It really has.
Despite the reprieve you’ve given us for the last couple of days, you still manage to reap the nasty upon us once again. As much as much as I want to say sh*#...I will say, crap. I mean, c’mon, how much do you expect us to take? Really? We’ve been put through hell for the last 3 months and then you give us a sliver of hope. A sliver of light, of believing, that yes, indeed, SPRING IS COMING!!!! Here, I have proof.
That there is grass (albeit somewhat dead-ish looking – you would be too after what you’ve been through. Wait, we’re all looking somewhat dead-ish aren’t we?)
And then, what do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO????? You do this….
That is the view from the front deck just afer I saw the dead grass!
We’re really looking forward to is being able to be outside, without 3 tons of clothing on our backs, forced to carry it around, without everything from our eyeballs down being covered up in wool and various blends thereof, trying to save our outer extremities from being frozen and turning black and having to be amputated due to severe blood loss due to freezing. Sure, it’s not that cold now. BUT IT HAS BEEN!!!!
We’re looking forward to this.
And this.
Oh…and this!! Really looking forward to this!
And all I’m asking from you is to ease up a bit dear Mother. Ease Up! Pulleeassssee!! I’m begging you!!! As are all the rest of us Manitobans who have just about had enough and are ready to pull the plug on life as we know in this province!!
I’m getting a passport. And I’ll figure out how to use it!
Consider yourself warned.
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