Frankly, I'm not sure if I have enough left in me to survive this one!! While he looks like me and you'd think he'd be like me, he's not. He is SG through and through and through... I need strength! Really, I do.
The puppies now require feeding in the am as well as the pm. Did I tell you that I started them on solids this week? Oh... yeah, well I did. But only in the evening. However, now they want food in the morning. Guess who's the cook?? Oh, and my house smells like puppies. Which is okay, because puppies smell pretty good... mind you, I don't breathe through my nose... personal choice. I live in a house full of males. I don't breathe through my nose. I don't like smelling teh smells and gagging or throwing up.
I could've sworn I had another brief (not boxer) update, but for the life of me... well, it's late, I've had a couple glasses of grape and, yeah, well, whatever.... tomorrow.
Okay, so #1 has a job. Well, at least I think he has a job. He started yesterday, and is on the schedule for tomorrow. Looks promising! lol And, you know, I really shouldn't do that. He's a good, hard working, smart, young man. Guess he takes after me where this is concerned ... (tee hee hee, sorry, couldn't resist). Everywhere except at home. But I'm certain he'll do well and enjoy this job. Well, at least I'm praying he will. I can't afford him anymore! As much as I hate to say this, and I only say that because I fear it may jinx the situation, we may very well be seeing signs of our puberty hell with #1 ending. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. It would seem that there are signs of maturity happening...
#2 on the other hand... yeah... not even going to GO there!!! Frankly, I'm not sure if I have enough left in me to survive this one!! While he looks like me and you'd think he'd be like me, he's not. He is SG through and through and through... I need strength! Really, I do.
The puppies now require feeding in the am as well as the pm. Did I tell you that I started them on solids this week? Oh... yeah, well I did. But only in the evening. However, now they want food in the morning. Guess who's the cook?? Oh, and my house smells like puppies. Which is okay, because puppies smell pretty good... mind you, I don't breathe through my nose... personal choice. I live in a house full of males. I don't breathe through my nose. I don't like smelling teh smells and gagging or throwing up.
I could've sworn I had another brief (not boxer) update, but for the life of me... well, it's late, I've had a couple glasses of grape and, yeah, well, whatever.... tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I've got a puppy blog, complete with pictures, coming real soooon!!! You will absolutely fall in love...
I also have a ton to say, but, as usual, have to put it into words. Words that will not offend. Words that will not incriminate the guilty. Words that won't make the innocent appear guilty. Words that will make you laugh. Words that will make you cry (oh the heartbreak!!!) Oh yes, I have words!
But most importantly of all, I have words that I will need to find new words for, so my Dad doesn't call me up and say "Uhhmmmm, y'know.... I'd prefer it if you didn't use that kind of language in your blog. I mean, I know it's your call and all, but really, please don't. Thanks very much."
I've got my challenges ahead of me.
Yes, yes I do. Pleasing the masses (or my Dad in this case), yeah, might be a little tough to do.
Thanks Dad!
I feel a serious case of self-induced writer's block coming on....
Soooo... I'm off to find one of the fourteen Thesauruses' that are laying around the house. Because, well, you know, there are ways to gloss over and make pretty what you really want to say. Besides that, we all know they aren't being used!
PS... stick around for the results of the bet I made with myself... tee hee hee... It's bound to be disappointing.
I also have a ton to say, but, as usual, have to put it into words. Words that will not offend. Words that will not incriminate the guilty. Words that won't make the innocent appear guilty. Words that will make you laugh. Words that will make you cry (oh the heartbreak!!!) Oh yes, I have words!
But most importantly of all, I have words that I will need to find new words for, so my Dad doesn't call me up and say "Uhhmmmm, y'know.... I'd prefer it if you didn't use that kind of language in your blog. I mean, I know it's your call and all, but really, please don't. Thanks very much."
I've got my challenges ahead of me.
Yes, yes I do. Pleasing the masses (or my Dad in this case), yeah, might be a little tough to do.
Thanks Dad!
I feel a serious case of self-induced writer's block coming on....
