That's a long time between blog posts.
Good news is my gamble paid off. You know, the one where I left a good paying permanent job I could've had for the rest of my life to take a drop in pay and go to a "term position" with the hopes of becoming a permanent employee of the Federal Government.
The last 11 months have not been easy. The drop in pay being a little tougher to handle than I thought. Never mind the fact that I was under the impression that the waiting period for benefits was three months...not six. And benefits, whether you believe or not, count for so much.
It was tough.
But, on December 8th I became an "indeterminate" (that means permanent by the way) employee of our Federal Government. I have a 365 day probation period (real world is 90 days, but I'm quickly discovering that normal for the FG {Federal Government} is not normal for the RW {real world} but should make it through just fine. I mean seriously, I had two performance reviews where they could find absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing!!!! to gripe about).
It also means a substantial raise in pay. Thank you Lord Jesus I must yell! Once all the dust settles I will be incredibly close, if not slightly above, the salary I left when I decided to take this journey.
I may, however, not regain the years that I lost due to stress. Nor may the wrinkles that adorn my brow and the area around my eyes and mouth ever go away. But I'm making more money now, I can afford a facelift if needed.
I'm also trying to decide if I can keep the blog going. There are rules and regulations where people in my position are concerned. And I think they're advising that this kind of stuff shouldn't go on.
I don't know.
I need to review the documentation and figure out if I can keep it going.
But for now, all is well, Christmas was wonderful. SG pulled off an amazing feat for a first timer. Oh yeah,.... I had to work. He did it all, from the gift shopping to most of the wrapping to all (and I mean ALL!!) of the cooking. I came home to a celebration that could not have been any better had I done it. I won't lie. It was weird. But I was impressed and happy.
New Year's will be the same. I work. But it's okay.
It's New Year's Eve and SG and whomever else will be here and awake when I arrive home at 00:13 hours to bring in the New Year with them. Unless y'all are heading this way to clean my house, prep the appetizers and feast that will await me upon my arrival home from a long nights work, (I start work at 14:00 hours in case that's what you're planning) I will give kisses and hugs to all those that are.
Happy New Year Everyone.
May your 2011 be everything you wish for.
Mine will be.
Love Jodie
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A wittle update....
Soooo.... kinda blew the every second day post mandate I had for myself this month. But that's okay. I had a lot going on, still do, and wasn't really in the right frame of mind to post much of anything anyway.
Not true. What I felt like writing I couldn't. What I wanted to write I shouldn't.
Anywooo, we're getting ready for Christmas over here. I've actually started the shopping. I know, I know, a little early for me but the deal was too good to pass up. That shall continue as the days go on. The shopping thing I mean. The deals? Well we take 'em when we get 'em!
I've started baking too. Well, I never stop baking, but now I'm baking Christmas type baking. And, it is now that I realize how much I truly miss my Maggie. Where the hell am I going to hide all the stuff? I used to drive around with it in the trunk of my car so that it wouldn't all get devoured within two days. With it in the trunk of my car, well, it allowed me to have some as the holiday's got closer.
Now I don't have a trunk. And there's only so much room in the bar-b-que.
Got the house decorations out yesterday and put them up. I think next year it will be time to re-think the decorations and maybe come up with something different. Same old, same old, kinda boring.
I'm planning the Christmas party for the office. Not having attended one previously I was a little hesitant to take on the job. Turns out it should be quite simple as the masses want it held at a dining establishment this year as opposed to a pot luck type gathering at a hall.
And I'm expecting some mail. Some people thought the mail would've arrived last week but I didn't really think so. I'm hoping for Monday or Tuesday.
Then we shall commence the celebration and share the news!
Back to bed for me. The dogs started barking at 1:52 am and I've been awake since then...
Not true. What I felt like writing I couldn't. What I wanted to write I shouldn't.
Anywooo, we're getting ready for Christmas over here. I've actually started the shopping. I know, I know, a little early for me but the deal was too good to pass up. That shall continue as the days go on. The shopping thing I mean. The deals? Well we take 'em when we get 'em!
