Sunday, March 30, 2008
Crunchy, just the way you like it!
And it’s not easy being the only female in the joint. I mean, they take for granted so much. And I’m not sure if it’s their father’s doing but it has begun to dawn on me that I’m being taken advantage of.
For example, why am I the only one with dishpan hands?
Why am I the only one who truly knows how the washer and dryer work?
Why am I the one who vacuums? Not to mention dusting…do they not know how a dustrag works?
Is putting away the groceries, that I’ve spent an hour and a half in the grocery store purchasing, such a hard thing? Can they not see that the fruit goes in the fruit drawer, the canned goods go in the pantry, check this…with the other cans? That baking stuff gets put up on the top shelf with, go figure, the other baking stuff? That there’s a drawer for veggies and a drawer for onions and carrots? And that the milk really should be rotated so we don’t have 4 open jugs all at the same time?
And this brings me to my dilemma. The other day, I was driving home from the place that keeps the food in the fridge (non rotated and not where it should be) and the roof over our heads, in the Cav, and my “low coolant” indicator light came on. So I came home and told SG that the light came on and that I needed him to look at the car. Maybe put some coolant in it so that the meltable insides of the engine wouldn’t melt. I don’t know, are there “meltables” in the engine? I would think so, o-rings and gaskets and shit, or so that if it should drop below -15, the engine wouldn’t freeze. I have had this happen to me before, and trust me, it’s expensive! I received, in return, a pondering look, somewhat quizzical, and the comment, “Hhmmm, wonder why.”
And then today, at the wonderful hour of 7:23 am, I’m up and somewhat dressed, dropping #1Son off at the Albert and Walter store, because after all, he is responsible and mature enough to have the key, the security code and be in charge of opening the place, but can’t be counted on to make sure his underwear actually makes it into the laundry hamper. As we pull up in front the place, we hear a funny sounding noise coming from the car. He quickly turns off the heat and the radio and gives a listen. The he gets out of the car and heads off to open the restaurant. He calls my cell and informs that there is a “football” size oil leak where I was parked.
Great. Just frickin’ lovely!!!
I ask if he thinks I can make it home and he tells me to take it slow and that if I feel sluggish and no power that I should pull over and call Dad. Fat lotta good that’s gonna do me! I left the internet on because I was downloading, well, downloading something…
I made it home, without any sluggy-ness and parked on the snow covered part of the driveway. I figured that black (or brown, or whatever color the oil is) would show up better there. Needless to say, there was nothing. I’m assuming it was just the dirt from the road that was dripping, but I don’t know.
My point is, why is it that I take care of these males, right down to washing their crusty socks and dirty underwear, yet no one thinks to take care of my car? Seriously??? All these males! #1Son is in Power Mechanics and is a natural. SG, well, he should just frickin well do it. #2Son wants to be involved. Why does it take a crisis in order for maintenance, and I mean maintenance that is normal maintenance, to take place.
Seriously, I am being taken advantage of. And with that, enjoy your crusty socks!!! All of you.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Earth Hour 2008
We’ve decided to go black. Turn off everything. And I mean everything. Well, except for the fridge and furnace. I mean, really, we’re in a storm watch with high winds and the chance of lots of snow, gotta keep some things running. Oh, and the hot water tank (don’t know why, just not gonna turn it off).
We’re going to unplug the clock radios. The High Definition Receiver and Surround Sound. Anything that throws light. And yes, I’m even going to shut off the computer. Something that just doesn’t happen around this house. This computer stays on all the time. Someone once told me it’s the best thing for the computer. All that turning off and turning on is harder on it than just letting it stay on.
But, wait…off topic.
Global warming is real. Climate change is real. And we have to do something. So why not? We recycle. We reuse. We’ve gone energy efficient on many levels. We have geo thermal heating (no emissions here). Oh sure, most of us turn off all the lights when we go to bed, but let’s do it when we need it. When we’re going to miss it. Let’s take a look at what life would be like if we continue to destroy Mother Earth.
Okay, okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. But hey, maybe I’m not?
So, between 8 and 9 TONIGHT!!! Turn off the lights.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Give me a break, it wasn't a Big Mac!
How good of an idea is it to be heading to the grand opening of the gym you’ve joined and eat fast food in the parking lot because you’ve only had a muffin and an egg salad sandwich for lunch and the stress of life is making you weak and you’re starving and you were ill prepared to properly pack nutritious snacks to hold you over until you get home to have something that is diet friendly?