Soooo... I'm off to find one of the fourteen Thesauruses' that are laying around the house. Because, well, you know, there are ways to gloss over and make pretty what you really want to say. Besides that, we all know they aren't being used!
PS... stick around for the results of the bet I made with myself... tee hee hee... It's bound to be disappointing.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ooohhhhh, very niice!!
After a scrumptious roast beef dinner complete with Yorkshire pudding, garlic mashed potatoes and butter drizzled corn and carrots, not to mention the freshly baked 12 grain bread, drenched in roasted garlic with EVOO (right from Greece I might add!), follwed by the Courvoisier, slightly warmed, in a snifter... yes, absolutely a lovely and fabulous meal.
Yeah, I cook good. LOL.
It would appear I'm not ashamed to admit it either.... heh.
And with that, I'm now about to take my measurements and head back to the gym BIG TIME!!! come tomorrow morning. Gone are the days of living the high life. I've got some work to do if that ink is gonna find it's way on to this body!!
Have a good week everyone. I'll check in with you later.
Yeah, I cook good. LOL.
It would appear I'm not ashamed to admit it either.... heh.
And with that, I'm now about to take my measurements and head back to the gym BIG TIME!!! come tomorrow morning. Gone are the days of living the high life. I've got some work to do if that ink is gonna find it's way on to this body!!
Have a good week everyone. I'll check in with you later.
What the hell have I done?
When I first brought "Maggie" home, I was pleased. So very very pleased! Pleased beyond the point of ecstatic if I must be honest.
She's a good car. She handles beautifully. She's getting really good mileage for a motor so young. She makes me feel safe. She blows really good heat. She has an awesome stereo and sound system. She's perfect. She's red...did I mention that she's red... a really RED red??? Okay...never mind...
She had what they call "all season" tires on her. I was feeling a little unsteady on these tires, due mostly to the fact that the Cav had all seasons that were a little past their prime and left a ton to be desired as far as traction was concerned, and knowing the power that I could get out of Maggie, yeah, I was a tad uneasy. Maggie goes... she wants to go!! Well, okay, maybe it's me, but whatever. And with the "all seasons"... I was a little nervous.
So I ordered winter tires. Winter tires that would grip the snow and ice and slush and continue to move me and Maggie forward without any incidents. Tires that would give me (or us) the traction and grip that would allow the car to do what Maggie (or me) wanted to do!
Toss a teenage boy into the mix, one who has his learner's permit and can take his road test any time now, and, well, the demands started.
#1 wanted to drive Maggie.
I know, I know. The same kid that wanted absolutely nothing to do with my Maggie because she wasn't a truck, she was red, and... she wasn't a truck. He even went so far to say she was "ugly". Can you believe that??? Honestly, just look at her, she's gorgeous.
And for a while, I had an excuse.
"Sorry, until I get the winter tires on her, you are not sitting your ass in the drivers seat. Just not going to happen...give it up... not happening." I just wasn't in a hurry to let my 16 year smartass son get behind the wheel of my brand new car.
And... It ended up being exactly seven days later that I wasn't able to use the tire excuse. And how I wish now that it had been longer. Because I didn't have anything else to defer the inevitable.
It's been almost three weeks since Maggie was adorned with her winter wardrobe and for the last three weeks, I've had no choice but to relent where #1 was concerned with the driving of my Maggie. To teach the boy how to drive a manual transmission.
And I will tell you now, this has almost killed me.
Because, it appears that #1 has taken a serious liking to my Maggie. So much so that he's referring to her as "our car".
Uhhmmm....HEELLLLOOOOOO!!! Pardon Me???????
Listen up here bud... it took me 46 years to own a brand new car. Thirty if you count the length of time that I've actually had a license... So you best be thinking different thoughts there baby!
Where the hell does he get off thinking that he can have full access to my Maggie once he passes his road test and is able to drive without me right next to him, bitching and complaining and yelling at him to slow down and shift and quit weaving and slow down and stuff.... He's got two vehicles in the driveway that, I'm certain, with his power mechanics education, he can fix up and drive and leave me and my girl Maggie alone.
Oh my...
