I'm pleased to say, that I've pretty well accomplished nothing. Which was exactly my plan for the first few days of this year they're calling 2010.
In keeping with my resolve to do nothing, my creative juices have been turned off.
I did, however, manage to unload the camera. And, because I started this post with nothing in mind, I'm going to share some of them with you. Nice of me, I know....
Oh technology, it truly is a wonderful thing. I got in a little face time with the family on the west coast on Christmas day.
The tree, adorned in all its glory. The boughs were laden with decorations, many of which were all the ones the boys had made at school.
Oh look, a few gifts magically appear! I'm guessin' someone must've made it on to Santa's nice list!
The stockings are normally hung on the railing with care... but Ms Claus was very tired and apparently had issues with finding the string...
Got out to play in the yard after the snow finally came and made the season a white one. We then proceeded to shovel and shovel and, well, you get the point.
The homemade centerpiece for the Boxing Day gathering. Rather than make gingerbread, the sleigh and reindeer (yes, there are reindeer pulling the sled!) are hand cut out of Cream Cheese Cookie dough, glued together with Royal Icing and then bombarded with candies.
Full moon, December 31, 2009. They called it the "blue moon" and it was truly amazing. It was so light out and the snow did actually look blue.
And here it is on January 1, 2010 heading towards the horizon in the morning.Turn around and you got this beautiful eye full as the sun rose on the first day of this year they're calling 2010.
So there you have it. The first post of the new year. I'll be back with more in a few days. And maybe, just maybe, something with a little more substance.
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