I've started baking too. Well, I never stop baking, but now I'm baking Christmas type baking. And, it is now that I realize how much I truly miss my Maggie. Where the hell am I going to hide all the stuff? I used to drive around with it in the trunk of my car so that it wouldn't all get devoured within two days. With it in the trunk of my car, well, it allowed me to have some as the holiday's got closer.
Now I don't have a trunk. And there's only so much room in the bar-b-que.
Got the house decorations out yesterday and put them up. I think next year it will be time to re-think the decorations and maybe come up with something different. Same old, same old, kinda boring.
I'm planning the Christmas party for the office. Not having attended one previously I was a little hesitant to take on the job. Turns out it should be quite simple as the masses want it held at a dining establishment this year as opposed to a pot luck type gathering at a hall.
And I'm expecting some mail. Some people thought the mail would've arrived last week but I didn't really think so. I'm hoping for Monday or Tuesday.
Then we shall commence the celebration and share the news!
Back to bed for me. The dogs started barking at 1:52 am and I've been awake since then...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Stress, Stress, Stressy!!
So... I've had to re-apply for my job. Which, to say the least, has been rather piss me off in a very stressful kind of way.
Us "temp" girls were suppose to "roll over" into the full time permanent jobs that opened up.
We are all excited and happy and relieved. We all took a chance taking this "temp" job but knew that it would all end up okay in the end.
Then.... the full time permanent jobs were reclassified, resulting in oh about eleven thousand dollars a year more in salary. And then the delays began.
I'm not sure why, but I have some ideas. None of which I can put down here on the w w w.
Anyway, the deadline for the job was on Monday, midnight Pacific time. I had submitted mine about twelve hours before the deadline.
And then, being one of the more patient type people in the world (no really I am... I'm just nosy that's all) I went on the job site a few hours later. Don't know why, just did.
Actually I was thinking that they saw my application, went "whoaaaa let's grab HER right away", well, not really, I know that this stuff takes a lot longer than 2 or 3 hours... I'm learning that it could probably take, if it wanted to, two or three YEARS!!! Anyway, I see that they've extended the freakin' deadline for two more days!!!
I tell ya.... this process may just kill me. Really. Only because I know that my application is stellar, meets all the criteria and should make it through the macro running applicant screener program that decides who's moves forward and who gets left behind.
But seriously, for a chick who was suppose to just "roll over", they sure are making the rolling difficult.
And, the worst thing about this whole process? Well, a couple of things? I have been far too pre-occupied with selling myself to a macro running applicant screener program to be able to hold up my personal goal of every second day on the blog.
And my silver "highlights" seem to have doubled.
Wait, that might have something to do with living with three males and four dogs... I'll need to re-think where to lay the blame for the increase.
Us "temp" girls were suppose to "roll over" into the full time permanent jobs that opened up.
We are all excited and happy and relieved. We all took a chance taking this "temp" job but knew that it would all end up okay in the end.
Then.... the full time permanent jobs were reclassified, resulting in oh about eleven thousand dollars a year more in salary. And then the delays began.
I'm not sure why, but I have some ideas. None of which I can put down here on the w w w.
Anyway, the deadline for the job was on Monday, midnight Pacific time. I had submitted mine about twelve hours before the deadline.
And then, being one of the more patient type people in the world (no really I am... I'm just nosy that's all) I went on the job site a few hours later. Don't know why, just did.
Actually I was thinking that they saw my application, went "whoaaaa let's grab HER right away", well, not really, I know that this stuff takes a lot longer than 2 or 3 hours... I'm learning that it could probably take, if it wanted to, two or three YEARS!!! Anyway, I see that they've extended the freakin' deadline for two more days!!!
I tell ya.... this process may just kill me. Really. Only because I know that my application is stellar, meets all the criteria and should make it through the macro running applicant screener program that decides who's moves forward and who gets left behind.
But seriously, for a chick who was suppose to just "roll over", they sure are making the rolling difficult.
