Monday, December 8, 2008

The Phone Rang

And it was my mother.

She called to talk about the blog.

I absolutely love this. Family and friends read the blog. They laugh. They shake their head. They have opinions.

And then, they phone me! To talk about the blog. And one of the reasons for the blog is so that they don't have to phone me. I mean, it's not like I don't enjoy talking to them, I do. But the blog is for me to keep those I care about in the loop of my life and to get stuff off my mind and entertain. My take on my life and what it is. Maybe toss in a few key words that will get me a few more hits and allow me to continue with the hope that "Yes Jodie, There Is A Cheque From Google Waiting For You!

Well, no, not really. Well, maybe.

It's an outlet to vent and gripe and tell stories, and well, according to my mother.... whine.

Here's the conversation:

Me: Hi

MM (My Mom): You have to quit whining.

Me: What are you talking about?

MM: I'm reading your blog and I had to stop to phone to tell you to quit whining.

Me: Whining? About what?

MM: The boys. You're really whining about the boys.

Me: No, I'm not "whining" about the boys. I'm "bitching" about the boys.

MM: Well, you have to stop. It sounds like you're whining.

Me: I am not whining. I'm simply bitching. And I don't do it too often, only when it gets to the point where I think I might want to do permanent damage to their bodies and then I vent about it using the blog. It's my blog. I can write what I want. At least I'm not going into things that you really don't want to read about, like for example my sex life. Or my adventures with menopause. Or the 47 shots of liquid nitrogen I've just had to my body. By the way, weren't you the one who phoned after the hunting blog and raved about how hilarious it was and how well it was written and compared me to frickin' Erma Bombeck??? Hey, wasn't that you?????

MM: Well... okay..... Just quit whining about the boys.

And this is why I must point out, as much as I love talking to those of you that have my phone number (and no, I'm not giving it out here so you too can call and complain) there is also other ways for you to gripe about what I'm writing. You can also forward compliments if you like!

Right down there, below, is the "COMMENT" option. Go ahead. Click it. You don't have to tell me who you are, or you can if you want to. It's up to you. And then there's the email option. That will send it directly to the inbox and you can say what you want, except only I will know who you are and what you've said. Unless of course you've taken the time and energy to set up a fake email account, in which case, you should've probably just used the "comment" option where less energy would've been expended.

So go ahead, utilize the options.


  1. Hey Jodie,

    Whether it is whining or not whining (bitching) I love reading it. Yes the hunting one cracked me up,so do the ones about your sons (my nephews). :0)

    Love, sis-in-law Pam

  2. I haven't gotten a call from her for at least a couple years now.

    Your brother
