Every year, Skills Manitoba has a competition. It's for the schools that teach our children various trades. I guess if the student's teacher feels that the student is capable of entering and the student wants to participate, they enter the competition. It's both theory and practical and in the end, if they've done well, they gain confidence in the choice they've made and move forward with it. It's a win. If they don't do well, they walk away sad and rejected and thinking about a change in career.... like "maybe auto body isn't such a good idea, maybe I'd rather be a hairdresser" kind of thing.
Anyway, #1 entered at the urging of his teacher and his own realization that he might be able to pull it off. He thought the experience would be good anyway. It helped that there were only two from his trade that entered I think. At least, in his mind, he stood a chance. What he neglected to realize at first was that this was for all the schools throughout the province. Once that realization happened, well, he got a little nervous.
5:30 am wake up for the boy, a drop off at his buddies place for 6:15 and he was off. I begged him to stay in touch, let me know what was going on as I really wanted to come by and see some of it. He promised he would. Text message later (can't call from the phone, nooooo...send the words instead of saying them) I find out his morning is being spent on the theory and he'd be getting into the action in the afternoon. I timed it well I thought. Headed over there in time to bring him some lunch and give him some money. I'm fairly certain it would've worked out a whole lot better had he told me where exactly he was and I didn't spend 45 minutes looking for him. Walking the campus. In high heels. With his lunch in my purse. Once I finally found him I said "Now what? When do you start?"
You can imagine my disappointment when he said "I'm on at 2". There was no way in hell that I could stay to see him. I had a conference call at 2.
I wished him luck, gave him the lecture about paying attention, doing what he was instructed to do, you know, mom stuff. And left, a little disappointed. But hey, it wasn't a total loss.... I'm now very familiar with our city's college!
#1 had texted, said he did well, could possibly get a medal. A few scheduling adjustments and SG managed to get there for the Awards ceremony.
That there, my friends, is a Bronze medal. Needless to say, he is very thrilled. We are very thrilled for him. Even #2 is impressed. It means, that out of all the students throughout the province, that chose to participate, he's the third best.
I'm feeling very proud... sniff sniff!!
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