And, the worst thing about this whole process? Well, a couple of things? I have been far too pre-occupied with selling myself to a macro running applicant screener program to be able to hold up my personal goal of every second day on the blog.
And my silver "highlights" seem to have doubled.
Wait, that might have something to do with living with three males and four dogs... I'll need to re-think where to lay the blame for the increase.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hope runs rampant!
And I'm back on schedule.
Busy day coming up, which is why I should have my ass in bed.
SG goes for what we're calling his "upsy-downsy" tomorrow. He's got himself some gut trouble and well, we're gonna go find out what the heck is going on. Actually, "we're" not going... SG is going. Hopefully there will be some answers forthcoming and, yeah, well, hopefully we figure it out.
And #1 has an appointment at the clinic to get his ankle checked. I'm fairly certain I didn't tell you all about the ankle, but he f*#ked it up pretty good. Hopefully it's healing well and he's on the mend.
And yes, my last night is tomorrow. The four night run is tough. Particularly with what has been going on in my town.... Hopefully things will settle down a bit.
Hopefully I'll remain alert.
Hopefully I'll stay awake.
There's a lot hope going on here....
And here's hoping I have a good sleep, with no narsty dreams!
Busy day coming up, which is why I should have my ass in bed.
SG goes for what we're calling his "upsy-downsy" tomorrow. He's got himself some gut trouble and well, we're gonna go find out what the heck is going on. Actually, "we're" not going... SG is going. Hopefully there will be some answers forthcoming and, yeah, well, hopefully we figure it out.
And #1 has an appointment at the clinic to get his ankle checked. I'm fairly certain I didn't tell you all about the ankle, but he f*#ked it up pretty good. Hopefully it's healing well and he's on the mend.
And yes, my last night is tomorrow. The four night run is tough. Particularly with what has been going on in my town.... Hopefully things will settle down a bit.
Hopefully I'll remain alert.
Hopefully I'll stay awake.
There's a lot hope going on here....
And here's hoping I have a good sleep, with no narsty dreams!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I missed a day. Well, let's be honest here... two days. But I'll make up for it.
I'm currently on my four night rotation and well, it's on the weekend.
And the weekend is a busy busy time for me. Everyone's home. There's no down time. And waaay too much to be done.
You really didn't want to be here for my blow up (or uhm blow "ups") today.
It was not pretty.
Don't get me wrong, I love my children. Well, my "adult" child and my "right smack dab in the middle of puberty hell" teenage child. I love them with every ounce of my being.
But if someone had told me way back when that they grow up to become teenagers, uhm, yeah... I may have reconsidered.
It hasn't been easy. As a matter of fact, I'm amazed with myself that I've had, and found, the strength to pull this parenthood thing off.
Anyway, there was a lot of yelling and slamming and banging. I did try to put a hold on the swearing, but yeah, that didn't work. Way too many f bombs dropped today....
But it's almost over. The weekend I mean. And my run of night shifts.
Then, once again, serenity will be mine and I can attempt to tap back into the creative genius I know I have the potential to quite possibly be and get my fingers back on the keyboard and hold up my end of the every second day promise.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'm currently on my four night rotation and well, it's on the weekend.
And the weekend is a busy busy time for me. Everyone's home. There's no down time. And waaay too much to be done.
You really didn't want to be here for my blow up (or uhm blow "ups") today.
It was not pretty.
Don't get me wrong, I love my children. Well, my "adult" child and my "right smack dab in the middle of puberty hell" teenage child. I love them with every ounce of my being.
But if someone had told me way back when that they grow up to become teenagers, uhm, yeah... I may have reconsidered.
It hasn't been easy. As a matter of fact, I'm amazed with myself that I've had, and found, the strength to pull this parenthood thing off.
Anyway, there was a lot of yelling and slamming and banging. I did try to put a hold on the swearing, but yeah, that didn't work. Way too many f bombs dropped today....
But it's almost over. The weekend I mean. And my run of night shifts.
