Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Burrowing little bastards!

Seriously, I need some sleep. I am so tired.

I’m guessing it has something to do with the time of year, and the days being longer and it being light out later. Or possibly could be that the pups have me up late and then up early. They’re on solid food now. Well, solid if you consider taking some boiling water, letting the hard bits soften in the boiling water and then using the hand blender to make it into mush. And this is required 3 – 4 times a day. Starting at, oh, about 5:30 am. Which has really screwed the gym routine. Well, actually the gym routine has been screwed for other reasons for the last week or so, but I swear to you, I’m back on that treadmill tomorrow after work! The mornings are shot, I’m out bonding and feeding pups. After work workouts it is.

Wait, off track here.


Or it could be the naps and late nights on the weekends. #1Son has had the close shift lately and as such, my sleep gets interrupted by the alarm and then the going to get him. By the time I’m back home, I’m awake…TV, Internet, another glass of grape, whatever…I’m up far too late.

But I also know that the quality of my sleep sucks too. And this has everything to do with bugs. Wood ticks to be specific. And dreams of wood ticks.


ON ME!!!!




Okay, now that I’ve screamed, I still don’t feel better.

It seems like this year has been the absolute worst for these ugly little bastards. It really has. The dogs have had a ton of them. And we would’ve put tick collars on them, but we have the pups. Can’t do that with pups. Frick! And apparently, some people living in this house have had lots of them too. #2Son has pulled off a whack, he was counting; I wasn’t listening.

#1Son knows better than to tell me!

And SG has been particularly quiet through this wonderful tick season that I hate.

And, through the process of deduction I think I know who the culprit is that keeps bringing them to the bedroom. And it isn’t Boy Dog. Boy Dog hasn’t been sleeping in our room for months! And Girl Dog has been busy with the pups. So, no dropping of the bugs from them.

And me, well I strip down and do a full body search before getting between the sheets. Lord knows I’ve had enough nightmares of woodticks getting into spots where you don’t particularly want woodticks getting into!!

It has to be SG. It absolutely has to be! He’s not the doing the strip down body search. I know he's not. If he was, THEY WOULDN'T BE ON ME!!! And he’s bringing these fackers to bed with him. Oh sure, he’ll deny it, but this is the same man that had a small canning jar a quarter full of ticks that he’s pulled off the dogs. Some of them the size of small grapes! Don’t ask me why, I guess he just thought it would be cool to freak my freak and collect all these bugs, and then, have the nerve to show them to me!

Man, I need to sleep! But where? Who’s bed? I can’t trust any of them.

Sometimes, I wish they were girls.

And you'll never hear me say that again.

Until next tick season.


  1. You're awesome! I can just picture the whole thing. I wouldn't put it past SG (as you call him here) to be doing it intentionally just to get you. Yes, I know him too! Anyway, thanks for the laugh.

  2. I always love reading your blog & getting the updates on you, SG, son#1 & 2 & all the other animals in the house. I open it every monday am when get to work. Don't tell anyone though. Thanks for the laughs.

