But I absolutely have to tell you about this instead.
Driven in from the outdoors by the horrendous mosquitos out here in north country, we are left to amuse ourselves. Some of us watch TV. Some of us take a nap. Some of us do the dishes and the laundry. I really have transfer some of this domestic goddess crap over to somebody else around here! Anyway, I was matching up socks and heard #2 say "MOM, come here, quick! You gotta see this."
I come into the living room to have him and SG point this out to me.
A tree frog.
On the outside of my living room window.
All I could think of was "THANK GOD!! it's on the outside."
They grabbed the camera and must've taken 20 pictures of this damn thing.
Various angles.
And then, get this, they came looking for a jar! You are NOT! bringing that thing into my house!
I lost. They did.
And I was forced to look closely at the tree frog in the jar. I told them that the pictures on the camera would be sufficient, but they weren't letting me get away that easy.
I better not be dreaming about frogs tonight....if I do, it'll be payback time.
That is so funny becouse last night when Glen went to lock the front door before we went to bed there was also a tree frog on the glass beside te door. I called Katrina to come see and she also took a bunch of pictures with her camera. But we woulden't let Glen bring it in the house. Lori
ReplyDeleteLike these guys would listen to me where bugs and stuff are concerned! Remember, there was a half full jar of wood ticks in my house not so long ago....I get no respect! ha ha ha But payback will be fun.