Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A picture with a story

Someone should have told me that prior to golfing for the first time in forever that there should be some stretching involved. Even if it was just stretching across the table to get your beer, some stretching should be done.

No one did.

My girlfriend and I, along with our extremely patient and understanding instructor, hit the driving range on Sunday. A couple of buckets of balls, some putt-ing time and a round of miniature golf later, my word we were awesome! Well, we think we were. Particularly after a number of frozen drinks at the après’ golf (I know its après’ ski, can it be après’ golf too?) back at my house.

I’m so going to be all over the place with this, but bear with me, I’m hoping it’ll be giggle worthy.

I picked up the Magic Bullet at Costco on Friday. And some fresh strawberries. And some limes. This is the ticket to good Margarita’s; fresh fruit and the Magic Bullet! I was somewhat taken aback when, heading back to the Cav, a twenty something year old guy, an employee collecting carts, looked at me and said “Margarita’s?” and I said “Yes” and with a big smile he said “Where? I’ll bring the Tequila”. Sheesh, I’m old enough to be your mother…anyway, off topic… SG had the Tequila and I was picking up the Vodka. We were doing “après golf” on Sunday!

And, while the aches and pains had started to set in, and I’m quite certain they would’ve been much worse if there hadn’t been a couple of frozen drinks to ease the pain (they do say, use ice when something hurts - we did), I came around to the front of the house to see one of most incredible sights I have ever seen. It was a vehicle. And a very nice vehicle at that!!

And I knew there was no way in hell that I would be able to take it for a drive, but I just wanted to sit in it. And maybe after that be taken for a ride in it.

It was unbelievable. You ever get that nervous feeling in your stomach and then it goes away and your knees get weak and you sort of start to shake? Similar to the on-set of flu-like symptoms, but you know this is going to be sooo much better. Yeah, that was the feeling as I slid in behind the wheel of this vehicle. Absolute pure luxury. And the same feeling, as we took the curve in the highway at 110 kms. It was awesome!

And I had to get a picture of me sitting is this lap of luxury. And I’d thought I’d share.

Personally, I think it suits me.

I just need someone to buy it for me.

1 comment:

  1. and people wonder why guys buy sports cars? even a troll of a guy is halfway home after taking a date for a ride in a nice car, lol. SMG