What have I done? I made a big mistake and taught my son how to drive a stick... In my brand spankin' new car... That he now thinks he has full access to...
I repeat.... What the hell have I done?
I think I need my head read.
Oh my....
She's a good car. She handles beautifully. She's getting really good mileage for a motor so young. She makes me feel safe. She blows really good heat. She has an awesome stereo and sound system. She's perfect. She's red...did I mention that she's red... a really RED red??? Okay...never mind...
She had what they call "all season" tires on her. I was feeling a little unsteady on these tires, due mostly to the fact that the Cav had all seasons that were a little past their prime and left a ton to be desired as far as traction was concerned, and knowing the power that I could get out of Maggie, yeah, I was a tad uneasy. Maggie goes... she wants to go!! Well, okay, maybe it's me, but whatever. And with the "all seasons"... I was a little nervous.
So I ordered winter tires. Winter tires that would grip the snow and ice and slush and continue to move me and Maggie forward without any incidents. Tires that would give me (or us) the traction and grip that would allow the car to do what Maggie (or me) wanted to do!
Toss a teenage boy into the mix, one who has his learner's permit and can take his road test any time now, and, well, the demands started.
#1 wanted to drive Maggie.
I know, I know. The same kid that wanted absolutely nothing to do with my Maggie because she wasn't a truck, she was red, and... she wasn't a truck. He even went so far to say she was "ugly". Can you believe that??? Honestly, just look at her, she's gorgeous.
And for a while, I had an excuse.
"Sorry, until I get the winter tires on her, you are not sitting your ass in the drivers seat. Just not going to happen...give it up... not happening." I just wasn't in a hurry to let my 16 year smartass son get behind the wheel of my brand new car.
And... It ended up being exactly seven days later that I wasn't able to use the tire excuse. And how I wish now that it had been longer. Because I didn't have anything else to defer the inevitable.
It's been almost three weeks since Maggie was adorned with her winter wardrobe and for the last three weeks, I've had no choice but to relent where #1 was concerned with the driving of my Maggie. To teach the boy how to drive a manual transmission.
And I will tell you now, this has almost killed me.
Because, it appears that #1 has taken a serious liking to my Maggie. So much so that he's referring to her as "our car".
Uhhmmm....HEELLLLOOOOOO!!! Pardon Me???????
Listen up here bud... it took me 46 years to own a brand new car. Thirty if you count the length of time that I've actually had a license... So you best be thinking different thoughts there baby!
Where the hell does he get off thinking that he can have full access to my Maggie once he passes his road test and is able to drive without me right next to him, bitching and complaining and yelling at him to slow down and shift and quit weaving and slow down and stuff.... He's got two vehicles in the driveway that, I'm certain, with his power mechanics education, he can fix up and drive and leave me and my girl Maggie alone.
Oh my...
What have I done? I made a big mistake and taught my son how to drive a stick... In my brand spankin' new car... That he now thinks he has full access to...
I repeat.... What the hell have I done?
I think I need my head read.
Oh my....
New In Town
After having survived what has been, in my opinion anyway, the longest, coldest stretch of winter EVER!!! we have finally been given a break in the temps.
It's glorious.
I got really excited when it hit -16 and the temp with the windchill was netting us -26. It was downright balmy compared to the -51 we hit one morning last week! And today's temperature on the thermometer is telling me its -4. Break out the bathing suits people! We gots us a heat wave going on!!
Anyway, the cold weather brought back memories of this time last year. It was cold. Very very cold. And I had signed up to do this. And as I was thinking about that day, I said to myself, "girl, you were nuts". But it was fun. Even if my feet still haven't recovered from spending all that time outside!
And then I got to wondering just when this thing was going to make it to the big screen. Or if it even would.
Back in January of 2008 the title was Chilled In Miami. Now, as it makes its way to a theatre near you, it's called "New In Town".
It'll be interesting to see just what they did with the outdoor scenes that were filmed that day. It'll be neat to see the many faces of those who were there with me, on location where Renee Zellweger had said "it's the coldest place on earth".
