Friday, March 7, 2008

Get ready, she's a long one.

You know, we bloggers make a conscious decision to put ourselves out here on the www. We take some of our inner most thoughts, ideas, opinions and put them into a word document. Then, we cut and paste them into to whichever particular blogging format we decide works for us, and publish them for the world to see.

For some of us, it’s an opportunity to remain true to who we really are. Publish the “real goods” as they are, the way they happen.

For some of us, it’s an opportunity to take the life we have, change it up a bit, make it a little “spicier” or “more interesting”. Tinge it with a humourous tone to make “whatever IT is” a little easier to deal with.

But after all is said and done, we decide what we publish and what we don’t. We know our reading audience and we know that this same reading audience will either embrace what we’re saying, be entertained and continue to read, or decide that they really don’t have a need to spend (or waste) their time reading what we put out there.

Or they’ll take what we have to say and go with it to places that we couldn’t even begin to imagine.

It’s their decision.

I’ve had the oh so wonderful pleasure of having the words I’ve chosen to put out here on my previous blogs mis-interpreted, mis-construed, taken out of context and thrown back at me. Hell, they even cut and pasted some of my previous blogs and then threatened to take me to court with them. And I’ll admit, it did scare me a bit. Scared me enough to shut her down. Hide. Change. But only temporarily. To think that some idiots have the right to think that they know me by what I decide to write down and publish! Hmmpphh! Blogging can, and is, one of the most convenient ways to project a façade. It really truly is. A facade.

So, imagine being a celebrity. Someone who is always out there, being scrutinized, being watched. And then add to it, being a blogger. With your star rapidly rising, imagine being John Mayer. I’ve been a fan of his for long enough to know that with everything he puts out there, you have to read between the lines. You have to understand the person behind the blog in order to really understand what is going on in the blog.

And for some, for that fact, for most, they don’t.

Here’s his blog from March 2, 2008:

Love, By John Mayer

March 02, 2008

I was sitting in the airport lounge this morning when I started scribbling out lyrics and such...
Don't read too far into this on a personal level. (There are no hidden messages)... I just thought it sums up how crazy love can be.

Dear Ex Lover,

Perhaps you didn't understand the last time I told you to stop contacting me, so I'll do my best to spell it out for you. I do not wish to have you in my life anymore. I don't know how much more clear I can be about it. It would serve you best to move on with your life and find someone who can put up with you, because I'm done trying.

I hope this is enough closure for you.


P.S. If you need me, you know how to find me.

And bless someone’s little black heart, here’s an interpretation of that blog that was found on the www.

March 08, 2008, 02:54 AM
'I Don't Want You In My Life'
JOHN MAYER appears to have had a very unsubtle dig at former flame JESSICA SIMPSON in his latest blog.

Though he asks us not read too much into the message to an 'ex-lover', I've been left questioning how we could possibly not.

He writes: "I was sitting in the airport lounge this morning when I started scribbling out lyrics and such.

"Don't read too far into this on a personal level. (There are no hidden messages). I just thought it sums up how crazy love can be.

"Dear Ex Lover,

"Perhaps you didn't understand the last time I told you to stop contacting me, so I'll do my best to spell it out for you. I do not wish to have you in my life anymore. I don't know how much more clear I can be about it. It would serve you best to move on with your life and find someone who can put up with you, because I'm done trying.

"I hope this is enough closure for you.


"P.S. If you need me, you know how to find me."

Poor Jessica. First she gets slammed by Dallas Cowboy fans for distracting boyfriend TONY ROMO'S performances and now this.

John's public note is just plain vicious and unneccesary.

A discreet word might be a better option.

This is from someone who actually gets PAID to write stuff and publish it! Because of one "public affair" it's automatically assumed to be Jessica Simpson. Someone needs to be doing some research on John Mayer!

And then comes the response from John. And it’s really unfortunate that a response was needed. But hey, he's an upstanding guy, he really is (I know this, I've met him, he's had his arm around me! LOL).

Never Complain, (Almost) Never Explain.

March 08, 2008

"The more space I get the better I write
(Oh) Never I write, but, if, ever I write
I need the space to say whatever I like..."

I'm not a big fan of justifying my thoughts to people. I've known since grade school that my take on things is not for everyone, and that those who do understand how my head works seem to have a deeper connection with me for it. (Those who don't are still welcome to use the facilities.)

I wouldn't traditionally take to a blog to explain a blog, and it begs the question as to whether or not anyone who didn't understand the first one will make any sense of its follow-up, but when it involves the possibility of hurting someone else, I'll tuck my tail between my legs and explain my intentions. Even though it makes my teeth itch.

The blog - copied from my lyric/idea journal, is all about the P.S. - it's a writing technique called "deceptive resolution"; you think the story is going one way, only to find that it twists around at the end, using all its momentum to swing in another direction. In this instance, the writer of the missive is saying in as many certain terms as possible that he does not want to see his ex anymore. At the end, the P.S. leaves that all too common contradiction in terms that makes love so messed up. I call it "I wish you were here so I could tell you to leave".

This actually has some pretty far-reaching ramifications. How will I write an entire record of lyrics when one small blog passage incites so much curiosity? Can I write a song because of somebody but not about them? By way of my experiences but not as a sordid retelling of them? Because if I can't, I need to rewrite the last line to my new song "Boning you on my helicopter".

Doin' The Right Thing Like Mookie,


March 08, 2008, 02:54 AM 

I’ve by no means the dedicated readership that John has, but I guess what I’m trying to say here is that for those of you that really know me, carry on, enjoy, laugh, cry, say “yeah right”, whatever. You know me well enough to know what are the “real goods”.

And for those of you that don’t know me, remember, you don’t know me.

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