Then, once again, serenity will be mine and I can attempt to tap back into the creative genius I know I have the potential to quite possibly be and get my fingers back on the keyboard and hold up my end of the every second day promise.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Not Giving Up
I have to say, I never bought into the fact that one day my children would be smarter than me.
I mean, you hope that they will grow up and use the education that they've been given to go far in life.
Possibly further than you have. But not likely. I mean, after all, we are the smarter generation.
However we hope. We dream. We want them to succeed.
Make it in the world.
Make a difference.
But I have to tell you.... when they f*#k around with the internet connection and decide to monopolize the speed so they can play xBox live.... yeah.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
Mommy's still smarter than they are.
And the xBox?
It's safely been put away.
And if he should find it?
Yeah, the power is in the cord.
I have it.
I'm still the smarter one.
I mean, you hope that they will grow up and use the education that they've been given to go far in life.
Possibly further than you have. But not likely. I mean, after all, we are the smarter generation.
However we hope. We dream. We want them to succeed.
Make it in the world.
Make a difference.
But I have to tell you.... when they f*#k around with the internet connection and decide to monopolize the speed so they can play xBox live.... yeah.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
Mommy's still smarter than they are.
And the xBox?
It's safely been put away.
And if he should find it?
Yeah, the power is in the cord.
I have it.
I'm still the smarter one.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I know, I know... wtf? is NaNoWriMo you're saying to yourself.
I'm trying to come up with various things that it could mean. Humourous type things. Warped type things. Weird things.
But I'm at a loss, so I'll just tell you.
In the real world it's a weird acronym that tells people that November is writing month. The schools use it to challenge their students to write a certain amount of words during the course of the month.
In the blog world its a challenge to other bloggers to write a certain number of posts in the month. A lot of bloggers say they'll post every day during NaNoWriMo. Other bloggers say they'll blog a certain number of blogs during the month.
This blogger is using it as an excuse to just start blogging again....
I'm aiming for 15 posts this month... that means every second day something... anything. Well, it will have to contain words in order to count.
Wish me luck, and I'll see you by the 3rd!!
(Thank you to MC and her always entertaining Facebook account for the reminder)
I'm trying to come up with various things that it could mean. Humourous type things. Warped type things. Weird things.
But I'm at a loss, so I'll just tell you.
In the real world it's a weird acronym that tells people that November is writing month. The schools use it to challenge their students to write a certain amount of words during the course of the month.
In the blog world its a challenge to other bloggers to write a certain number of posts in the month. A lot of bloggers say they'll post every day during NaNoWriMo. Other bloggers say they'll blog a certain number of blogs during the month.
This blogger is using it as an excuse to just start blogging again....
I'm aiming for 15 posts this month... that means every second day something... anything. Well, it will have to contain words in order to count.
Wish me luck, and I'll see you by the 3rd!!
(Thank you to MC and her always entertaining Facebook account for the reminder)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
If you don't have anything....
So I haven't been around.
And I'm certain you're all wondering and talking to yourselves going like, "wtf" and "is she still alive?" and "how many fingers did she lose in the accident?"
Because y'all care just that much.
I know.....
I didn't have an accident. I still have all my digits. They're just being put to better use. Like aiding in plucking chin hairs. And picking my nose.
And yeah, I'm still alive. Albeit it barely. No, no, no.... I'm not deathly ill. I'm certain I'll live to see at least a few more days. Seriously. I'm healthy.
As far as answering the "wtf"... sorry no can do answer that one!! You wanna think that way then you have to provide the answer... go ahead. Inquisitive and investigative is the way everyone should roll.
Truth be told, there just hasn't been much of anything going on. Well, there has been, but you know... there's only so much one wants to share out here in the world wide web.
And I've adopted a new attitude. If you don't have anything good to say, then just keep your mouth shut.
Yep. That's the way I'm rolling these days.
But, there is hope....
So my return is imminent.... see you soon!
And I'm certain you're all wondering and talking to yourselves going like, "wtf" and "is she still alive?" and "how many fingers did she lose in the accident?"
Because y'all care just that much.
I know.....
