But it did make its appearance this weekend. It was absolutely a glorious day yesterday. Hot and sunny. I did discover that last year's sunscreen, while still good, isn't that good. We're all a little pink around the edges, some of us more than others. Take for example #2Son...don't listen to your mama boy! Your 12 now, you do know it all, don't you? And who was asking for the aloe gel last night? Yeah, I know, you're not really that smart after all, are you?
The pool was a lovely 24 degrees (we can thank the hot water tank for that - it's amazing how much it warms up when you drain it into the pool four times!) and the new floaters are very comfortable. They just need drink holders.
As well, we managed to stick to the "No TV, No Gaming System, No Internet, Sunday" rule. Well, sort of. I will admit, I kinda snuck on last night to check out one of my favourite web sites, John's on tour you know, I need to find out how those in the Netherlands are liking my boy! but shut it down real quick when I heard footsteps. It damn near killed me, I mean, I'm seriously in withdrawal without my weekend blog reading adventure! No time Saturday morning, and well, everyone was up early on Sunday. Crap. Possibly a bad idea....?
And, I'll have you all know, I did stick to my word about #1Son and his not attending the party on Saturday night (a rarity I know, me sticking to my guns, but I did it, big pats on the back for me!). And while he made it appear he was pissed right off at me, I think secretly he was pleased. If I know him at all, as much as he wanted to go, he didn't want to go. I know he was kind of relieved that he didn't have to be there to try and live up to some of the stories that I think he likes to tell. Might be wrong, but I don't think so... He spent most of the evening out at the bonfire with us and some friends. He was offered the leavings of his Schnapps and Sambuca and declined. He also managed to bring on the obnoxious, which is always a good sign with him. If he sat there, acting the age he looked (and should!), well, I probably would've keeled over and passed out.
Oh, and the boots are back! I was getting a wee bit concerned that those exquisite yellow slippers wouldn't show up this year. And yet again this year, I was proven wrong. Seriously, these things survive in the ditches, why wouldn't they prosper in our flower bed?
Oh, and now, here's the exciting stuff! I got a call from #2's school today, inviting me to the Awards Presentation on Friday. I was sort of surprised because I will be there, presenting one of the Awards. The Parent Advisory Council gives out an Award to the student who has demonstrated wonderful volunteerism in the community. Mind you, we don't get to pick who the recipient is, we just get to pay for it. Whatever. So I said, "Yes? I'll be there." all the while thinking "Uhmmm, no coffee this morning dear?". And then she told me that #2Son is getting an Award. She wouldn't tell me for what, but it's nice that I'm attending.
I was like "HELLOOOOO???? My #2Son???" And she was all "YES, YOU'RE #2 SON!!!". Then I got all misty eyed and hung up the phone. I've only been waiting 10 years for this to happen.
I called SG.
Me: "Clear your calendar for Friday morning."
SG: "Why?".
Me: "Because I'm presenting an Award at the school."
SG "So?"
Me: "Because you should be there to see how well I speak in public and how good I'll be looking and stuff... And besides, #2 is getting one of them."
SG "No shit? Really?? What kind of Award? Academic? Drama? What kind?"
Me: "They wouldn't tell me. I just really hope it isn't the Class Clown Award."
SG "Me too."
And, as much as I could call the Principal tomorrow and inquire, and I know he would tell me, I won't. I will exercise patience and wait and see what comes.
And seriously, I'm hoping that the new school didn't decide to present a Class Clown Award.
If so, I promise you this....I will run and hide.
Edit to add: Apparently #2 doesn't know about it, so if you happen to phone the house before Friday, please don't say anything. TIA!!
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