Friday, January 2, 2009

The Resolutions

Ah yes, the New Year’s Resolutions post.

You know, I could go on and on about how I feel about this and how I think a person can just set themself up for disappointment, particularly if the expectations they have for themselves in the New Year are too high and most definitely if one tends to be unrealistic in what it is they want to attain having been given yet again, a fresh start, by seeing in a New Year and how the usual “lose weight” and “quit smoking” and “take better care of myself” just don’t really cut it as far as resolving to do something. I have more thoughts on this, but I won’t go on with it. You get the point I'm sure!

This year, I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to set myself up for disappointment or raise the bar so high that I’ll end up floating in the bottom half of a bottle of grape as I attempt to console myself in all my failures… I’m going to put a different spin on the whole resolution thing.

Here we go… I’ll give three or four of them. And I’ll tell you right now, I’m predicting a win all the way around!!

Stop baking in the morning. Really. I will not rise in the wee hours of the morning to bake cookies, muffins or cakes. If I can’t get it done the night before, too bad, so sad. I think this one is definitely do-able!

Stop doing laundry in the morning. Again, very, very do-able! I think that morning laundry should be outlawed! All it does is sit in the dryer all day and you have to waste more money on hydro by running the dryer again when you get home to get all the wrinkles out, so yeah, no more laundry in the morning!

Stop worrying about the car breaking down. Because, well, Maggie’s in my life now and I’m fairly certain I won’t be spending any more frigidly cold winter mornings sitting on the side of a highway hoping that I don’t freeze any of my body parts off!

Stop sitting by enviously watching the boys play video games and wondering how it is that they have such mad skills and I can’t even make it through one song or one race. I too will become a Guitar Hero God!!

Happy New Year everyone!

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