Hopefully our noses weren't all runny and wet and we didn't end up on the cutting room floor!
Mark your calendar. January 30th. It's date night. Go see the movie.
I am.
It's glorious.
I got really excited when it hit -16 and the temp with the windchill was netting us -26. It was downright balmy compared to the -51 we hit one morning last week! And today's temperature on the thermometer is telling me its -4. Break out the bathing suits people! We gots us a heat wave going on!!
Anyway, the cold weather brought back memories of this time last year. It was cold. Very very cold. And I had signed up to do this. And as I was thinking about that day, I said to myself, "girl, you were nuts". But it was fun. Even if my feet still haven't recovered from spending all that time outside!
And then I got to wondering just when this thing was going to make it to the big screen. Or if it even would.
Back in January of 2008 the title was Chilled In Miami. Now, as it makes its way to a theatre near you, it's called "New In Town".
It'll be interesting to see just what they did with the outdoor scenes that were filmed that day. It'll be neat to see the many faces of those who were there with me, on location where Renee Zellweger had said "it's the coldest place on earth".
Hopefully our noses weren't all runny and wet and we didn't end up on the cutting room floor!
Mark your calendar. January 30th. It's date night. Go see the movie.
I am.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Letter
Excuse me for a minute while I utilize my blog purely for personal gain. I need to write a letter to a friend... so yeah, if you don't mind....
Dear C....
Hi..... How are you?
I hope life is good and treating you well where you are. When do you plan on heading back to the motherland?
Okay... enough with being cordial....let's get down to the real reason for my letter.
Why haven't you answered my emails? I've sent you a few now and it would seem that you are either, a) ignoring me, or, b) I could possibly have the wrong email address. I'm fairly certain it's (b).
Actually, I know it is. Because (a) just isn't plausible. I mean, I like to think that I'm just borderline obnoxious enough that, though you might want to ignore me, you can't. Because I'm just not over that line... btw.... I see you reading the blog - you're the only one in that part of the world that is... well, besides China (which I really don't get) and I don't think they're anywhere near you!!
That being said... Would you please send me an email address (because we both know you aren't ignoring me, I just have the wrong email address) that will let my emails find their way to you? You can use the to send me your info... or hey, even better yet, call me... Skype be damned! ha ha ha ...
Love Jode!
I now return you to the "normal" type of posting....Thank you for your indulgence....
Dear C....
Hi..... How are you?
I hope life is good and treating you well where you are. When do you plan on heading back to the motherland?
Okay... enough with being cordial....let's get down to the real reason for my letter.
Why haven't you answered my emails? I've sent you a few now and it would seem that you are either, a) ignoring me, or, b) I could possibly have the wrong email address. I'm fairly certain it's (b).
Actually, I know it is. Because (a) just isn't plausible. I mean, I like to think that I'm just borderline obnoxious enough that, though you might want to ignore me, you can't. Because I'm just not over that line... btw.... I see you reading the blog - you're the only one in that part of the world that is... well, besides China (which I really don't get) and I don't think they're anywhere near you!!
That being said... Would you please send me an email address (because we both know you aren't ignoring me, I just have the wrong email address) that will let my emails find their way to you? You can use the to send me your info... or hey, even better yet, call me... Skype be damned! ha ha ha ...
Love Jode!
I now return you to the "normal" type of posting....Thank you for your indulgence....
Monday, January 12, 2009
It's getting a weeee bit warm in here
I really don't like it when returning television shows don't air their new season until January. I mean, the new season starts in the fall, not in January. By January we're all settled into the programming that appeared in September and October. We've got our "must sees" and "oh, I liked this one that last time I saw it" and the "touch the channel and you die!!!!" shows that we enjoy. We're huddled in and covered up because it's just too damn cold to do anything else!
However, that being said, it has been far too long of a wait for me to finally see one of my favourite actors back on the tube, in all his Agent Jack Bauer glory!

Maybe January isn't so bad after all.... As a matter of, well, whatever... I think it could be one of the hottest months ever!
Welcome back Bauer, welcome back!
