Hey, it's me.... you know? The chick that writes this thing.... albeit rather inconsistently of late... yeah...me.... Hi! How are you?
I've been trying to find it in me to actually sit my ass down here and write something to post. And... as I guess you've probably figured out .... well, I haven't quite managed to find it... whatever "IT" is! that will get me to park the arse and write. I'm starting to think that I've hit the wall.
And, I'm feeling rather guilty about it.
But you know, when all the stories you have to write about are bitching and complaining about the same old stuff, over and over and over again.... well I figure that would turn away more readers than it would keep. It makes sense to me that if I don't have anything funny or touching or hell, even entertaining to write about, then why write. Why risk losing readers by writing about the same old crap?
If the truth be told, life hasn't had much fun in it lately.
I'm not going to go into details here, because quite frankly, why should I depress you as well with the doom and gloom and non-fun life I'm living? I won't do it. I will not subject you to the hell on earth that is currently my life. The scraping the bottom of the barrel that is a daily ritual.
Ha ha ha.... just kidding. Rather dramatic though, wouldn't you say? I'm testing out descriptive phrases... could you tell?
While some of the stuff that I could write about would be entertaining, I won't do it. Not because its not worthy of being posted here on the blog (because, you know, ....
everything is worthy of being posted on the blog) but I do have some morals and scruples and, well, some other descriptive words that are currently escaping me at the moment.
I also have a family that would positively kill me if I was to write some of these stories. Well, maybe not
kill me per se, but they would be pretty pissed if I did. I soooo want to tell you, but the repercussions would not be good...
Think about it. They could possibly hack into the blog (snicker snicker.... good luck with THAT!!! the password is so locked down and tight that no one, and I mean NO ONE! would ever figure it out!) and then who knows what they would do!! Or even worse yet...start their own blog and link it to here and well, then all hell would no doubt break loose!
But I do have some stuff that is in the preliminary stages of potentially being quite possibly suitable for posting. Like, oh let's just see... time travelling back to my youth now that #1 is older. Not that I don't time travel with #2, but #1 has stepped up into a life where there are girls and drinking and partying and stuff.... kinda tough to deal with but only because I tend to be somewhat controlling (who? me???) where my kids are concerned and really don't think that *insert name of female friend here* should really be trying to over-rule the mama bear ... just sayin'!!! But I'm sure she'll learn, she'll have no choice!
Wait??? Did I just write that? hmmph! go figure...
Actually, she's a nice girl. She just needs to be instructed on how to be a
very nice girl. Okay, shut up now Jodie! I will tell you that the youth of today certainly are different than the youth I lived 30 some odd years ago... wow!
Nothing else. Just WOW!
And let's see.... what else do I have in the works? Tales from puberty with #2. Talk about night and day between him and #1. It boggles the mind how the two of them can be so different. Do they not share the same DNA and thus have the potential of being even remotely the same? Do the hormones not do the same in the same sex? I thought that once I made it through the first puberty (or at least on to what I'm hoping is the tail end!) the second I would have nailed. Yeah, about that.... wrong was I.
There's also some other stuff that I'm hoping I'll be able to share with you a little further down the road. Like the winning of the lottery. Oh I know, you're laughing. But you won't be laughing so much when you come asking me to pay off your mortgage now will you? Or buy you a new car? Or take you to Japan with me. Or France. Or on what I'm calling the "yes, I'm stalking you while you're on tour John" trip.
You won't be laughing then will you?