I didn't have an accident. I still have all my digits. They're just being put to better use. Like aiding in plucking chin hairs. And picking my nose.
And yeah, I'm still alive. Albeit it barely. No, no, no.... I'm not deathly ill. I'm certain I'll live to see at least a few more days. Seriously. I'm healthy.
As far as answering the "wtf"... sorry no can do answer that one!! You wanna think that way then you have to provide the answer... go ahead. Inquisitive and investigative is the way everyone should roll.
Truth be told, there just hasn't been much of anything going on. Well, there has been, but you know... there's only so much one wants to share out here in the world wide web.
And I've adopted a new attitude. If you don't have anything good to say, then just keep your mouth shut.
Yep. That's the way I'm rolling these days.
But, there is hope....
So my return is imminent.... see you soon!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
On the mend
I'm not the kind of person who takes medications or goes to the doctor when I know it's just a simple cold. I don't like putting things in my body that aren't really meant to be there. You know, like drugs and antibiotics and stuff.
Wine is different however. Oh, and beer, beer's okay too.
But this cold I've had has kicked my ass six ways from Sunday. I've never had anything like this hang on for as long as this one has.
So I finally broke down and called the doctor.
Well, me actually breaking down could be translated to the threat "get to the doctors or move out" as so eloquently stated by SG. Apparently my coughing and nose-blowing started to get to him and as such, well, yeah.
I called the doctor.
Told him of my sinus condition and the colour of mucous (use your imagination here people, it's bad enough I had to look at it, I'm certainly not going to relive it describing it to you). And about how the coughing was so bad that I was starting to see the beginnings of a "six pack" on my gut. He of course could not see me for weeks ~ love the healthcare ~ so opted to phone in a 'script for me so I could hopefully get better, albeit not diagnosed.
And... my wonderful health practioner decided to cover all the bases, seeing as it was sight and sound unseen, and well, yeah.
Horse pills have I. And two weeks worth of them too! Twice a day!!!!!
I can barely swallow what used to be a birth control pill. If your size challenged on that, think about a the size of a lentil bean.
Anyway, I'm choking (literally!) them down in the hopes that I will be able to once again laugh without losing a lung. Blow my nose and not sound like a freight train coming through a tunnel. I have a Ball to attend in about a week and a half and need to be healthy.
Yes, you read right... A Ball! As in fancy dress and dinner and dance and well, stuff... who knows what else.
I've never been to a Ball.
Wine is different however. Oh, and beer, beer's okay too.
But this cold I've had has kicked my ass six ways from Sunday. I've never had anything like this hang on for as long as this one has.
So I finally broke down and called the doctor.
Well, me actually breaking down could be translated to the threat "get to the doctors or move out" as so eloquently stated by SG. Apparently my coughing and nose-blowing started to get to him and as such, well, yeah.
I called the doctor.
Told him of my sinus condition and the colour of mucous (use your imagination here people, it's bad enough I had to look at it, I'm certainly not going to relive it describing it to you). And about how the coughing was so bad that I was starting to see the beginnings of a "six pack" on my gut. He of course could not see me for weeks ~ love the healthcare ~ so opted to phone in a 'script for me so I could hopefully get better, albeit not diagnosed.
And... my wonderful health practioner decided to cover all the bases, seeing as it was sight and sound unseen, and well, yeah.
Horse pills have I. And two weeks worth of them too! Twice a day!!!!!
I can barely swallow what used to be a birth control pill. If your size challenged on that, think about a the size of a lentil bean.
Anyway, I'm choking (literally!) them down in the hopes that I will be able to once again laugh without losing a lung. Blow my nose and not sound like a freight train coming through a tunnel. I have a Ball to attend in about a week and a half and need to be healthy.
Yes, you read right... A Ball! As in fancy dress and dinner and dance and well, stuff... who knows what else.
I've never been to a Ball.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sneeze Cough Cough Sneeze
Well, my return to the blogging world this past week has been marred by what is probably the worst cold I've ever had.