However, that being said, it has been far too long of a wait for me to finally see one of my favourite actors back on the tube, in all his Agent Jack Bauer glory!

Maybe January isn't so bad after all.... As a matter of, well, whatever... I think it could be one of the hottest months ever!
Welcome back Bauer, welcome back!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Where's my sunglasses?
I have to show you this. Right now. This minute.
These were taken about 10 minutes ago.
That there, is apparently the brightest moon of the year. And judging from how light it is out there right now (and 10 minutes ago), I agree.
These were taken about 10 minutes ago.
It's so bright out there that you could probably read a book or newspaper (provided you don't need "reading" glasses as the $90 bucks I put out this week finally confirmed) and make your way around in the so called dark.
Wow. Very Cool!
I’m Baack!!!
Did you miss me?
Wait…. don’t answer that. Because, well, you know, it doesn’t really matter… ha ha
Okay…. back to business.
Needless to say, I’ve been busy. Very busy!
Between trying to survive a full week of “back to work” and doing my absolute DAMDEST!! to not fail in my new year’s resolutions and the kids being back at school and the eight brand spankin’ new puppies and I can’t possibly forget about Maggie and her incredibly demanding nature that I do nothing but drive her, here and there and everywhere, all the time…Spoiled she is!! Like I said. I’ve been buuussy!
Then, put a “having a life” on top of all that and well, frankly, the world wide web was the least of things I needed to be doing. But, believe me, it was first in my heart! yeah, sure….
There are many stories to tell, and many things to be said. It could quite possibly be the highlight of your ’09! Okay, maybe not so much, but… whaatteveeer.
What I need to do right now is publish the bet I made with myself.
I know, “how do you make a bet with yourself?” you’re probably asking yourself. And if you’re not asking yourself that question right now, don’t worry, you will. I’m sure of it. The secret to making a bet with yourself is that you have to tell people a little about the bet and the basis for win or loss. So… I’m telling you. I made a bet with myself. And it’s a bet that I have absolutely no control over the outcome of. None. Nada. Nothing. It’s all up to the many powerful entities that step in and determine the outcome of our lives.
Fate. Karma. The Secret (okay, maybe not, but still, maybe?) ha ha ha!
So, here it is.
You ready?
01/22/2009 - that’s the day.
Don’t worry. I’ll let you know what the bet was, whether I win or lose.
But I’m calling it right now, I am predicting a win!
Wait…. don’t answer that. Because, well, you know, it doesn’t really matter… ha ha
Okay…. back to business.
Needless to say, I’ve been busy. Very busy!
Between trying to survive a full week of “back to work” and doing my absolute DAMDEST!! to not fail in my new year’s resolutions and the kids being back at school and the eight brand spankin’ new puppies and I can’t possibly forget about Maggie and her incredibly demanding nature that I do nothing but drive her, here and there and everywhere, all the time…Spoiled she is!! Like I said. I’ve been buuussy!
Then, put a “having a life” on top of all that and well, frankly, the world wide web was the least of things I needed to be doing. But, believe me, it was first in my heart! yeah, sure….
There are many stories to tell, and many things to be said. It could quite possibly be the highlight of your ’09! Okay, maybe not so much, but… whaatteveeer.
What I need to do right now is publish the bet I made with myself.
I know, “how do you make a bet with yourself?” you’re probably asking yourself. And if you’re not asking yourself that question right now, don’t worry, you will. I’m sure of it. The secret to making a bet with yourself is that you have to tell people a little about the bet and the basis for win or loss. So… I’m telling you. I made a bet with myself. And it’s a bet that I have absolutely no control over the outcome of. None. Nada. Nothing. It’s all up to the many powerful entities that step in and determine the outcome of our lives.
Fate. Karma. The Secret (okay, maybe not, but still, maybe?) ha ha ha!
So, here it is.
You ready?
01/22/2009 - that’s the day.
Don’t worry. I’ll let you know what the bet was, whether I win or lose.
But I’m calling it right now, I am predicting a win!
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Resolutions
Ah yes, the New Year’s Resolutions post.
