Judging from the emails, apparently people wanna read the blog... who woulda thunk it. Blogger allows you to invite 100 people.... I'd like to say I ran out of invites, but that wouldn't be quite true. But it was getting rather daunting trying to keep up with who wanted to read and who they were and did I want them to read it. So, I just said screw it. Too much of a hassle and I got enough going on....just sayin'!
Anyway, I must apologize for putting it on invite only. Turns out that there are ways to sort of hide it from those that don't regularly read it. Has something to do with something or another and anyway, it's here again, open for ya'll...provided you figured out how to find it! Unlike the Facebook...that puppy is still in hiding but one day will surface again.
I'll do my best to get back to somewhat of a regular posting schedule all the while trying to keep up with everything that's going on. But for now, I'm off to the shower. Have a real job to go to you know!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The marbles are all out of whack
I know I should be blogging. Believe me, I know this. And I really don't have any reason why I haven't been. Well, I have lots of reasons...but are they valid? I think so. Do you need to hear them? Probably not.
There has been an incredible amount of trivial dribble babbling its way through my brain lately. I was sitting on the deck last night, watching the grass grow and mosquitoes rise up, looking for prey, and my mind was all over the place. It was like I couldn't finish anything I was thinking about. I couldn't get to the point where I could say "okay, now that I've taken care of that." I just kept having thought after thought after thought, run through my head, bouncing off the walls. And nothing was getting accomplished or completed. Then I said to myself, "Why are you not writing this shit down?"
I got up with the intention of doing just that, writing the meanderings of my mind down on a sheet of paper. I got myself another drink, the camera, my smokes and my sweater (it was chilly, which is a whole other post, the one where I bitch and complain about the summer we didn't have).
I did not, however, get a pen and paper.
And I should have. Because at 4:32 this morning, I was awake. Wide awake. Running some of the same crap yet again, through my head. I tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but for some reason, thinking about the state of my fridge was winning the battle over me being able to shut off my mind and go back to sleep.
So I got up. I tried to sneak out of the bedroom without the dogs hearing me which is not an easy thing to do when they're sleeping right there. In the same room. Spread out all over the floor. And it's dark. And you accidentally step on one of their noses as you try to avoid bumping into the broken ankle (unsuccessfully I might add) that is hanging over the edge of the bed, all the while hoping like hell that you'll be able to get out of the room without slamming your face into the floor as you trip over one of the dog beds. Oh yes, my bedroom, a hotbed of activity...!
I headed outside to try and clear the clutter. As I sat on the deck, I listened to the world around me start to come to life. The birds were starting, even though it was still dark. I could hear traffic off in the distance and asked myself who would be out driving at this hour? Were they just heading home? Or heading out? It was cold too. A measley seven degrees (how the hell is a garden supposed to grow when the nights are this cold? not that I have much of a garden this year, but some people do.) I went back into the house and put some clothes on. Well, more clothes. The "chinooks" have been taking their toll lately and as such, I wear as little as possible these days....too much information maybe? Anyway I headed back out and thought to myself "Why the hell is your brain doing this right now? Does all this crap really warrant using the space in there?" Well, it's not all crap. There is some serious stuff going on in there too. It's just that the random stuff is so much more.
And, as I consciously made a decision about what was running through my mind at that moment, I looked up to the sky and saw big, long, bright, beautiful streak of light.
A falling star.
I think it was a sign. I know, I know, you're thinking I'm nuts. But I do believe that that star needed to fall through the sky, at that precise moment, with me witnessing it, to confirm that the decision I had been in the process of making, in my mind, was the right decision to be making.
Only one problem with this.
I can't remember what it was I was thinking about.
There has been an incredible amount of trivial dribble babbling its way through my brain lately. I was sitting on the deck last night, watching the grass grow and mosquitoes rise up, looking for prey, and my mind was all over the place. It was like I couldn't finish anything I was thinking about. I couldn't get to the point where I could say "okay, now that I've taken care of that." I just kept having thought after thought after thought, run through my head, bouncing off the walls. And nothing was getting accomplished or completed. Then I said to myself, "Why are you not writing this shit down?"