Yeah, not a good idea I know. Particularly when you’re in said parking lot, looking for a place to park and you see all these thin, attractive, "in shape" people walking into the gym.
I anticipated that.
So I ate the double cheeseburger in the car, on the drive over there.
But hey, I ordered it with only piece of cheese.
After all, I am watching my calories.
Missing In Action
It was my hope that when I started blogging that I would post 5 times a week. A couple of posts during the week and then give ‘er on the weekends.
But you know, sometimes, and I’ve said it before, doing what we want to do versus what we have to do, well, the best laid plans....
I’ve been put in a position where I have to use my brain for the thing that pays the bills and helps keep the food in the fridge and roof over our heads. And I mean really really really!!!! use my brain! And as my policy is not to blog about my job, I’m not going into details.
But, the good news is, I do believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Things are looking good.
And now, your weekly recap:
Easter was wonderful. All four of us decorated eggs this year.
I made too much food, but all that did was allow us not to have to think of meals for 3 days. Leftovers, what way to go! Nothing quite like turkey Quesadilla with mozzarella cheese, a little salsa and sour cream…delish!
Went to the grand opening of the new gym today. I’m excited to start with my early morning workouts. All brand new equipment, some of the latest and greatest. And, as “Josh The Trainer” pointed out, once I know how to work these things and am seriously dedicated to firming up and losing inches (and weight), I’ll be having the time of my life. I’m back next Tuesday for my workout run through. Good thing too, because some of these treadmills look like I just might like walking down the road with the dogs a little more!
Oh, and we had a successful breeding of the hounds! So we’ll have pups on or around the May long weekend. I was going through pictures the other day as I’m still trying to build a website. Those pictures got me all excited about the hard work and puppy breath one more time!
And more recent photos, because y'all know you just can't get enough of my life!!
SG put some more bacon to the 'makin! A little less salt, a lot more smoke. Really good!!
The slicer at work. And yes, those damn Pointsettia's are still alive! C'mon, it's the 27th of March already, isn't it time to "move on"?
But, apparently spring isn't ready for us. This was Tuesday night.
But hey, you can't see the dog crap!
Always the optimist I am.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Oh so NOT diet friendly!
And, for someone who is full blooded Irish, she makes a mean perogy. You’d think she was Ukrainian given the absolute wonderfulness that is Carol’s perogy!!
And while I know mine won’t stack up to Carol’s, the 'rogie bug bit me. And so off I went with it. After all, we had just made a whack of bacon, and what goes better with bacon??? Perogies!!
With no Ukrainian to speak of in my blood, I decided that I too was going to make some perogies. And dammit, they were going to be good. And yes, I would finish the whole batch this time. My usual habit is to make a couple dozen and then put the dough in the freezer to wait until the next time I decided that I might want to make some perogies. Which ultimately turns into tossing the dough out because it's freezer burnt beyond recognition. But, this time, I pulled it off. I really did.
I made a whole whack of perogies today. Granted it’s nothing like what Carol can pull off, but it’s a start.
There she is, the dough. All rolled and ready for cutting into the shape that is the perogy.
And this my friends, is what's going inside. Looks delish, doesn't it??
Seriously, how can one make perogies without these two essentials! Notice how the clock isn't showing the time??? Oh yeah, some secrets just can't be revealed!
At first, I was all neat and organized.
And then I was "let's just get these frickin things done already!!!"
And that's all that was left. No dough. Just filling. And not much at that. And check out the wine glass...not telling if it's the original...or how many times its been re-filled. Some secrets you just don't share!
Hey Carol, I did it! I finished the dough off. And made the perogies!
Mind you, we haven't tasted them yet.
I may still come begging!!
It's my party...
Which is kind of a rip-off. I much prefer to have the birthday fall on the Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. That way, it becomes my Birthday WEEK! Because we all know that you really can’t whoop it up with the celebrations when the day of your birth falls in the middle of the week. So, you use the whole week to drop the phrase “It’s my Birthday WEEK, that’s why you should do the dishes.” Or my fave “I don’t have to because it’s my Birthday WEEK.” I like to use that one a lot.
My actual birthday was yesterday. Which I know was Thursday. So I could’ve used the Birthday Week. But it’s also a long weekend, with it being Easter and all. And how weird is it that my birthday is right before the Easter weekend. That’s never happened before. And it won’t happen again in my lifetime. Here’s why:
As you may know, Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon
after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20).
