Well, things have been interesting around here according to the statistics. Well, not really, but I was easily amused doing an analysis of my stat sight.
Had over 1500 hits in June. That's nice, glad everyone is enjoying it.
42% spent more than an hour on it in one visit. Guess there must be something interesting in here.
26% were first time visitors. That's the highest it's been. A lot of them from over in the UK, Ireland (that must be my friend Carol's doing, handing out my blog address to your family - shame on you!!) Japan and Africa (I'm not sure why....)
Top Google search phrase (this is kinda weird, but makes sense I guess)
1. Bear Baiting (mostly from overseas (Australia and New Zealand to be specific, must be hunting season over there, some of them came back too!)
2. Blueberry Pie Recipe
3. Woodticks burrowing in nose (this one had 13 hits! so apparently I'm not the only one paranoid about this)
4. Big Mac Pocket (I don't know...)
5. Josh The Trainer
6. Perogies without onions
7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Chest Tightening (huh?)
8. Take a trip and never leave the farm
I will say, however, that the use of what they call "key words or phrases" does work. I had more hits on my last post than I've ever had on any one post at all! They were looking for, and I'm serious here, Tequila, Joe Nichol, country song, get naked (how that comes into play is beyond me!), falling off, and, check this out, "how to use a shot glass".
I've tried to replicate some of these searches by doing a google search for the same, but alas, nothing came up. Unless it was waaayy down on the list. And if that's the case, some people do need to get a life!
So, that's your first, and probably last, statistical update. For me, it was kind of interesting. For you, meh, probably not so much.
Can you tell my brain is wasting away and isn't very creative these days? But I thought this would be better than posting the pictures of the Canada Day Fireworks. I know I said last year that I would get better, and I did, but not that much better. Not better enough to post some of them. I've decided I'm going to have to save my pennies and purchase that little gem of a Canon that I've always wanted.
Then you'll get some pictures!
Here's hoping for more entertaining babbling soon....