I got up with the intention of doing just that, writing the meanderings of my mind down on a sheet of paper. I got myself another drink, the camera, my smokes and my sweater (it was chilly, which is a whole other post, the one where I bitch and complain about the summer we didn't have).
I did not, however, get a pen and paper.
And I should have. Because at 4:32 this morning, I was awake. Wide awake. Running some of the same crap yet again, through my head. I tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but for some reason, thinking about the state of my fridge was winning the battle over me being able to shut off my mind and go back to sleep.
So I got up. I tried to sneak out of the bedroom without the dogs hearing me which is not an easy thing to do when they're sleeping right there. In the same room. Spread out all over the floor. And it's dark. And you accidentally step on one of their noses as you try to avoid bumping into the broken ankle (unsuccessfully I might add) that is hanging over the edge of the bed, all the while hoping like hell that you'll be able to get out of the room without slamming your face into the floor as you trip over one of the dog beds. Oh yes, my bedroom, a hotbed of activity...!
I headed outside to try and clear the clutter. As I sat on the deck, I listened to the world around me start to come to life. The birds were starting, even though it was still dark. I could hear traffic off in the distance and asked myself who would be out driving at this hour? Were they just heading home? Or heading out? It was cold too. A measley seven degrees (how the hell is a garden supposed to grow when the nights are this cold? not that I have much of a garden this year, but some people do.) I went back into the house and put some clothes on. Well, more clothes. The "chinooks" have been taking their toll lately and as such, I wear as little as possible these days....too much information maybe? Anyway I headed back out and thought to myself "Why the hell is your brain doing this right now? Does all this crap really warrant using the space in there?" Well, it's not all crap. There is some serious stuff going on in there too. It's just that the random stuff is so much more.
And, as I consciously made a decision about what was running through my mind at that moment, I looked up to the sky and saw big, long, bright, beautiful streak of light.
A falling star.
I think it was a sign. I know, I know, you're thinking I'm nuts. But I do believe that that star needed to fall through the sky, at that precise moment, with me witnessing it, to confirm that the decision I had been in the process of making, in my mind, was the right decision to be making.
Only one problem with this.
I can't remember what it was I was thinking about.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Love, Hate, The Whole Damn Thing
Right now, this very minute, my oldest son hates me. He started hating me about 2 hours ago. And, I’m certain he’ll continue to hate me for at least the rest of the day and probably tomorrow too.
And you know what? I love him even more for hating me.
It all started innocently enough this morning. A few of them were heading out to some mud-bogging thing that’s going on in the next town over. They had convinced one of the buddies to enter his truck into this competition where, I’m guessing, they have to traverse their way through water and mud and sledge and sludge and he who survives, well, is the winner.
They were all pretty pumped about it. And I was excited for them. Because it sounded like fun. Well, not my kind of fun, but certainly fun for a bunch of 16 and 17 year olds who are starting to make their way in the world. Figuring things out. Living a little more.
And while incredibly apprehensive at first, I also know that we’ve raised our kids pretty good. I trust that with everything we’ve instilled in them, despite what seems to be never ending evidence that none of it has sunk in, I’m certain that we gave them the tools to make good decision, be safe and sound.
So, I’m standing at the sink, doing up some dishes and I’m watching the guys pack up the truck. Gettin’ ready to do the “road trip!” thing and have a great day. And then I see one of the guys grab the cooler and take it to his car. Needless to say, some red flags immediately popped up. “Hhhmmm….wonder what’s going in there?” I asked myself. More than likely it was NOT Iced Tea or Lemonade! I patiently stood at the sink and watched. It wasn’t like I was spying…I was at the sink first!
I went out and gave my index fingering a wagging as I motioned for #1 to come inside the house. He looked at me, shook his head and reluctantly came inside. He sat down. He knew what was coming.
“What’s in the cooler?”
