After being tapped out where creativity comes into play in the writing of this blog, I awoke this morning to a kick start of sorts.
I must preface this by saying, that, while I love birds, I do have some issues where birds are concerned. I can sit out on my deck and watch them come to the feeders and be completely enthralled for hours. And in the winter, when they're getting drunk on the left over berries on the trees, I'm seriously entertained.
However, way back when, when SG and I first got back together, we went to his cousin’s house. It was my first time meeting them so I was a wee bit nervous but you know, still composed. “Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you. Sure I’ll have a pop. Rather have a beer, but, okay.”
And then they let the birds out.
And it was at this time that I discovered that birds, doesn’t matter what kind of birds, flying around in a house, will freak me right the hell out. Right to the point where I cower down in my seat and cover my head and start to hyper-ventilate. Yes, it really is that bad.
And when I awoke this morning and was stumbling my way down the hall in that half asleep state that we are all in when the alarm rudely wakes us from the lovely and wonderful dreamland we’ve spent the last few hours in, I saw a light coming from the kitchen. I stopped at the end of the hallway and thought to myself, “What the hell is that?”
And, upon closer inspection, I came across this.
A note.
And I immediately thought, “Oh Shit, THERE'S BIRDS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!”.
And here was my 15 year old kid telling me to take the birds back to their nest, and at first light yet!
This would mean that I would have to pick up the bowl and actually carry it and walk with it, back outside, and put the birds back where they belong. Birds, in a bowl, in my hand!!! COMING FROM MY HOUSE!!!!!
Talk about ripped from the lovely land of dreams!! Time to face your fears chicky!!
However, there is a happy ending to the story. I didn't freak out and drop the baby birds. And the mother, who was anxiously screaming for the little ones, hopped right back on the nest and is still keeping them warm as I write this.
And this has proven that, three birds in a bowl (and as such "in your hand", interpretation is everything!) is far better than having the little buggers flying around in your house!
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