You know, I could go on and on about how I feel about this and how I think a person can just set themself up for disappointment, particularly if the expectations they have for themselves in the New Year are too high and most definitely if one tends to be unrealistic in what it is they want to attain having been given yet again, a fresh start, by seeing in a New Year and how the usual “lose weight” and “quit smoking” and “take better care of myself” just don’t really cut it as far as resolving to do something. I have more thoughts on this, but I won’t go on with it. You get the point I'm sure!
This year, I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to set myself up for disappointment or raise the bar so high that I’ll end up floating in the bottom half of a bottle of grape as I attempt to console myself in all my failures… I’m going to put a different spin on the whole resolution thing.
Here we go… I’ll give three or four of them. And I’ll tell you right now, I’m predicting a win all the way around!!
Stop baking in the morning. Really. I will not rise in the wee hours of the morning to bake cookies, muffins or cakes. If I can’t get it done the night before, too bad, so sad. I think this one is definitely do-able!
Stop doing laundry in the morning. Again, very, very do-able! I think that morning laundry should be outlawed! All it does is sit in the dryer all day and you have to waste more money on hydro by running the dryer again when you get home to get all the wrinkles out, so yeah, no more laundry in the morning!
Stop worrying about the car breaking down. Because, well, Maggie’s in my life now and I’m fairly certain I won’t be spending any more frigidly cold winter mornings sitting on the side of a highway hoping that I don’t freeze any of my body parts off!
Stop sitting by enviously watching the boys play video games and wondering how it is that they have such mad skills and I can’t even make it through one song or one race. I too will become a Guitar Hero God!!
Happy New Year everyone!
You know, I could go on and on about how I feel about this and how I think a person can just set themself up for disappointment, particularly if the expectations they have for themselves in the New Year are too high and most definitely if one tends to be unrealistic in what it is they want to attain having been given yet again, a fresh start, by seeing in a New Year and how the usual “lose weight” and “quit smoking” and “take better care of myself” just don’t really cut it as far as resolving to do something. I have more thoughts on this, but I won’t go on with it. You get the point I'm sure!
This year, I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to set myself up for disappointment or raise the bar so high that I’ll end up floating in the bottom half of a bottle of grape as I attempt to console myself in all my failures… I’m going to put a different spin on the whole resolution thing.
Here we go… I’ll give three or four of them. And I’ll tell you right now, I’m predicting a win all the way around!!
Stop baking in the morning. Really. I will not rise in the wee hours of the morning to bake cookies, muffins or cakes. If I can’t get it done the night before, too bad, so sad. I think this one is definitely do-able!
Stop doing laundry in the morning. Again, very, very do-able! I think that morning laundry should be outlawed! All it does is sit in the dryer all day and you have to waste more money on hydro by running the dryer again when you get home to get all the wrinkles out, so yeah, no more laundry in the morning!
Stop worrying about the car breaking down. Because, well, Maggie’s in my life now and I’m fairly certain I won’t be spending any more frigidly cold winter mornings sitting on the side of a highway hoping that I don’t freeze any of my body parts off!
Stop sitting by enviously watching the boys play video games and wondering how it is that they have such mad skills and I can’t even make it through one song or one race. I too will become a Guitar Hero God!!
Happy New Year everyone!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Puppy Update
I can't believe I'm replacing the planned New Year Resolutions post with a pup update...???
Because you've phoned and you've emailed, asking for my promised followup with pictures and an update on the pups, here you go.
The Girl Dog ended up delivering nine puppies, however, as can sometimes be the case, the last one didn't make it. So... we have had bestowed upon us, eight little buggers to keep life very interesting (not to mention busy!) for the next 8 - 10 weeks.
And now, some visual...
Because you've phoned and you've emailed, asking for my promised followup with pictures and an update on the pups, here you go.
The Girl Dog ended up delivering nine puppies, however, as can sometimes be the case, the last one didn't make it. So... we have had bestowed upon us, eight little buggers to keep life very interesting (not to mention busy!) for the next 8 - 10 weeks.
And now, some visual...
And now... depending on what the rest of my day has in store for me, I may just get around to that new year resolutions post.
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