“Oh really? Do you think it’s a wise idea for you guys to take a cooler filled with beer to a public event?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Well, first off, none of you are over 18. Secondly, it’s considered open liquor. You can’t drink alcohol in a public venue like, and most importantly of all….someone has to drive home even if you were legal and you could drink there!! The place is going to be packed, the police are going to be there and there’s nothing more obvious than a bunch of guys with a cooler. You don’t really think they’ll believe it’s full of egg salad sandwiches and Diet Pepsi, do you?
As he hung his head and headed outside to break the bad news to the buds, I could hear the cursing under his breath. A tough thing for a 16 year old to do, break the bad news that the beer can’t go, his mom won’t let it.
With what seemed like an hour but was really only about 10 minutes, he came back into the house.
“We’re not going to drink it at the mud bogging, we’re heading to so and so’s house this afternoon and will drink it there.”
“#1…. You’re not getting it. I can’t let a group of 16 and 17 year olds leave my property with a cooler full of beer that they plan on drinking who knows where! I can’t.”
The conversation carried on for about another 5 minutes with him saying “But mom….” And me saying “It’s not going to happen.”
“Well, it’s not my beer so I can’t make the final decision” he stated as he made his way to the front door.
“#1….. you, or your friends, do not have permission to take that beer with you” I said. And turned and walked away.
A few minutes passed and I made my way back to the kitchen sink. After all, the dishes weren’t going to wash themselves! As I stood there, I watched #1 talk to the buddies. Then I saw him take the cooler out of the back of the truck and carry it over to the car. He opened the door and put the cooler on the front seat. Locked the door (I assumed anyway) and got in to leave. I stepped out on the deck and hollered “Be smart, be safe!” and was treated to a dirty look.
I wanted to smile and do the happy dance. But I couldn’t. I was still too busy running various scenarios through my head. I mean, you all know how my imagination works; it gets a little wonky and wild sometimes! I wouldn’t be able to fully experience any joy in the decision that was made until I made sure the cooler actually had beer in it. That one of the buds hadn’t stashed it under the seat of the truck.
I made my way out to the car and reached to open the door. It was locked. I figured it would be. A two door Cavalier, there was only one more chance to try and get in. I went around, reached the handled and pulled. It opened. Kids… so smart yet so not so smart! I hesitated before I opened the cooler, trying to decide if it was a good thing to do. In a manner of about 7.2 seconds, I lifted the cooler lid and saw that it was full. I breathed a big sigh of relief.
I didn’t smile right away. But I’m smiling now. Sort of. But with reservations. Did I cross the line of trust? Or was I just being smart? Should I have just known that the cooler was full and that they had listened? Or was I right in going to check?
I don’t know. I’m new to this parenting of teenagers! And as #1 gets older, I’m facing more and more decisions on just what is the right thing to do. It’s not that I don’t trust him. I do. I think I can even trust his friends. But it just seems that the envelope keeps getting pushed harder and further, every time I turn around.
And to think there’s another one right behind him….sheesh!
And you know what? I love him even more for hating me.
It all started innocently enough this morning. A few of them were heading out to some mud-bogging thing that’s going on in the next town over. They had convinced one of the buddies to enter his truck into this competition where, I’m guessing, they have to traverse their way through water and mud and sledge and sludge and he who survives, well, is the winner.
They were all pretty pumped about it. And I was excited for them. Because it sounded like fun. Well, not my kind of fun, but certainly fun for a bunch of 16 and 17 year olds who are starting to make their way in the world. Figuring things out. Living a little more.
And while incredibly apprehensive at first, I also know that we’ve raised our kids pretty good. I trust that with everything we’ve instilled in them, despite what seems to be never ending evidence that none of it has sunk in, I’m certain that we gave them the tools to make good decision, be safe and sound.
So, I’m standing at the sink, doing up some dishes and I’m watching the guys pack up the truck. Gettin’ ready to do the “road trip!” thing and have a great day. And then I see one of the guys grab the cooler and take it to his car. Needless to say, some red flags immediately popped up. “Hhhmmm….wonder what’s going in there?” I asked myself. More than likely it was NOT Iced Tea or Lemonade! I patiently stood at the sink and watched. It wasn’t like I was spying…I was at the sink first!
I went out and gave my index fingering a wagging as I motioned for #1 to come inside the house. He looked at me, shook his head and reluctantly came inside. He sat down. He knew what was coming.
