Sunday, November 9, 2008

Someone please tell me what is going on????

Nothing like spending the day with the kids to fuel me some fire for a blog!!

Man oh man OH MAN!!!

How is it possible that laughs, giggles, camaraderie, teamwork and brotherly enjoyment can turn into death threats, bruises and bad words??

The day started off nice enough.

I'm up before the sun (SG leaves the bed at some ungodly early hour to go to the bush....uhmm, helloooo? there's something wrong with this), then the boys get up early and decide they're going to work on the snowmobile together.

Say WHAT????

Yes I'm told. #2 needs to learn and #1 will teach. And, as I stand there, my jaw hitting the floor and my eyes about to fall out of my head, it dawns on me that maybe we've turned the corner. Maybe, just maybe, they're at the point in life where they've decided to be friends rather than have zero tolerance for each other.

It was great. In and out they came and went, getting this and getting that, working as a team. Well, actually, in my logical world I know that, #2 was the fetch boy to whatever #1 wanted. In my fantasy world however ...#2 is so tuned in to #1 and learning and watching and anticipating and they're being brothers and talking and being together and almost even maybe kinda sorta liking each other. Sometimes they even came in together to give me a status update. Like I know anything about carbs and rails and tracks....but I feigned interest anyway...

Holy Crap!!!!


And... it wasn't long after that, that the bottom fell out.

After being brutally yanked out of the lovely little fantasy land I was in, I had no choice but to return to reality. Screaming, yelling and loud thunks will do that to a person.

Now, while both of them are taller than me, one of them stronger than me and one of them faster than me, I can still make them stand still with just a look. I'm not sure if it's the fire coming from my eyes or the whisper like screaming I'm doing through clenched teeth all the while flexing a fist, but they stand still. God forbid I take a step forward whilst acting this way, they'd run like little school girls!

They were both sent to separate rooms for some chill down time. I've checked them over and nothing is broken. I've given them both ice packs and have warned that if I ever, EVER!!! hear that kind of language again they'll be dealing with the flossing of a bar of soap out of their teeth while standing because their butts will be so sore from the whipping I'd given them. Oh yeah, and the fighting too...jeez.

Not that I would ever whip my children, but they don't know that....and, hey, the empty threat continues to work! Play your cards when you have 'em.

And that's why I'm in my little piece of heaven, down in the basement, in my office that has a door, that locks, and a fridge that contains grape and candles and ..... well .... you know, on the internet, writing a blog.

Oh yeah, I'm also looking for answers. Because I just don't get it.

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