Monday, November 24, 2008

The battle was lost

Remember when I was bragging about being in a tie with the cold/flu which was a good thing because I couldn't afford to be sick right now? And that I thought I was winning? Wait, maybe I didn't tell you about the winning part.

I did, I thought I was winning.

I'm here to tell you, right now, that I was wrong.

I lost.

It won big time Saturday night and is proceeding to Kick. My. Ass.

I feel so absolutely lousy and crappy that I'm actually at home. Can you believe that!! I never stay home when I'm sick. The reason for that is part that I always feel compelled to do other stuff rather than rest (like, oh let's say, posting a blog that has been proofread over and over, at least 17 times!! to make sure all the words are there) and the other part is I feel so incredibly guilty about not being at work. Yeah... that last part... some people tell me is a sickness in itself.

Actually, if the truth be told, I prefer to be out there, spreading the very same horrible germs that got me, around to the rest of the world. I know, I'm nice like that.

No idea how long it's gonna last, just thought I'd let you know.

Besides, I'm looking for Sympathy (sniffle sneeze sniffle cough sniffle).

And don't be telling me I can find it in the dictionary between sh....

1 comment:

  1. Awwww you poor girl. Get better soon okay? I hear whisky will help!