“What’s in the cooler?”
“Oh really? Do you think it’s a wise idea for you guys to take a cooler filled with beer to a public event?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Well, first off, none of you are over 18. Secondly, it’s considered open liquor. You can’t drink alcohol in a public venue like, and most importantly of all….someone has to drive home even if you were legal and you could drink there!! The place is going to be packed, the police are going to be there and there’s nothing more obvious than a bunch of guys with a cooler. You don’t really think they’ll believe it’s full of egg salad sandwiches and Diet Pepsi, do you?
As he hung his head and headed outside to break the bad news to the buds, I could hear the cursing under his breath. A tough thing for a 16 year old to do, break the bad news that the beer can’t go, his mom won’t let it.
With what seemed like an hour but was really only about 10 minutes, he came back into the house.
“We’re not going to drink it at the mud bogging, we’re heading to so and so’s house this afternoon and will drink it there.”
“#1…. You’re not getting it. I can’t let a group of 16 and 17 year olds leave my property with a cooler full of beer that they plan on drinking who knows where! I can’t.”
The conversation carried on for about another 5 minutes with him saying “But mom….” And me saying “It’s not going to happen.”
“Well, it’s not my beer so I can’t make the final decision” he stated as he made his way to the front door.
“#1….. you, or your friends, do not have permission to take that beer with you” I said. And turned and walked away.
A few minutes passed and I made my way back to the kitchen sink. After all, the dishes weren’t going to wash themselves! As I stood there, I watched #1 talk to the buddies. Then I saw him take the cooler out of the back of the truck and carry it over to the car. He opened the door and put the cooler on the front seat. Locked the door (I assumed anyway) and got in to leave. I stepped out on the deck and hollered “Be smart, be safe!” and was treated to a dirty look.
I wanted to smile and do the happy dance. But I couldn’t. I was still too busy running various scenarios through my head. I mean, you all know how my imagination works; it gets a little wonky and wild sometimes! I wouldn’t be able to fully experience any joy in the decision that was made until I made sure the cooler actually had beer in it. That one of the buds hadn’t stashed it under the seat of the truck.
I made my way out to the car and reached to open the door. It was locked. I figured it would be. A two door Cavalier, there was only one more chance to try and get in. I went around, reached the handled and pulled. It opened. Kids… so smart yet so not so smart! I hesitated before I opened the cooler, trying to decide if it was a good thing to do. In a manner of about 7.2 seconds, I lifted the cooler lid and saw that it was full. I breathed a big sigh of relief.
I didn’t smile right away. But I’m smiling now. Sort of. But with reservations. Did I cross the line of trust? Or was I just being smart? Should I have just known that the cooler was full and that they had listened? Or was I right in going to check?
I don’t know. I’m new to this parenting of teenagers! And as #1 gets older, I’m facing more and more decisions on just what is the right thing to do. It’s not that I don’t trust him. I do. I think I can even trust his friends. But it just seems that the envelope keeps getting pushed harder and further, every time I turn around.
And to think there’s another one right behind him….sheesh!
Eye Candy
Check it out....been having a great time with the camera...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Top Secret...ssshhh!!
Hey guys, sorry about the invite thing. I mean, really, I am.
It's just that there's some "stuff" going on here in the background of my life that might not be beneficial to me if everyone was able to read about me and my life.
And really, as I've said before, it is all about me!!
So, I'm hiding. Well... as best as one can hide when they put themselves out on the internet for God and everyone to see... I hope to be back to letting all my loyal readers read again real soon...but for now, this is the best decision.
And don't worry, I'm certain that the "stuff" going on will be done and finished with sooner rather than later. At least I'm hoping so! It wasn't my idea and because it wasn't, I'm figuring, it's all good baby, it's all good!! Dive in head first and see what's at the bottom after the fact... what a way to live...
It's just that there's some "stuff" going on here in the background of my life that might not be beneficial to me if everyone was able to read about me and my life.
And really, as I've said before, it is all about me!!