This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people
used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman
The following may be of interest to you.
Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) but
that is pretty rare. This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever
see the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our
population have ever seen it this early (95 years old or above!). And none
of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier! Here's the facts:
The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228
(220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if
you're 95 or older, you are the only ones that were around for that!).
The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285
(277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818. So, no
one alive today has or will ever see it any earlier than this year.
So anyway, due to the long Easter weekend, I decided to give the family a break and just go with the Birthday Weekend this year. Which seriously compromises the next 3 birthdays. Because they'll only be Birthday Weekends. Having a Birthday Weekend doesn’t really get you more. It just gets you out of doing things.
Like washing the kitchen floor.
Or cleaning the toilets.
Or picking up dog crap.
My first "link" - go me!!
I thought that was the groundhog's job?
They're never really right anyway, but if they are, that means May 1st we'll finally be out of the danger zone.
And while I griped about the weather a few posts back, it really wasn't as well written as THIS. Bear in mind that it isn't my province, but it really does hit the nail on the head. It says what we're all wanting to say!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
More brothers and sisters!!
Boy dog on the other hand, well he's kinda hesitant. I'm not sure if it's because he remembers the last heat (and according to the Dog Whisperer, they don't have a memory of past events- yeah, okay, whatever) whereby he wasn't allowed anywhere near her and if he ventured at all close by, he was given the supreme "(enter dog's name here)!!!!! NOOOO!!!!
Ya'll remember the choreography to avoid the "dance of love" was indeed a trying time.
So now we, as a family, and keeping the best interest of the dogs and breed in mind, are ready to breed again.
However, Boy dog has some reservations. Not quite so sure if he should "taste the forbidden fruit" if you will.
While we're early into this "dance of love" it is unknown whether there will be fruit to bear. We can only hope that the two of them can get past their (or our) demons and move on and bring forth into this world some of the most incredible pups. They truly are.
Here, take a look.
That's Lexi. Such a beauty! Look at that face and those ears!
And Lieutenant...okay, so it might be spelled wrong, but there is something that is so awesome about him! Seriously people, a true German Shepherd!!
While I thought they were considered black and tan, they are actually black and red. Go figure...
All I can hope is that we have the joy and wonderful-ness feeling of having a whole bunch of German Shepherd puppies in our lives once again. To pass on to others who truly understand a loyal and devoted companion. Never mind one of the best watch dogs you could ever imagine!!
According to the calendar, we should expect a delivery around the May long weekend.
Here's to Corn Dogs!
#1Son: No, I got it covered.
SG: Really?
#1Son: Yep.
Me: Because if you need condoms, I'll go get them for you.
#1Son: You don't know what size.
Me: Uhmmm, I'm pretty sure I can figure it out.
#1Son: Don't think so....
Me: Uhmmm, yeah, I do.....
SG: Don't tell me we need to special order?
#1Son: Sure do.
SG: Don't think so....
Me: wow, here we go....battle of the penis...can my life possibly get any worse?
Edit to add: This was just a conversation. Don't be going and thinking that my son is sexually active, because he's not. We've instilled good solid beliefs in him and his relationship with the opposite sex. I only wanted to share some of the humourous things that we can find to talk about in this house with too much testosterone.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Gotta Brag
I went shopping for clothes. Yes, yes I did. And, as many of you know, I absolutely hate shopping for clothes. Being somewhat overweight (I'm not saying fat because I'm in denial) it's hard to shop. The size you want to be isn't necessarily the size you are and when you attempt to try on the clothes in the size you think that might fit and they don't , well, you never want to go into that store agein!
But guess what? I had the salesperson at the store I was in yesterday cater to me and look me over and check me out and bring me the sizes that she thought might fit me.
And holy crap!!! I'm down 2 sizes! Yes, you read it right....TWO FRICKIN SIZES!!!! It has been too many years to remember since I've fit into a size ..... well, nevermind the size. But I am truly amazed.
It has renewed my belief in cutting out the crap, the fast food, the beer (oh how I MISS you!!!), the bread, the pasta...
And, the gym I joined opens up in a couple of weeks for my early morning work outs, complete with trainer...
I just KNOW I'm gonna be lookin' good 'round that pool this summer!
Dear Mother
It really has.
