So guess who spent her Saturday, for the most part, in her car? Guess who burned up a quarter tank of gas, driving this one here and that one there, picking that one up and….?
If you said Jodie, you’d be right.
I don’t care for days like today. It was too nice out, and, even though I have the “moon roof”, it didn’t really do justice to actually being outside of the car! And I had to have an inside of the car day…
But by about 6:30 I thought it was over. #1 was at work (I’d driven him earlier in the afternoon) and #2 had just been dropped off at his party. Finally..! A break for a few hours.
And then the text message; “Can u brng me sum supper”
And…. back into the car I go, armed with supper for the kid who has a job.
“Thanks Mom”
“What’s the matter?”
And, while I may regret ever saying this, I really do think I mean it....
“Just when are you going to pass your road test? You know….I’ve spent my whole day driving around, shuttling you and #2 back and forth and here and there and you know what the worst part about it was? No, it wasn’t spending time with you both, it was the fact that if you had just listened to me when I was correcting you and your lousy driving habits, you would’ve passed the first time and then you could’ve been the one picking #2 up at his party and I COULD BE IN A FREAKING HOT TUB RIGHT NOW!!!! DRINKING MARGARITAS!!!!!!!!”
(Okay... not a stellar parenting moment… I realize this...)
“Well, you’re really gonna be pissed now…. “
“Why? And don’t tell me you’re going out after work, because YOU ARE NOT!!!”
“I have a ride home”
Silence. For what seemed like an instant....then I thought “Hey….I could make arrangements to have #2 picked up and head over to that hot tub we’d been invited to and have a couple of Margaritas….” But then I remembered that earlier, knowing that I’d be picking #1 up anyway, I volunteered to pick up a couple of the others as well as my own.
“great… just great”
Oh well…such is life I said to myself and headed home. I was actually looking forward to standing up for a little while, as opposed to sitting on my ass in the car....or a hot tub... okay, not really the hot tub thing.
About an hour and a half later, the phone rang. It was #2 calling to let me know that I didn’t need to pick him and his friends up.
“Because Jarrett’s mom is going to pick us up and drive us home”
“I see…. And what time is it that you’ll be picked up and delivered?”
“She’s coming at 12:30….”
“Hmmm….guess that’s better than my 11:30 pick up time isn’t it? What? Did the three of you all call home to see whose mom would pick you up the latest and then proceed to make changes to the plan?”
“Mom….how in the hell did you know that??? That’s exactly what we did. I’m sorry, but you need to loosen up. I’m 13 you know… I can stay out past 12….”
“You know, when I was thirteen… my curfew was ….okay…. never mind, we’ll talk about this later… You are in some kind of deep doo-doo by the way? I’m sooo…. okay, never mind….Don’t do anything dumb, have fun and remember your manners…. and no kissing girls!!!!!!”
“G’nite Mom…thanks”
A quick look at the clock… crap! It was too late…. Yeah, I’ll admit it, I was still thinking about the hot tub and margarita’s…. but no… it was too late.
And that, my dear readers, is why I have finally relented. Why I have decided to start sending “good karma” to my #1 son. He needs to get his license. So he can do all this dropping off and picking up.
In his dad’s van.
Purely selfish I know… and I think it’s time.
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