So, I'm hiding. Well... as best as one can hide when they put themselves out on the internet for God and everyone to see... I hope to be back to letting all my loyal readers read again real soon...but for now, this is the best decision.
And don't worry, I'm certain that the "stuff" going on will be done and finished with sooner rather than later. At least I'm hoping so! It wasn't my idea and because it wasn't, I'm figuring, it's all good baby, it's all good!! Dive in head first and see what's at the bottom after the fact... what a way to live...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wanna go on a date?
You know… I haven’t been slacking. Really, I haven't been.
I’ve been writing in my brain. And that counts for everything!!! lolol
All these incredibly funny, sad, stupid posts. And completely random thoughts that go through my head and, that I feel anyway, need to be published. Right here, on the blog.
I’m going to sound like I’m making excuses when I say that I’ve been busy. Well, maybe not busy, but continually and constantly side-lined.
“Life” has been getting in the way.
And every time I sit down to write a blog, something else happens that takes me away from it.
For example…. The other night I was going to post about how crappy the weather has been this summer. A somewhat humourous narrative on this whole thing we Manitobans call “summer”.
But something happened. And I didn’t.
And then I was going to tell you about the last “gathering” #1 had and how one of the attendees decided that he would attempt to tackle SG and… well, that didn’t end so well so that went to the back burner…
And there were more….
But for now, I’m going to tell you about my night… last night.
It started with a text message that asked, “Wanna spend about 5 hours together tonight? And was quickly followed by “I have a place for us to go…” I will say, my imagination was peaked!! What did he have planned? Five hours? No kids? Many scenarios ran through my head, but.... because I have family who read this blog, yeah, well, I'm not going there!!!
Turns out, he had ulterior motives. He needed a ride to the hospital.
You see, SG had a bit of an accident yesterday. While trying to help out some friends.

And there it was….a broken ankle.

But we did take solace when we were told “It’s not broken on the weight bearing bone, so I don’t think you need to be casted.”
Judging from the text I got this morning… I know a ‘script for some kind of painkiller would’ve been nice....and appreciated!
I’ve been writing in my brain. And that counts for everything!!! lolol
All these incredibly funny, sad, stupid posts. And completely random thoughts that go through my head and, that I feel anyway, need to be published. Right here, on the blog.
I’m going to sound like I’m making excuses when I say that I’ve been busy. Well, maybe not busy, but continually and constantly side-lined.
“Life” has been getting in the way.
And every time I sit down to write a blog, something else happens that takes me away from it.
For example…. The other night I was going to post about how crappy the weather has been this summer. A somewhat humourous narrative on this whole thing we Manitobans call “summer”.
But something happened. And I didn’t.
And then I was going to tell you about the last “gathering” #1 had and how one of the attendees decided that he would attempt to tackle SG and… well, that didn’t end so well so that went to the back burner…
And there were more….
But for now, I’m going to tell you about my night… last night.
It started with a text message that asked, “Wanna spend about 5 hours together tonight? And was quickly followed by “I have a place for us to go…” I will say, my imagination was peaked!! What did he have planned? Five hours? No kids? Many scenarios ran through my head, but.... because I have family who read this blog, yeah, well, I'm not going there!!!
Turns out, he had ulterior motives. He needed a ride to the hospital.
You see, SG had a bit of an accident yesterday. While trying to help out some friends.
And there it was….a broken ankle.
But we did take solace when we were told “It’s not broken on the weight bearing bone, so I don’t think you need to be casted.”
Judging from the text I got this morning… I know a ‘script for some kind of painkiller would’ve been nice....and appreciated!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
"It's just stupid"
I had a bit of chat last night with #1. He worked and had made arrangements with his buddy to pick him up, rather than have SG or I do it. We had been at friends for the evening, and well, tipped a few bevvies and, while I'm sure one of us could have gone to pick him up, it probably wouldn't have been the wise decision.
Whilst perched on the front deck looking at the moon and the stars, he said that his buddy has turned all weird and stupid. I asked him why he thought that and he said that ever since he (the buddy) has been hanging out with this "Lindsay" girl he just hasn't been the same. He never wants to come over and hang out in the barn (which has been turned into #1's "shop") anymore. Has no interest in doing much of anything at all...just wants to hang with Lindsay.
