First it was the motorcycle. A beat up old thing that had been placed in the back on the side of the pasture and left there to rot. #1 brought it up to the house and took it apart and rebuilt it and got it running. Nothing like walking in from work to see a carburetor sitting on one of the new bath towels in the middle of your coffee table. I look on this positively however, as, well, at least he covered the coffee table….Once he got it running, well, hell be damned, “I’m going to ride it!” Excuse me? You’re not even 14 yet, YOU. ARE. NOT!!! The lecture went on a little bit, with some colourful language tossed in for good measure and to stress a few points. You know, like, oh say possible death. Road rash. Broken neck. It appears I lost that battle when I pulled in the driveway one day from work and there he was, coming up from the back, ON THE FRICKIN’ MOTORCYCLE!
And then came the snowmobile. Another fast moving motorized thing that had been sitting back there, just a little further down from the motorcycle. And, of course, as is the normal in this house, more repair work was required. This time though, it was the dining table that was used for all things mechanical! Which is better than the coffee table. The dining table, well it’s one of my little projects that one day I’ll get to. I want to re-finish it and make it all nice and pretty again. Stain it the same colour as the coffee table, paint the legs, you know, make it all match and look nicey nice.
Off topic…whoops.
So there’s been talk around this house of a dirt bike being purchased. And I’ll tell you right now, I took no part in this conversation. I avoided getting trapped into looking at the ad by whatever means possible. “You can’t go on the internet, I’m going on.” “I’ve changed the user password and I’m not logging you in.” “I discontinued the internet and now we have no internet”. Whatever it took. I did not want this to happen. The motorcycle brought some scars. The snowmobile brought some scars. I just couldn’t imagine what a dirt bike would bring.
So leave it to #1 to get all creative and stuff. He purposely didn’t cash his paycheques so he would save the money. We don’t have a truck so he made the arrangements with our neighbour to get a ride out to where this dirt bike is. I did my best today to distract him from this. Took him into the local town, did some shopping, went here, went there, you know, basically tried to waste away the time until he had to go to work.. And then my cell rang. And people were coming to see the pups so home we had to go…Shit.
Not home for 15 minutes and I hear “see ya in a bit”. Turn around to see the neighbours truck in the driveway and #1 getting in. Off they went. To return 3 ½ hours later. With this.
Great. Just frickin' LOVELY!!!!!
And while you can't really see it because I blurred the faces of my children, (so as not to exploit them on the know....I am their mother!! ) there is such a look of envy on #2's face that it nearly broke my heart. I'm thinking I will not survive this.
I really won't.
EDIT: Nice hair cuts eh? Did them myself...We got a #2 on #1 and and #4 on #2...SG didn't buy in however, so I can't call myself a barber....yet.
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