This sucker hit me like a freight train last Sunday/Monday. Started with an annoying little tickle in the back of my nose and then BOOM!!! The inability to breathe through my nose and the sore throat were there, saying "Hello!!! We're here to make you feel like shit for the next however long".
Couple that with #2 heading to high school. Thank gawd he's somewhat independent and could manage to get most of his crap organized without my help. Because I couldn't. I just couldn't. It went well for him by the by. He's already figured out he can walk to the fast food joints at lunch and as such has his hand out. Now he just needs to figure out he has to get a job in order to continue this lunch time ritual. Or return to eating the gourmet lunches his mommy is still prepare for him. Nothing like PB & J on stale rye bread to make a kid come running for more.
And then to make it even more fun, girl dog is flaunting her back end at boy dog. And boy dog is going crazy. We keep them seperate but the scent is still there. Particularly when she's in the house, he's locked up in the office here, where I sit, seeking peace and quiet and escape from the world, and she's got her ass end parked next to the door... Yeah, no peace and quiet here! And if that's not bad enough, the little Princess has also started the same thing. Two females in heat at the same time... I guess the only thing better would be to have all three of them at once. And as luck would have it, the Synder girl will start up just as the first two finish, making it oh, probably a solid month of female canine friskiness.... I need my head read I must say.
So anyway, I'm feeling better. Other than the panic attack in the middle of night which caused me to have some difficulties breathing. SG had something to do with it I know because as I was waking up, in a sitting position, panting and trying to breathe, I heard him say something along the lines of "that's it, you're going to the hospital".... Not sure if this was a prediction or just what it was. I'm hoping he was talking in his sleep and not predicting physical harm that would result in a trip to the ER.... I'm joking. Maybe. Nah, I'm pretty sure I got me some bronchitis that should be looked at and drugs administered for.
This sucker hit me like a freight train last Sunday/Monday. Started with an annoying little tickle in the back of my nose and then BOOM!!! The inability to breathe through my nose and the sore throat were there, saying "Hello!!! We're here to make you feel like shit for the next however long".
Couple that with #2 heading to high school. Thank gawd he's somewhat independent and could manage to get most of his crap organized without my help. Because I couldn't. I just couldn't. It went well for him by the by. He's already figured out he can walk to the fast food joints at lunch and as such has his hand out. Now he just needs to figure out he has to get a job in order to continue this lunch time ritual. Or return to eating the gourmet lunches his mommy is still prepare for him. Nothing like PB & J on stale rye bread to make a kid come running for more.
And then to make it even more fun, girl dog is flaunting her back end at boy dog. And boy dog is going crazy. We keep them seperate but the scent is still there. Particularly when she's in the house, he's locked up in the office here, where I sit, seeking peace and quiet and escape from the world, and she's got her ass end parked next to the door... Yeah, no peace and quiet here! And if that's not bad enough, the little Princess has also started the same thing. Two females in heat at the same time... I guess the only thing better would be to have all three of them at once. And as luck would have it, the Synder girl will start up just as the first two finish, making it oh, probably a solid month of female canine friskiness.... I need my head read I must say.
So anyway, I'm feeling better. Other than the panic attack in the middle of night which caused me to have some difficulties breathing. SG had something to do with it I know because as I was waking up, in a sitting position, panting and trying to breathe, I heard him say something along the lines of "that's it, you're going to the hospital".... Not sure if this was a prediction or just what it was. I'm hoping he was talking in his sleep and not predicting physical harm that would result in a trip to the ER.... I'm joking. Maybe. Nah, I'm pretty sure I got me some bronchitis that should be looked at and drugs administered for.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
In Point Form
- I'm feeling like crap. #1 brought home the sneezes and absolutely refused to cover his mouth so yeah, now I'm feeling like crap
- The girl dog is feeling frisky. And I am no where near feeling well enough to deal with that shit
- The males in the house, as in 'human males', are in some kind of testosterone battle and, well, I don't want to deal with that shit either
- According to the fashion rules I can no longer where white after tomorrow, which has me wondering if it's still okay to wear my summer shoes... which aren't white
- #2 starts high school in 3 days and I still need 7 days to get him into some kind of sleeping schedule
- There's more freakin' cucumbers that need to be turned into pickles (or something)...
