One of the perks of living in a small community is that the people in the community know you. And by you, I mean the entire family. There is downfalls to this as well, but I'm not going there right now...
And this is particularly true at what is called our General Store. Your one stop shop if you will. They sell just about everything. At a premium mind you, but still. They know you to see you. They know what you like. What you buy. What you want. This was proven late last summer when I called them up on the eve of one of the few weekends I have at home alone and asked them if they had a particular movie I wanted to see (it was a chick old chick flick...and they did) and if they would put a bottle of the grape I like in the cooler to chill (again, they did). I'd be by at about 5:30 to pick the both of them up.
I know, I know.... I'm spoiled. But hey, I've sunk enough money into the place that I deserve to be treated like I'm a major shareholder! They know this and as such, they waive the dollar charge for cash back! Oh yes, I rock! I am a VIP!
But that aside, they also know your children.
It is this familiarity that allowed me to walk in there last night and say "Apparently #1 thinks he's coming here tonight to buy booze for all the party goers and that you're going to sell it to him."
And to have them reply "Yeah, he thinks so. But he's wrong."
To which I replied "Good. Because if you sell to him....."
And they interrupt me to say "We know, if we sell to him you'll be by to kick our asses.. and we don't want that... so yeah, not gonna happen."
Not to mention that HE'S 16!! HE'S UNDER AGE!!! HEELLLLOOOOOO?
Yes, there are perks. That being said, tomorrow (well, today really) I'm visiting the beer store. Apparently, I've got me some ass to kick. Well, and some beer to pick up as well....
However, I'm feeling downright awesome (albeit tired) right now. The phone rang at 2:02 am, and it was #1, asking me to come and pick him up from the party.
I know, I know.... When I was 16 my time to be home was midnight. One minute past and it was an automatic grounding. But hey, times have changed. Kids have changed. We live in the country. Time moves slower....doesn't it?
Anyway, turns out his ride home had indulged in some of the beer that had been purchased. The beer that my #1 had bought. It's tough having a kid who's 6' 6" and weighs in at 240 and looks old enough to buy booze. But never mind that, imagine how the seventeen year old felt when he had to ask a kid a year younger than him to buy it for him... okay, I'm off topic here. Not where I was going, nor am I proud. Just so you know. Well, maybe a little proud, but still, it's wrong...
Back to the phone ringing. He wanted to come home and would I come and pick him up? Of course I would sweetheart, I said to him.
And.... if this is just the start to this new adventure, I am sooooo looking forward to it!
Because it means the message made it to the brain.
And he heard it.
And he listened!
And, most importantly, he followed through!!
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