Sunday, December 13, 2009 all its wonderfullness

You know, I really can't wait for this month to be over.

It has been hell on wheels and we're not even at the half way point yet!

Not that it has anything to do with Christmas.... I mean, just because I really haven't come close to preparing to even think about the big event later this month... You know, the decorating, baking, shopping, wrapping, cooking, eating, drinking.... haven't really given it a thought.

Well, except when I think about how I really do need start thinking about it.

But then it gets a little over-whelming and I stop thinking about thinking about it.

I've left SG in charge of the shopping this year. He has been dispatched to purchase gifts for #1 and #2. "Here you go honey, have at it. I'll do the stockings..." He too must be feeling the same as I because he's only been out to the mall once. Which, to give the guy credit, is more than I've been.... Wait, I did go to the dollar store, you know, just to scope it out and see what my loonies will get me. That counts, right?

Anyway, back on track here.

What the hell were we thinking when we decided to have three female dogs live inside the house with us and the boy dog? Someone please tell me that!!!

We've spent part of the first part of the month playing the love dance as our newest little girl Synder has grown to the point where she is now thinking that maybe she might just want to have puppies. And first off, she's too young, but most importantly, we've not yet found the perfect male to add to our clan of canines. So keeping her and her daddy apart has been the focus of life around here. She's almost done, which will have me breathing a HUGE sigh of relief but it has been a challenge.

And now that's she's on the tale of end of the desire to commence gestation, her mother is heading down that path. Which brings us to the time where we need to make a decision. Do we? Let them I mean. Or do we not? It would be okay. Girl Dog has rested one cycle. She's good for another two or three litters. But it would mean another in house delivery, and at least four weeks of pups living in said house. In my basement. Which I DO NOT WANT!!!! Sure they're cute as hell, but with history running eight pups a litter, sorry, that's just a few too many dogs.

Then there's the Princess. There is no doubt in my mind that once Girl Dog is done, whether bred or rested one more time, our little Nikki girl will decide that the other two did it, why shouldn't I? And then avoiding the love dance one more time will be all consuming yet again!

All this BEFORE!! the big event later this month!!

Is it any wonder that I'm not in the holiday frame of mind?


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