Sunday, September 21, 2008

Looking for trouble

And I think I've found it.

You see, I’ve been going through stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. If you’ve ever seen our photo “crate”… really, it is a crate, a large crate… you’ll know exactly what I mean about STUFF!!!

I decided I needed to do a little Photo Therapy and remember why it is that I love my children.

Don’t get me wrong, there really isn’t any reason not to love them, but there are a few bumps along the way that I keep hitting that make me want to question: like that they’re deeply enveloped in puberty and are like night and day, not only in looks but personality and that alone is nothing but trouble, believe you me! but they both don’t have an ounce of patience where the other is concerned and both seem to have left their brains on their respective pillows because they certainly aren’t using them and both of them have no respect whatsoever for just about anything, and I may be biased here, but it’s mostly me, and no regard for any other parental responsibility that they require we bestow upon them.

But this isn’t what the post was originally intended to be, I didn’t want to gripe about my offspring (yes, today they’re OFFSPRING!!)

And while I was engaging in restoring my belief that I do indeed love my children, I recalled that I was given the pleasure, oh, probably about ten years ago, to hold on to all the picture albums that my mom and dad had. They were downsizing and didn’t have any room for a lot of their stuff so decided to hand it down to the children. I was given the task of holding on to the photo albums. I wasn’t offered any of the other stuff, just “Here, I’m giving you the pictures, take care of them, keep them safe and one day, split them up amongst your brother and sister.” Well, shucks, I’ll be! Thank you so much. But hey, what about the cherry dining room suite? Or the leather couch and chair? The china? And what about…..

Yes, I got the pictures.

And then I thought it might be time to see about splitting them up and handing some over to my siblings the next time I’m out that way, so I started going through the albums. But, as I was going through these albums and what seemed like a never ending stack of photo envelopes, I was finding that there were so many pictures that were so precious that I wasn’t sure I could hand them over just yet. I may need some more time with them.

I’ve got to tell you….well, let’s just say that if I can figure out how to get my scanner working, I’ll certainly be finding me some trouble alright! And plenty of it I might add!! Between emails and this very blog, my family may just never speak to me again!

You wanna talk about that dining room suite …...?

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