"Do you know where my socks are?"
"Do you know how to change a tire?"
I'm persistent like that.
I mean, really! It was May, the snow was gone for the season and I thought it was only right that my second year Power Mech son change over the tires. I thought it would be fair payment for me feeding him, housing him, letting him live... It wasn't like he needed to take the winter rubber off the rims and put the summer rubber on the rims. The all seasons have their own rims. He just needed to change the tires over.
Fed up and frustrated I decided to do it myself. Well, not me myself, I got the WalMart dude to do it. Cost me twenty bucks and he even tossed in a a little of free advice.
"Might be a little soon to be doing this."
I laughed and shook my head. It was May for crying out loud.

Taken about 10 minutes ago.

If it keeps up, which it just might, looks like #1's tent party and bonfire in my backyard tonight could be changed.
Maybe we'll build igloos instead.
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