- I'm still holding a grudge against the blight that took over my tomatoes
- I'm tired and going to bed
- The girl dog is feeling frisky. And I am no where near feeling well enough to deal with that shit
- The males in the house, as in 'human males', are in some kind of testosterone battle and, well, I don't want to deal with that shit either
- According to the fashion rules I can no longer where white after tomorrow, which has me wondering if it's still okay to wear my summer shoes... which aren't white
- #2 starts high school in 3 days and I still need 7 days to get him into some kind of sleeping schedule
- There's more freakin' cucumbers that need to be turned into pickles (or something)...
- I'm still holding a grudge against the blight that took over my tomatoes
- I'm tired and going to bed
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Now you know what I did this summer
Well, one things for sure, I certainly didn’t spend any time on the blog.
It was kind of a weird summer here in the Pocket. Not a “weird” kind of weird, just a wacky kind of weird.
Back in June #1 graduated. Yep, I got me a high school graduate. SG and I were involved in the evening’s festivities, volunteering to be part of the security committee. Which, by the by, was probably the easiest gig we could’ve got. Nothing too strenuous, just stand in the hallway and make sure the future leaders of the world don’t go where they’re not supposed to. There was a lovely dinner and honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to put that much starch and carbohydrates on a plate. I thought wrong. I guess they needed to load the kids up with as much as possible to absorb the alcohol that would be flowing. You know, keep them somewhat sober. Anyway, it was good. I am proud. Very proud.
#2 also made it out of the middle school and is high school bound. He missed his farewell by choice. Something along the lines of “I’ve spent too many mandatory years with these people I’m not spending my optional time with them too”. I was sad he missed it. It looked like a good time from some of the pictures I had seen on Facebook. He's changed his major. What was once Computers and Culinary has now become Welding. That's my #2... all over the map.
July was spent working mostly evenings, which was different. I got to spend more time in the garden and the pool and with the boys. Well, limited time with the boys. Something about them staying up until all hours of the night thereby sleeping until noon or two… Working evenings is very different than working days. It’s a much more relaxed atmosphere as it’s just the clerks and the people who carry the guns. There were some pretty interesting things happening in and around town. And one thing I’ve learned is that while you think people are weird, you really have no idea how weird… And, further on the work front, things are looking pretty good. The period of the unknown is nearly over and I do believe that my decision to leave a full time permanent gig that I could do in my sleep to take on the temporary term gig that I had no clue about is paying off. Permanent fulltime public servant I shall be…, hopefully the end of the month. And…. I’ll be changing from a clerk who works long and crazy shifts to a clerk that has a Monday to Friday eight to four shift. I’ll be working alongside the big wigs as the admin and finance clerk. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed the mix up in the work life, but really, deep down inside, I am a Monday to Friday kinda girl.
Okay, back to what I did this summer.
We attempted to take some vacation. Got away camping for a few days, which was gloriously wonderful. I love camping. SG was somewhat disappointed that we didn’t get more camping in or even some fishing done, but when funds are limited and the motor for the boat decides to bite it and bite it to the tune of too much money to fix it right then and there, well, yeah, no fishing. We hope to get out again this fall and spend a few more nights in the tent.
August brought an early bounty from the garden. It looked to be a stellar year for the tomatoes and corn and cukes and stuff. Then the blight set in and I think we maybe had a dozen or so tomatoes that were edible. The corn showed huge promise which prompted thoughts about a pig and corn roast. And then the corn turned and well yeah, it became basically a waste of space. Oh, it also doubled as an obstructed view that the dogs quickly figured out and would run behind and take off because, well, I couldn’t see them. The cukes however were, and still are, plentiful and I’ve managed to do what will no doubt amount to a record amount of pickling.
It was a hot month, which is typical for August, and a lot of time was spent in the pool, in the sun, and outside on the decks. A lot of eating and drinking went on which means I gained a few pounds but got a helluva good tan.
