Needless to say, the testosterone in the house glommed onto the literature that had the pretty picture of the truck on it. It nearly turned to bloodshed as they struggled to be the first to take a look. I needed to step in and stop it.
"I'm not getting a truck."
You could've hear a pin drop it got so quiet. The literature was released from the vice like grip it had on it and fell to the floor.
"Why?" it was whispered by one of them.
"Because I don't want a truck. I want a car. I want a car just like this car." I said as I held up the picture of the car that could quite possibly become mine. And with that, I left the room.
Which... on second thought, I probably shouldn't have done. Because by leaving the room, it gave them time to discuss the situation, put a plan together and come at me with both barrels. Well, I guess all six barrels.
I was only gone for about ten minutes and when I came back into the kitchen, I wasn't prepared for what they were hitting me with. What they considered good reasons to buy a truck. I had no idea they were discussing in my absence a plan of attack to convince me to buy a truck rather than the cute little sporty thing I wanted.
"Mom. Think about it. We can load stuff like the quad in the back and take off and leave you at home and you can enjoy your quiet time."
"And Mom, it's a 4 x 4 which means highway travel would be better."
"Besides, you've always wanted to drive a van. Now's your chance. It's a brand new van."
Hold on here a minute. I needed to speak up and speak up soon or I wouldn't stand a chance of winning this one!
"Excuse me??? I never, ever! wanted to drive a van! And it's not brand new! It's already had an oil change which removes it from the "brand new" category. And what makes you think that I would let you load up the back of my truck with the quad and take off in it? And 4 x 4, in my opinion, is only used in off-roading and I won't be doing any off-roading. I'm getting the car."
"No, we really think you should get the truck. Just look at the picture. It's really nice. And it comes in red too."
"I'm not getting a truck."
"But mom, what about...."
"I'm not getting a truck." I interrupted.
"Jodie, just think about it. It would be much more practical for us to have a truck than the cute little sporty thing. We're a family. We have dogs. We'd get much more use out of a truck than a car."
"Yeah mom, what dad said."
"Who's "we"? This will be my car. Just like the Cav was my car. No one ever wanted to lay claim to the Cav as a the "family" car. We're not getting a truck."
As I walked out of the room it was apparent that I was not getting through to them. The discussion was continuing with what they thought were the endless possibilities that having a truck could bring. They were getting very excited as the three them stood, looking at the pretty picture of the truck.
"I'm not getting a truck!!!!" I yelled as I walked downstairs.
To be continued.
Merry Merry!!
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