Actually, it was quite the crappy year. Well, until the last quarter. Then it got a little better. But only in a couple of aspects.
I thinking here that you can tell that I'm really happy to see it go.
It wasn't an easy year by any stretch of the imagination. Filled with waaay too many challenges, too much bullshit, disappointments and not enough fun.... yeah, I'm thrilled to watch it walk out the door.... don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out....
THAT!!! being said, I can say that 2010, while not so fun to type on the keyboard or number pad (kinda awkward) is looking to be just as challenging.
But challenging in the best sense of the word.
Really. I mean that.
And while I'm sure that there will still be some crap to be dealt with, I also know that, for the most part, it will be good. Great even!!
As far as the blog is concerned, I do hope, now that things are somewhat, sort of, kinda, maybe a little better and a tad more certain, that I can once again get back to posting a little more normally. I know that many of you keep checking in and there hasn't been much. But you keep coming back. And for that, I shall reward you!! At least that's what I'm hoping will happen.... rewards!!! all the way around. Don't be mis-interpreting that as in financial gain or special favours... that ain't going to happen!! I'm thinking more reading, more laughing, more posting here people... sheesh.
Happy New Year to each and every one of you! May your 2010 be filled with love, health and happiness. May the challenges you face be minor and may the year bring you nothing but joy!

Not that there will be any of that going on!!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!