Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside, Part Four

A day went by. I didn't have a chance to meet up with SG and see the truck or the cute little sporty thing that I wanted. And I was feeling somewhat disadvantaged.

When I got home from work, they were still talking about "the truck". I ignored them. I didn't have time, nor desire, to listen. I had a party to throw. Yes, I am now the proud owner of two teenagers.

After a rather lousy night’s sleep, due in part to a living room full of 13 year old boys playing Halo 3 on the xBox that #2’s friend takes with him everywhere he goes... as well as a late night waiting up for #1 who was out at a party, which no doubt had the booze flowing like a river in the springtime and wondering what kind of shape he’d be in when I went to pick him up in the middle of the night, I woke up thinking, “I have to go and see this car. I have to.”

Stating that I was going out finish the last of the Christmas shopping, I headed to the city. I was going to finish up the Christmas shopping, but I thought a detour could possibly be in order as well!

I wasn’t even on the highway! when I was dialing the nephew, telling him I was coming by to see him.

I headed to the dealership first. Because the malls were open late and the dealership wasn't. So it made sense to me to go there first. I walked in and asked to see the nephew. We sat for a few minutes and he said “So, what do you want?”

“SG wants a truck.”

“I know, but what do you want?”

“I want the cute little sporty thing.”

The nephew stood up and advised me that he would get a salesman.


Just what I didn’t want.

I was introduced to the sales guy and he and I sat down and discussed the cute little sporty thing. Features, benefits, colour, manual or automatic transmission, you know, car talk. Once he figured out that I knew what he was talking about, we had a great time.

“Let’s take the cute little sporty thing for a ride” the sales guy said.

Oh crap I thought.

You have to live here to know what the weather was like on this day. It was snowing. It was icy. It took me an hour and 35 minutes to get to a place that should’ve taken me 50 minutes. It was not a good day to go out and test drive a car.

‘Who’s driving?” I asked.

“I will. I just want you to feel what it’s like to be in it and moving.”


He got it out of the snowbound parking lot. And out on to the road. And he drove it. And I couldn’t believe how comfortable the ride was. I couldn’t believe how it handled going over the ridges of snow in between the lanes. And on the ice, I could just feel the traction.

We headed out on to the ring road and picked up some speed. Now, I never drive the speed limit in the conditions that we were in. I'm always going a little slower. And I was wishing the sales guy would drive a little slower too, but after a minute, I realized that the car was handling the snow and ice quite well. Exceptionally well actually. I was impressed.

The sales guy pulled off the road, stopped and popped the hood. We took a look underneath and he pointed out this and I pointed out that and we almost had a “high five” moment going on. Then, he said:

“You drive.”

To which I replied “Huh?”

“You drive, see how it handles, what it feels like, you live it. Experience it.”

And, as I slid into the driver’s seat, adjusted the steering wheel and seat, pushed in the clutch and put it into first, I said to myself “You probably shouldn't... no wait.... YOU REALLY SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS!!"

To be continued….

Merry Merry!

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