Sunday, September 7, 2008

Early Morning Night Owl

I've been up since 3:19 am.

And while you all know how much I enjoy my early morning time to myself, when the whole house is still asleep and no one is talking to me, or calling me, or asking me to do or get something, this is just ridiculous.

But, it also happens when you lay down for a little "nap" at 8:30 and well, just stay napping. Hot time Saturday night in this house I'll tell ya!

So, y'all are no doubt wondering what I've been doing with myself. Well, I did try to go back to sleep. But THAT didn't happen. I gave some thought about sandblasting the bathroom, but that would wake everybody up. And then there was the supper dishes that didn't get done whilst I was off in dream land, but again, that might wake people up. Who am I kidding? They're immune to the sound of housework being done so I probably could've done it all without them hearing a damn thing and they would wake up to sparkling clean. Not a pleasure I've ever been afforded however, and I don't think I should start something I may not want to keep up with!

So I did what everybody would do. I got on the internet. And I'll tell you, the transmission speeds are much quicker in the middle of the night on this dial up gig I got going here! And I did research that I've been wanting to do for some time now. Well, not really, but I did have a few questions that I needed answered. Actually, I just surfed aimlessly about and whenever something popped into my head I entered it into a google search and away I went.

Found out the lack of Northern Lights this summer is due to very little solar activity. Turns out that when there are storms on the sun, explosions happen and this interferes with the magnetic field of the earth and as such, causes the Aurora Borealis to dazzle us with its light show. And I bet you thought it was the spirits fighting, didn't you?

Discovered what looks to be an awesome recipe for pumpkin muffins. Which won't do me any good this year as the pumpkin plants didn't put forth one single pumpkin that I could use. The honeydews had a couple, but somehow, I don't think honeydew muffins would be very good.

Continued in my pursuit to try and have a better understanding of U.S. politics. Yeah, uhmm, no. There's some things that I just can't wrap my head around.

Been thinking about watching the NFL this year and did some reading on that. I'm still on the fence in this regard. There's just too many teams and the game takes too long to play and the amount of money these guys make is insane and well, I think I'll just stick with my own football league.

Got re-acquainted with this. I had forgotten about this and how good it makes me feel. It's a little more commercialized now but hey, everybody's gotta make a buck somehow. The photos are wonderful.

I did give some thought to going back to bed, but with two cups of tea in me, the brain activity has started and well, now I just can't.

Besides that, a quick video that I want to see from the Food Network has finally "buffered" itself in and I may be able to watch it in its entirety without getting upset with the computer and wanting to pick it up and toss it out the window.

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