Despite the reprieve you’ve given us for the last couple of days, you still manage to reap the nasty upon us once again. As much as much as I want to say sh*#...I will say, crap. I mean, c’mon, how much do you expect us to take? Really? We’ve been put through hell for the last 3 months and then you give us a sliver of hope. A sliver of light, of believing, that yes, indeed, SPRING IS COMING!!!! Here, I have proof.
That there is grass (albeit somewhat dead-ish looking – you would be too after what you’ve been through. Wait, we’re all looking somewhat dead-ish aren’t we?)
And then, what do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO????? You do this….
That is the view from the front deck just afer I saw the dead grass!
We’re really looking forward to is being able to be outside, without 3 tons of clothing on our backs, forced to carry it around, without everything from our eyeballs down being covered up in wool and various blends thereof, trying to save our outer extremities from being frozen and turning black and having to be amputated due to severe blood loss due to freezing. Sure, it’s not that cold now. BUT IT HAS BEEN!!!!
We’re looking forward to this.
And this.
Oh…and this!! Really looking forward to this!
And all I’m asking from you is to ease up a bit dear Mother. Ease Up! Pulleeassssee!! I’m begging you!!! As are all the rest of us Manitobans who have just about had enough and are ready to pull the plug on life as we know in this province!!
I’m getting a passport. And I’ll figure out how to use it!
Consider yourself warned.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Do I say "hello"
I mean, what do you do? Do you approach? Do you hang your head and hope they don't see you? I mean, after all, you are the Chair of the Parent Advisory Council, I'm certain there's protocol (however, no one has told me for sure). Do you pretend that you didn't see them, and should they have the balls to say "hello" feign surprise that they too are human and enjoy the occassional beverage? Seriously, they'd have to. They're in charge of over 400 some odd little ones, 5 days a week.
Well....this happened to me today. Whilst walking out of the store, Mr. Principal was pulling into the parking lot. And bless Mr. Principal's heart, he parked right beside me.
OH, and I wasn't carrying a brown paper bag with a bottle of grape in it. Nope. I was carrying a box. Yes, A BOX OF FRICKIN WINE!!!! And it wasn't even in a bag!!
So yeah, there wasn't any "pretending I don't see you" or "feigning surprise". There was Mr. Principal. I sort of felt like I was in grade school again and seeing something happen that I shouldn't be seeing happen. And I had a quick flashback to 18 and being in the bar and seeing Mr. English Teacher sitting with his buddies, drinking beer. It just wasn't right.
And what does Mr. Principal do? He rolls down the window. OMG!! I have no idea why I was so uncomfortable with the idea of actually speaking to him in the liquor store parking lot, but this was the last thing I wanted to do. I talk to this man about school issues. My child. Educational and fundraising stuff. Guidance in education. What was I supposed to say in this situation? "Hey there, hard stuff or grape? Getting warm beer? Imported or Domestic?" Really....
A brief chat later about the upcoming meeting and whether I received his email (d'uh...I replied) and we were both on our merry way. Good thing #2Son was in the car waiting for me. I can't imagine what I would've done if he'd been walking out with me!
And I will say this. I did give some serious thought to hiding out in the parking lot across the street. You know, wait and watch to see what he came out with.
You can tell a lot about a person by the size of the bag (or box) they leave the liquor store with!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Get ready, she's a long one.
For some of us, it’s an opportunity to remain true to who we really are. Publish the “real goods” as they are, the way they happen.
For some of us, it’s an opportunity to take the life we have, change it up a bit, make it a little “spicier” or “more interesting”. Tinge it with a humourous tone to make “whatever IT is” a little easier to deal with.
But after all is said and done, we decide what we publish and what we don’t. We know our reading audience and we know that this same reading audience will either embrace what we’re saying, be entertained and continue to read, or decide that they really don’t have a need to spend (or waste) their time reading what we put out there.
Or they’ll take what we have to say and go with it to places that we couldn’t even begin to imagine.
It’s their decision.
I’ve had the oh so wonderful pleasure of having the words I’ve chosen to put out here on my previous blogs mis-interpreted, mis-construed, taken out of context and thrown back at me. Hell, they even cut and pasted some of my previous blogs and then threatened to take me to court with them. And I’ll admit, it did scare me a bit. Scared me enough to shut her down. Hide. Change. But only temporarily. To think that some idiots have the right to think that they know me by what I decide to write down and publish! Hmmpphh! Blogging can, and is, one of the most convenient ways to project a façade. It really truly is. A facade.
