Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Whom Is The Party I'm Texting

You hear it about all the time.

Text messaging going awry.

I’ve never really believed it to be true, but then again, I only get text messages from SG and #1. Oh, and sometimes one of my girlfriends, but that’s about it. And they’re just your standard fair, you know, “Can you pick up milk” or “got 20 bucks I can have” or “what a night! need food for strength”. I had a hard time believing that someone could actually send a text message to the wrong person. I mean, all you have to do is pay attention to the name or number.

This morning, well, that all changed.

While buried deep into the final draft of a presentation I have to give on Friday morning to the North American Director of Operations, my phone buzzed. My phone buzzing at work is normal, I know who it’ll be and it can probably wait until I take my break.

But, for some unknown reason, I looked at the message.

“mornin sexy”

Laughing out loud, I thought “oh, someone’s a little….” well…never mind….and I was about to hit reply when I saw the number.

Wait…. who the hell is this? I thought to myself. I don’t recognize this number? It’s not even from this province…. Do I respond? And if I do, what do I say?

Not being one to not let curiosity get the better of me, I did hit reply.

“Uhmmm…who you calling sexy?” I texted back.

“u hon”

“Well thanks….I guess”

“u are hon”

Despite the unlimited texting plan my phone has, I wasn’t sure if that included out of province texting and thought I probably shouldn’t play along. Well, play along for too long anyway....

“I think you might have the wrong person”

“o sorry”

And I probably should’ve left it at that, but no…not me…. I’m friendly…

“No problem, nice to start the day with a giggle”

“Well I could make you more than giggle”

OMG!!! Did I really just read that? From someone who doesn’t know who they’re texting???

“Uhmmm… its okay…lololol”

Thinking that would be the end of it, I put the phone back on the corner of the desk and got back into what I was suppose to be doing….


New message.

“u sure????”

“uhmmmm, yeah, I’m sure”

So there you have it. It does happen… and not just to other people either!

Now I’m deciding whether or not to delete the number…. Part of me wants to call it to see just who the hell was on the other end of these text messages.

And the other part of me doesn’t really want to know.

Any bets which side will win?

And even better yet, will I text the number in the morning asking where my "mornin sexy" is???

1 comment:

  1. You got to send me another message -- I know it is killing you not too!!!!!!!
