Being on a few days of vacation, with the intention of relaxing and doing absolutely nothing, I've managed to accomplish something!
Did a little baking. Made a few lists. Bought a couple of things.
Oh yeah, Christmas is coming and I'm gonna pull it off...
Turned out absolutely lovely in the bowl.... it really did! Silky smooth, elastic-y like it should be...
I thought that I would try filling them with a little something different than the usual sauerkraut or ground beef type filling. That there is a curried chicken breast.
Mix it up with a little garlic mashed potatoes.... oh yeah.... we are thinking these are gonna be good, good, GOOD!!
Cut the circles in the dough. I discovered later that its much easier and far more efficient to just pull the dough off, fiddle with it in your hand and then stuff and close the ball.
That is the same garlic mashed potatoes mixed up with some farmer sausage. I loooove farmer sausage in the Perishke!
There's your finished product, brushed with some melted butter to make them soft and sweet.
And there's your insides.... note the festive type plate... oh yeah, I know how to holiday it up!
In all honesty, they turned out pretty good. Not quite as good as the sister in laws as far as the dough is concerned but still good.
Good enough that I ate a dozen and still want more....
Up next? The baking.......
During my baking and/or cooking adventure today I grabbed the camera so I could chronicle, in a visual sort of way, just what happens when Jodie finally gets the lead out and starts prepping for the holiday season.
First up, making the dough for the perishke. I've made them before. Well, not my dough recipe, my friend Carol's dough recipe. Actually, she made the dough and I just helped stuff them. And SG has made them before but he lost his dough recipe. Well, not lost really, just can't remember which cookbook he got it out of. Which is too bad, because they were almost as good as my friend Carol's. But I got the recipe of the oh-so-close-to-perfect from my sister in law and whipped me up some dough. And then I cooked me up some middle stuff. And then I baked them.
Place on a well greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees until golden brown.
Good enough that I ate a dozen and still want more....
Up next? The baking.......
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