Saturday, March 8, 2008

Do I say "hello"

There is something so incredibly uncomfortable, or maybe wrong, about seeing the Principal from one of your kid's school at the local liquor store.


I mean, what do you do? Do you approach? Do you hang your head and hope they don't see you? I mean, after all, you are the Chair of the Parent Advisory Council, I'm certain there's protocol (however, no one has told me for sure). Do you pretend that you didn't see them, and should they have the balls to say "hello" feign surprise that they too are human and enjoy the occassional beverage? Seriously, they'd have to. They're in charge of over 400 some odd little ones, 5 days a week.

Well....this happened to me today. Whilst walking out of the store, Mr. Principal was pulling into the parking lot. And bless Mr. Principal's heart, he parked right beside me.

OH, and I wasn't carrying a brown paper bag with a bottle of grape in it. Nope. I was carrying a box. Yes, A BOX OF FRICKIN WINE!!!! And it wasn't even in a bag!!

So yeah, there wasn't any "pretending I don't see you" or "feigning surprise". There was Mr. Principal. I sort of felt like I was in grade school again and seeing something happen that I shouldn't be seeing happen. And I had a quick flashback to 18 and being in the bar and seeing Mr. English Teacher sitting with his buddies, drinking beer. It just wasn't right.

And what does Mr. Principal do? He rolls down the window. OMG!! I have no idea why I was so uncomfortable with the idea of actually speaking to him in the liquor store parking lot, but this was the last thing I wanted to do. I talk to this man about school issues. My child. Educational and fundraising stuff. Guidance in education. What was I supposed to say in this situation? "Hey there, hard stuff or grape? Getting warm beer? Imported or Domestic?" Really....

A brief chat later about the upcoming meeting and whether I received his email (d'uh...I replied) and we were both on our merry way. Good thing #2Son was in the car waiting for me. I can't imagine what I would've done if he'd been walking out with me!

And I will say this. I did give some serious thought to hiding out in the parking lot across the street. You know, wait and watch to see what he came out with.

You can tell a lot about a person by the size of the bag (or box) they leave the liquor store with!

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