Monday, November 3, 2008

I can't believe it!!

When we bought my car, I was very thrilled. Not only would it be really good on gas, it was small, four door (all of which worked by the way!) I wasn't too keen that it wasn't a standard, but I could live with that. The colour, while boring, manages to hide the dirt. But only to a point. Eventually one must take it to the car wash to clean it up.

But the best part about my car was the CD player. I'd never had one before. I was veeerry excited.

I headed out and bought a spool of blank CD's so that I could burn almost everything I had purchased and downloaded just so I could have them in my car. Didn't neccesarily mean I was going to play them all. But I could if I wanted to. Music is the gateway to the soul. Well, my soul anyway. They kept spilling out of the glove box everytime I opened it and the ones that were always at hand kept falling to the floor everytime I took a corner too quickly. Time to downsize and clean up ... yes, most of the CD's are now safely stored inside the house. With the exception of but a few. You know, the ones that you can listen to time and time again and over and over and never, ever, ever get sick of. Yeah, you know... I don't have to tell you. Hee hee...that's funny.

Anyway, a couple weeks ago I was forced to take a good long look at my CD player. It wasn't working all that well. And yes, I was getting depressed. What in the would I do without my CD player? I don't particularly care for the radio right now. Well, that's not true. I listen to my friend on the drive home, but really, if there's too much ABBA or Lionel Ritchie, or hell, even Elton or Billy Joel going on, I switch to the CD player. But the CD player wasn't working all that well. It wasn't playing some of the tracks and it was skipping it's way through others. I figured it was shot.

And I was bummed. Very bummed.

And then came the weekend and I get to drive the van around to do my all stuff and come Monday morning, I had completely forgotten about my CD player not working properly. And feeling like listening to a little something different, I put in a different CD.

And well I'll be damned, the thing worked! It played the whole M5 CD, all the way through, without skipping one time. Without crapping out on me.

The thought passed my mind that maybe, just maybe, I had worn out a CD. I've heard that it happens, to other people. "Played the stupid thing so much I wore it out". But I didn't think that it could possibly be true. I mean really, how do you wear out a CD?

On the drive home, I put the CD that kept skipping and missing into the player.

And guess what? It still skipped and crapped out on me.

I wore out a CD!!!

EDIT: Because my little brother is looking out for his big sister (yeah, and being a bit of a party pooper at the same time), apparently my offer was breaking the law...which I knew, but hey, live on the edge...

I can't believe it...but for now, I must go burn another copy. For my own use!!

It really is that good....

1 comment:

  1. you know burning a backup cd for other than personal use is bootlegging, don't you.

    I say fly the Jolly Roger and have at 'er.


    Your Brother.
