Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Red Mittens, Road Rage, And

Other miscellaneous banter.

Oh, and I have a pair in case you were wondering. Red Mittens that is. Sure, they don't have the Olympic logo on them, but I know someone that could do that for me if I wanted....

I also have issues with what they call Road Rage. A strange feeling for me. Normally I'm a relatively calm driver who, you know, takes the fact that the road is riddled with complete and total idiots, into consideration whilst traversing her way, oh.... about an hour and 50 minutes a day. I know that I will encounter those that have no clue what they're doing and really shouldn't be behind the wheel. I also know that there are those out there who have some sort of complex about something or other in their life.... I mean, why else would they have to drive some big ass truck or other kind of huge vehicle, unless they were inferior in some other aspect... just sayin'....

For the most part, I deal well with this crap during my travels. I recognize that these idiots are out there and I know that they are, potentially, well, assholes. I say "potentially" because, far be it for me to paint everyone who drives a big ass truck an asshole. They all might be, but I'm not going to be the one who tells the world that!

And ... I just take it in stride and do my best to stay the hell out of their way.

But, sometimes I do get the feeling that they want to bully people. Yes, you read right... They want to BULLY people!!! I'm thinking, that they're thinking, that, since they're the biggest one on the road, they should rule it. Cut you off. Ride your back end in an attempt to try and make you go faster. Shine their mis-alligned headlights in your mirror and flash the brights every now and then, you know, just trying to get you to get out of their way.

Someone should tell them about Maggie.

She don't move for anyone! And she will not be intimidated! Oh, and by the way, she also possesses a manual transmisson. And, in case you were wondering, her driver knows how to downshift in such a way that you will never, ever! see her brake lights come on and therefore YOU! will be the one who gets a little freaked out when you figure out you and your big ass truck might just take out a hot looking Mazda.... just sayin'....

Let's see... What else did I want to go on about???

Oh yeah, teenagers.... particularly the second teenager....I always thought that he would be my tough one... and he's proving me right. Mother's intuition I'm guessing. The first one, rough coming into the world.. the second, a piece of cake. Now ... yeah, not so much. I'm experiencing role reversal!

I am also having some issues with the lack of #1's presence in my life. This new found thing he's got going on since "insert name of female friend here" has come into his life really has me in a bit of a tailspin. Well, not tailspin per se but.... well, but, well, nevermind.... that's another post.

That's enough for this post. Don't want to use it all up in one shot!

But there's plenty more to come! Oh yeah... plenty more!

Stay tuned!


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