Friday, January 23, 2009

Just a couple of "quickies"

I've some stuff to write about, but nothing really of substance (or at least substance that I'm willing to share...maybe later....)

Okay, so #1 has a job. Well, at least I think he has a job. He started yesterday, and is on the schedule for tomorrow. Looks promising! lol And, you know, I really shouldn't do that. He's a good, hard working, smart, young man. Guess he takes after me where this is concerned ... (tee hee hee, sorry, couldn't resist). Everywhere except at home. But I'm certain he'll do well and enjoy this job. Well, at least I'm praying he will. I can't afford him anymore! As much as I hate to say this, and I only say that because I fear it may jinx the situation, we may very well be seeing signs of our puberty hell with #1 ending. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. It would seem that there are signs of maturity happening...

#2 on the other hand... yeah... not even going to GO there!!! Frankly, I'm not sure if I have enough left in me to survive this one!! While he looks like me and you'd think he'd be like me, he's not. He is SG through and through and through... I need strength! Really, I do.

The puppies now require feeding in the am as well as the pm. Did I tell you that I started them on solids this week? Oh... yeah, well I did. But only in the evening. However, now they want food in the morning. Guess who's the cook?? Oh, and my house smells like puppies. Which is okay, because puppies smell pretty good... mind you, I don't breathe through my nose... personal choice. I live in a house full of males. I don't breathe through my nose. I don't like smelling teh smells and gagging or throwing up.

I could've sworn I had another brief (not boxer) update, but for the life of me... well, it's late, I've had a couple glasses of grape and, yeah, well, whatever.... tomorrow.


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