I asked if they were what we used to call "going out with each other" and he said no, they usually just sit at buddy's house and don't do too much of anything. Which he thinks is really boring and stupid. Apparently I should've been a little clearer with what I meant, but I didn't.
As I tried to supress my giggling, I needed to come up with something to say that wouldn't make him give up on his buddy, but let him know that this will probably be him once he finds a "lindsay" that he wants to spend time with. A lot of time with. Probably more time than he could ever imagine.
I tried to explain that once a person finds someone that they like and are interested in, they start to change. They want to be with that person, more than anyone else. It's sort of like the beginning of a new chapter in the book of life where, while they still like their guy friends, they've started to expand their circle to more than just the guys. An invisible switch goes off and then the girls come along. And sometimes, the girls become more important than the guys.
And you know what he said to me?
"Mom, I know that. I'm not dumb."
"It's just stupid, that's all."
And while part of me wanted to go further into my explaination of the dynamics of a teenage relationship, the other part of me didn't even want to go near it!!
"You're right. It is stupid."
Whilst perched on the front deck looking at the moon and the stars, he said that his buddy has turned all weird and stupid. I asked him why he thought that and he said that ever since he (the buddy) has been hanging out with this "Lindsay" girl he just hasn't been the same. He never wants to come over and hang out in the barn (which has been turned into #1's "shop") anymore. Has no interest in doing much of anything at all...just wants to hang with Lindsay.
I asked if they were what we used to call "going out with each other" and he said no, they usually just sit at buddy's house and don't do too much of anything. Which he thinks is really boring and stupid. Apparently I should've been a little clearer with what I meant, but I didn't.
As I tried to supress my giggling, I needed to come up with something to say that wouldn't make him give up on his buddy, but let him know that this will probably be him once he finds a "lindsay" that he wants to spend time with. A lot of time with. Probably more time than he could ever imagine.
I tried to explain that once a person finds someone that they like and are interested in, they start to change. They want to be with that person, more than anyone else. It's sort of like the beginning of a new chapter in the book of life where, while they still like their guy friends, they've started to expand their circle to more than just the guys. An invisible switch goes off and then the girls come along. And sometimes, the girls become more important than the guys.
And you know what he said to me?
"Mom, I know that. I'm not dumb."
"It's just stupid, that's all."
And while part of me wanted to go further into my explaination of the dynamics of a teenage relationship, the other part of me didn't even want to go near it!!
"You're right. It is stupid."
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August already
Hey hey!! Where to start? There's been tons going on and I have ooodles of stuff running through my head that I need to entertain you with. But I guess I should start with the summer holiday that was...
As you've read (or not as there's been nothing!), I was away doing some vacationing type stuff. Resting, relaxing, camping.
The resting was good. When I wasn't being ruthless in gathering and getting rid of years and years of various types of stuff that has been collected and saved because "you never know when we might need something like this!"
The relaxing, well that was hard to come by. The first week included 4 phone calls from the office and one trip in to the office. I was really pissed off at that, as the solution to the problem was advised over the phone and the solution that was provided by my visit was the same one that was provided over the phone. Anyway, I think I finally relaxed and stopped thinking about the work thing Friday of the last weekend off. Kinda sucks. Still hoping for a do-over, but don't think I'm going to get it.
The camping was awesome. I forgot how nice it was to sleep outside in a tent and cook on a campfire. Some of the best meals come from that cast iron pan over the heat of burning wood. And some of the sorest backs come from sleeping on the ground. But it's a good sore. And it wasn't actually "on the ground"... there was an airbed involved!
We headed out to the Whiteshell where we got ourselves a gorgeous campsite. Tucked into the bush with access to the lake right behind us. It was very very nice. Other than the yahoo's that were camped right next to us. Four guys, probably 19 or 20 (I know, watch what I say here, I've got a couple of those of my own coming up), who were relatively well behaved during the day...I'm assuming this as they weren't there. But come evening and the return from the liquor run, yeah, well, a little bit rowdy. But I remember (well, sort of) being that age and just sort of took it in stride.
