Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finally, it feels like vacation

Man oh man, who knew that you all wanted to read my words and not just look at my pictures! The Pocket Lint email was full (well, okay, maybe not full, but there were some in there) indicating that while I'm not that great of a photographer, you really did want to read something and not just look at pictures. And I heart you all for it!! LOL

It took a week, but I can maybe say that it feels like the vacation mode is finally kicking in. While last week was a little chaotic, today was spent doing absolutely nothing except complete and total relaxing. Well, of course we have to take into consideration doing the dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, and three loads of laundry (don't worry, pockets were empty...tee hee hee). But it was all said and done by noon and then, well, we carried on with the relaxation.

Well, at least I did.

#1 was working. #2 was at a friends. SG was gathering bales for the septic field (I know, I's only August, but you get when the gettin' is free!) Just me and the pool and the oh so frosty "cans" in the fridge!

Having recovered somewhat from my injuries earlier this week, it was nice to be able to actually climb up the ladder and into the pool and float around for a couple of hours. Fill in the tan lines (you should all be happy to know that my right arm is now the same colour as my driving arm...for this I am pleased), have a couple of refreshments (you just keep 'em in a small cooler on the ladder, works great!) And I can honestly say that if today had been during the week, I probably could've got away with doing all this sans swimsuit. But it was Sunday and the usual quadders were back there, not to mention the neighbours who are somewhat neurotic and need to mow the back "40" every few weeks. Seriously, they must go back at least 10 acres...and they never use it!! It's so funny (and cute if I do say so), they head out, each of them on their own riding mower and ride, side by side, almost like synchronized lawn mowing...sporting these huge hats and covered from head to toe in light coloured clothing (hello?? it's like 32 degrees out here and the sun is blazing, ever heard of sun screen and bug spray?) But all in all, it was a little piece of real nice.

And did wonders to send home the message that yes indeed, you are on holidays.

So, my next eight days will be filled with a whole lot of the same. I hear there's some rain coming but that's okay. I'm on vacation and relaxing. And when the rain goes away, that'll be okay too. I'm on vacation and relaxing. Toss in some days trips (you know, to keep the boys off my case) which no doubt will include a trip or two to the city (didn't really want to do that, but, whatever, they need the exposure - I can't remember the last time they saw a city transit bus....hey, now there's an idea....) and that'll be okay too. I'm on vacation and relaxing.

The only thing I know for sure, is that I don't know anything for sure!

Later folks....


  1. So what did you name your little girl? I am waiting for my lime margerita. :)


  2. injuries, what happened?
