Sunday, November 30, 2008

Everything you say can and will be held against you...

Apparently some people think it's okay to tell me what to write about in my blog.

We had a couple of things go on over here in the past couple of weeks that would have made awesome blog material. Really, they would have.

And it was during the first incident that I realized I couldn't write about it. Could not force myself to sit down and tell the story to you loyal blog readers.

Well, actually, I could write it. I could tell it. And it would be good. Very good!!!

It was just that "one of the other people in this house" managed to find the strength to yell, in a deep, deep, very loud and authoritative voice that I've never heard come out this person before ever... "MOOOOOOOOOOMMM... DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT BLOGGING ABOUT THIS!!!!" as I headed downstairs to, well, blog about it.

I was slightly taken aback I will admit. Such strength coming from the little bugger. And so sure with what he was yelling at me.

So, I turned around and headed back upstairs. To keep this between him and I.

But, then there's the other story I would love to write about. But won't. Or can't I guess.

Because once again I was stopped, like I had walked into a wall. This time it was with "Mom... SO HELP ME!!!, you tell the blog world about this and I will never, ever, forgive you."

What else can I say? I have to honour the wishes of those closest to me. I have to listen to them when they have such strong opinions of what they feel I should I put out here.

I've been muzzled.

And with the muzzle come this: they best be doing absolutely every single stinkin' thing that I ask of them from here on in if they expect me to keep the muzzle on!

If not, it is soooo coming off!!

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