Excuse me for a minute while I utilize my blog purely for personal gain. I need to write a letter to a friend... so yeah, if you don't mind....
Dear C....
Hi..... How are you?
I hope life is good and treating you well where you are. When do you plan on heading back to the motherland?
Okay... enough with being cordial....let's get down to the real reason for my letter.
Why haven't you answered my emails? I've sent you a few now and it would seem that you are either, a) ignoring me, or, b) I could possibly have the wrong email address. I'm fairly certain it's (b).
Actually, I know it is. Because (a) just isn't plausible. I mean, I like to think that I'm just borderline obnoxious enough that, though you might want to ignore me, you can't. Because I'm just not over that line... btw.... I see you reading the blog - you're the only one in that part of the world that is... well, besides China (which I really don't get) and I don't think they're anywhere near you!!
That being said... Would you please send me an email address (because we both know you aren't ignoring me, I just have the wrong email address) that will let my emails find their way to you? You can use the pocketoflint@gmail.com to send me your info... or hey, even better yet, call me... Skype be damned! ha ha ha ...
Love Jode!
I now return you to the "normal" type of posting....Thank you for your indulgence....
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