Saturday, December 6, 2008

Their noses are soooo brown!

You'll have to pardon me if the words run together. My space bar appears to be messed up and my thumb has to absolutely pound on the frickin' thing in order for it to work properly. Missing words in this evening's post? Well, I'll just have to blame that on the grape. Ventured into the world of the Bordeaux tonight. Somewhat lacking in substance and body, at least this bottle is, but still, it gets the job done! Thinking I'll stick with the Malbec however...

Okay, so on to a slightly tipsy blog! Or vent maybe.... yeah, venting... I'll go with that.

After spending the day asking and begging and then, resorting to yelling, at the boys to get the few things that needed to be done, done, I was ticked off. Really ticked off.

Pissed right the hell off in case I was being too subtle.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why it almost takes me getting down on my hands and knees to beg them to help out around the shack. To chip in and do what needs to be done. I'm not sure where they think they're at in the food chain of life, but I get the impression they seem think that it's right up there at the top!

Keep climbing there boys!

I've tried reasoning with them, explaining to them that, yes indeed, they do need to know how to keep their room tidy. And that they really should have an appreciation of all that a dresser can hold (such as their clothes!!... not just booze!) And just once, experience what it is like to walk into their bedroom and see the bed made, ready and waiting for them to turn down the sheets and climb on in. And most importantly!!! know that they they did it!! That it isn't just a "Mom thing"!!

They need to know that doing dishes is a good thing! Even better? Putting them back into the same spot they originally came from! They need to know how to clean the bathroom. How to put toilet paper on the holder. And we won't even go into putting the seat down!!! How to hang up their coat so the puppy isn't given an opportunity to think that something in the pocket smells really really!! good and proceed to chew up the left side to get in there and find it. And that when the garbage is full and overflowing, they should take the bag out and put a new one in that can take the stuff they want to put into it without dumping it over the side.

They just don't seem to get that I am teaching them things that they will need later in life, in order to survive. To live. Well, maybe I'm over exaggerating a tad, but still. To hopefully, one day, maybe (God willing!) find someone that will put up with them the way I have had to, all the while attempting to hand over, to whomever that may be, a better person than what I've had to deal with... is it possible? Really now, tell me the truth...

Have I mentioned I don't like puberty?

After the day from hell whereby the boys did not like their Mom at all!!! it was pointed out to me that I best be putting channel 213 on. "Mom!!! Put it on!! It will put you in your happy place!" #2 yelled from the basement. Surfing the tube downstairs, (banished from the upstairs - attitude, that'll do it every time!) he found my boy John on the TV. I turned it on, cranked it and totally zoned out, watched, and listened. Didn't matter that I already have it on DVD... I really needed to do this. Go to the "happy place" that this guy can take me to every time I see him play.

Along comes commercial break and I head back to reality. What do I see? The both of them, sitting upstairs, watching, right along side me. I look at them at say "Uhhhh, hello? Why are sitting here watching this?"

"Well Mom, he's not so bad" offers up #1.

"Yeah, he's pretty good actually. He's managed to stop making those ugly faces when he plays" states #2.

I looked at them both, shook my head and thought, "Okay. Maybe there is a chance that I'm getting through to them. If not life wise, at least in something!

Brown noser's!

I have to wonder what they'll want from me tomorrow?


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