Until about 2 in the morning when it was getting a little out of control. The language. The booze. The "funny smelling" smoke... Before SG flipped, which was going to happen, I asked them to please keep it down a bit, there were families with children all around who were trying to sleep. They obliged. But only after they roasted their burritos and perogies (not my idea of camping food but whatever) tripped over the pile of beer cans (at least they used their heads and didn't bring bottles), fell into their tents (imagine the sound of ripping) and went to sleep.
My tendency to rise early came in quite handy at about six when I was up, whistling, humming (I don't sing...that would've been horrible and cruel revenge), chopping wood and making a fire. The sounds of pots being washed, the smell of bacon in the air and the voice on the radio filled the air... They were all up shortly after that, looking a little grey around the gills. They were quiet though. And I have to hope that they too will get even the same way when they're in their 40's! And find appreciation the mid morning nap because of it!!
This was right behind out campsite... our own waterfront! It was lacking a little on the sandy side of things. But, believe it or not, this is an asset for the camping mom!
One match, one 4 x 6 piece of notepaper and I got the fire going. Yes, once a girl guide, always a girl guide. I'm giving credit to the Army Cadets training back when I was thirteen.
That's me holding the fishing rod...got a few bites (amazed I remembered what they felt like it's been so long) but the Loon in the background is the more important feature of this photo. I love Loons!
As you've read (or not as there's been nothing!), I was away doing some vacationing type stuff. Resting, relaxing, camping.
The resting was good. When I wasn't being ruthless in gathering and getting rid of years and years of various types of stuff that has been collected and saved because "you never know when we might need something like this!"
The relaxing, well that was hard to come by. The first week included 4 phone calls from the office and one trip in to the office. I was really pissed off at that, as the solution to the problem was advised over the phone and the solution that was provided by my visit was the same one that was provided over the phone. Anyway, I think I finally relaxed and stopped thinking about the work thing Friday of the last weekend off. Kinda sucks. Still hoping for a do-over, but don't think I'm going to get it.
The camping was awesome. I forgot how nice it was to sleep outside in a tent and cook on a campfire. Some of the best meals come from that cast iron pan over the heat of burning wood. And some of the sorest backs come from sleeping on the ground. But it's a good sore. And it wasn't actually "on the ground"... there was an airbed involved!
We headed out to the Whiteshell where we got ourselves a gorgeous campsite. Tucked into the bush with access to the lake right behind us. It was very very nice. Other than the yahoo's that were camped right next to us. Four guys, probably 19 or 20 (I know, watch what I say here, I've got a couple of those of my own coming up), who were relatively well behaved during the day...I'm assuming this as they weren't there. But come evening and the return from the liquor run, yeah, well, a little bit rowdy. But I remember (well, sort of) being that age and just sort of took it in stride.
Until about 2 in the morning when it was getting a little out of control. The language. The booze. The "funny smelling" smoke... Before SG flipped, which was going to happen, I asked them to please keep it down a bit, there were families with children all around who were trying to sleep. They obliged. But only after they roasted their burritos and perogies (not my idea of camping food but whatever) tripped over the pile of beer cans (at least they used their heads and didn't bring bottles), fell into their tents (imagine the sound of ripping) and went to sleep.
My tendency to rise early came in quite handy at about six when I was up, whistling, humming (I don't sing...that would've been horrible and cruel revenge), chopping wood and making a fire. The sounds of pots being washed, the smell of bacon in the air and the voice on the radio filled the air... They were all up shortly after that, looking a little grey around the gills. They were quiet though. And I have to hope that they too will get even the same way when they're in their 40's! And find appreciation the mid morning nap because of it!!
Our last day there, the beach was desserted and #2 was doing his "dude running on the beach" thing.
We're thinking next year that we'll get outselves one of the sites that have water and electrical, bring one of the bar fridges and perhaps our small toaster oven and set up house for a full week. Why not? If we do it the first week of my holidays there will be no way the office can get a hold of me and I can get the relaxing thing down by day 3!Ciao!!
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