Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Office

Down in the basement, I have what I call a "home office".

And it's been in my home office where I keep my "stuff". I have my computer, photo albums, the boys school work from 10 years ago, my PAC stuff, the dog files, the canning, well, you get it I'm sure. All the stuff that I need to keep safe and out of harms way.... in other words, stuff that I don't want their grimy little mitts touching!

It's down in that home office where I write. Where I play on the computer and get myself into trouble (believe you me, I've gotten myself into some trouble... I've regretted some of these blogs I've posted!) Where I lock up the fruits of my canning labours in order to make the pickles last longer than 3 months. The place where the school lunch snacks are stashed in order to make sure there's some left when I need them for actual school lunches. Where I hide out, with a chilled bottle of grape and escape the insanity of living in a house with two teenage boys and one SG!

It used to be a bedroom. #2's bedroom actually. But he had some issues with sleeping in the basement. Well... he was okay with it until we painted it.

He wanted black walls.

We didn't.

He wanted to go with a "space" theme, and... well, he thought that black walls would be the best for this. But he wasn't getting black walls. Instead, he got a lovely shade of blue, almost an indigo blue. Which is almost black... and still feasible for use in a space theme... He moved upstairs to the "green" room, which ultimately is the colour that I wanted for my office. Deep, deep green. Gorgeous green. The green room was suppose to be my office. But it became a bedroom.

Anyway, I'm off topic here.

While I still have my downstairs office, I can't really call it an office anymore. It's now sort of a storage room. It still has all of my stuff, but it doesn't have me. I don't spend any time down there anymore.

Because the new computer is upstairs.

We thought it best to put it in the living room. The rumours are still rampant that high speed is headed to our road a little later this summer and if it was in the living room, well, then I could keep an eye on it and what's going on with it, if you get my drift.

And all of a sudden, this new computer has everyone interested in using it. It was never an issue before but now, all I get is "omgIabsolutelyhavetousethecomputertodomyhomework / checkmyemail / updatemyfacebook (more on that! later) soIneedthecomputerNOW!!!".

So, not only do I never really get the chance to use the computer (regardless of the lack of time to do so these days), when I am on the computer, I've got six eyeballs watching my every move.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to really enjoy the dial up internet and all the sites in my favourites folder with everyone watching? I mean, I can't very well go to some of these websites I enjoy with the kid's in the room. That would be a contradiction in everything I've taught them!! It could possibly scar them for life if they managed to grab a glimpse of some of the blogs I read. I can't even do online banking without someone coming up behind me and asking "whatcha doin?".

So while the new computer is an absolute joy, is super fast and has a big fancy flat screen for a monitor and plenty of room to run games and store stuff, I think I may have to go back to the one in my office.

It'll be for the best. All those eyeballs watching my every computer move just isn't a good thing...

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