So, imagine being a celebrity. Someone who is always out there, being scrutinized, being watched. And then add to it, being a blogger. With your star rapidly rising, imagine being John Mayer. I’ve been a fan of his for long enough to know that with everything he puts out there, you have to read between the lines. You have to understand the person behind the blog in order to really understand what is going on in the blog.
And for some, for that fact, for most, they don’t.
Here’s his blog from March 2, 2008:
Love, By John Mayer
March 02, 2008
I was sitting in the airport lounge this morning when I started scribbling out lyrics and such...
Don't read too far into this on a personal level. (There are no hidden messages)... I just thought it sums up how crazy love can be.
Dear Ex Lover,
Perhaps you didn't understand the last time I told you to stop contacting me, so I'll do my best to spell it out for you. I do not wish to have you in my life anymore. I don't know how much more clear I can be about it. It would serve you best to move on with your life and find someone who can put up with you, because I'm done trying.
I hope this is enough closure for you.
P.S. If you need me, you know how to find me.
And bless someone’s little black heart, here’s an interpretation of that blog that was found on the www.
March 08, 2008, 02:54 AM
'I Don't Want You In My Life'
JOHN MAYER appears to have had a very unsubtle dig at former flame JESSICA SIMPSON in his latest blog.
Though he asks us not read too much into the message to an 'ex-lover', I've been left questioning how we could possibly not.
He writes: "I was sitting in the airport lounge this morning when I started scribbling out lyrics and such.
"Don't read too far into this on a personal level. (There are no hidden messages). I just thought it sums up how crazy love can be.
"Dear Ex Lover,
"Perhaps you didn't understand the last time I told you to stop contacting me, so I'll do my best to spell it out for you. I do not wish to have you in my life anymore. I don't know how much more clear I can be about it. It would serve you best to move on with your life and find someone who can put up with you, because I'm done trying.
"I hope this is enough closure for you.
"P.S. If you need me, you know how to find me."
Poor Jessica. First she gets slammed by Dallas Cowboy fans for distracting boyfriend TONY ROMO'S performances and now this.
John's public note is just plain vicious and unneccesary.
A discreet word might be a better option.
This is from someone who actually gets PAID to write stuff and publish it! Because of one "public affair" it's automatically assumed to be Jessica Simpson. Someone needs to be doing some research on John Mayer!
And then comes the response from John. And it’s really unfortunate that a response was needed. But hey, he's an upstanding guy, he really is (I know this, I've met him, he's had his arm around me! LOL).
Never Complain, (Almost) Never Explain.
March 08, 2008
"The more space I get the better I write
(Oh) Never I write, but, if, ever I write
I need the space to say whatever I like..."
I'm not a big fan of justifying my thoughts to people. I've known since grade school that my take on things is not for everyone, and that those who do understand how my head works seem to have a deeper connection with me for it. (Those who don't are still welcome to use the facilities.)
I wouldn't traditionally take to a blog to explain a blog, and it begs the question as to whether or not anyone who didn't understand the first one will make any sense of its follow-up, but when it involves the possibility of hurting someone else, I'll tuck my tail between my legs and explain my intentions. Even though it makes my teeth itch.
The blog - copied from my lyric/idea journal, is all about the P.S. - it's a writing technique called "deceptive resolution"; you think the story is going one way, only to find that it twists around at the end, using all its momentum to swing in another direction. In this instance, the writer of the missive is saying in as many certain terms as possible that he does not want to see his ex anymore. At the end, the P.S. leaves that all too common contradiction in terms that makes love so messed up. I call it "I wish you were here so I could tell you to leave".
This actually has some pretty far-reaching ramifications. How will I write an entire record of lyrics when one small blog passage incites so much curiosity? Can I write a song because of somebody but not about them? By way of my experiences but not as a sordid retelling of them? Because if I can't, I need to rewrite the last line to my new song "Boning you on my helicopter".
Doin' The Right Thing Like Mookie,
March 08, 2008, 02:54 AM
I’ve by no means the dedicated readership that John has, but I guess what I’m trying to say here is that for those of you that really know me, carry on, enjoy, laugh, cry, say “yeah right”, whatever. You know me well enough to know what are the “real goods”.
And for those of you that don’t know me, remember, you don’t know me.