I’m still without a car, which is okay. I’m really liking the lack of loan payment and reduced insurance premium. There’s talk that they’re going to get me a van. Our old van. The Venture van. And while SG is thoroughly enjoying his truck, the van is a good idea. The truck isn’t really practical (believe it or not) for family life. The van will be much more conducive. And I think I shall name it Chad.
It was a different kind of summer. And while it doesn’t sound like much, it was a pretty good summer. Now it’s back to school time for #2 and time for #1 to figure out what he’s going to do with his life. Oh to be seventeen again…. Wait, that’s a whole different blog.
It was kind of a weird summer here in the Pocket. Not a “weird” kind of weird, just a wacky kind of weird.
Back in June #1 graduated. Yep, I got me a high school graduate. SG and I were involved in the evening’s festivities, volunteering to be part of the security committee. Which, by the by, was probably the easiest gig we could’ve got. Nothing too strenuous, just stand in the hallway and make sure the future leaders of the world don’t go where they’re not supposed to. There was a lovely dinner and honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to put that much starch and carbohydrates on a plate. I thought wrong. I guess they needed to load the kids up with as much as possible to absorb the alcohol that would be flowing. You know, keep them somewhat sober. Anyway, it was good. I am proud. Very proud.
#2 also made it out of the middle school and is high school bound. He missed his farewell by choice. Something along the lines of “I’ve spent too many mandatory years with these people I’m not spending my optional time with them too”. I was sad he missed it. It looked like a good time from some of the pictures I had seen on Facebook. He's changed his major. What was once Computers and Culinary has now become Welding. That's my #2... all over the map.
July was spent working mostly evenings, which was different. I got to spend more time in the garden and the pool and with the boys. Well, limited time with the boys. Something about them staying up until all hours of the night thereby sleeping until noon or two… Working evenings is very different than working days. It’s a much more relaxed atmosphere as it’s just the clerks and the people who carry the guns. There were some pretty interesting things happening in and around town. And one thing I’ve learned is that while you think people are weird, you really have no idea how weird… And, further on the work front, things are looking pretty good. The period of the unknown is nearly over and I do believe that my decision to leave a full time permanent gig that I could do in my sleep to take on the temporary term gig that I had no clue about is paying off. Permanent fulltime public servant I shall be…, hopefully the end of the month. And…. I’ll be changing from a clerk who works long and crazy shifts to a clerk that has a Monday to Friday eight to four shift. I’ll be working alongside the big wigs as the admin and finance clerk. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed the mix up in the work life, but really, deep down inside, I am a Monday to Friday kinda girl.
Okay, back to what I did this summer.
We attempted to take some vacation. Got away camping for a few days, which was gloriously wonderful. I love camping. SG was somewhat disappointed that we didn’t get more camping in or even some fishing done, but when funds are limited and the motor for the boat decides to bite it and bite it to the tune of too much money to fix it right then and there, well, yeah, no fishing. We hope to get out again this fall and spend a few more nights in the tent.
August brought an early bounty from the garden. It looked to be a stellar year for the tomatoes and corn and cukes and stuff. Then the blight set in and I think we maybe had a dozen or so tomatoes that were edible. The corn showed huge promise which prompted thoughts about a pig and corn roast. And then the corn turned and well yeah, it became basically a waste of space. Oh, it also doubled as an obstructed view that the dogs quickly figured out and would run behind and take off because, well, I couldn’t see them. The cukes however were, and still are, plentiful and I’ve managed to do what will no doubt amount to a record amount of pickling.
It was a hot month, which is typical for August, and a lot of time was spent in the pool, in the sun, and outside on the decks. A lot of eating and drinking went on which means I gained a few pounds but got a helluva good tan.
I’m still without a car, which is okay. I’m really liking the lack of loan payment and reduced insurance premium. There’s talk that they’re going to get me a van. Our old van. The Venture van. And while SG is thoroughly enjoying his truck, the van is a good idea. The truck isn’t really practical (believe it or not) for family life. The van will be much more conducive. And I think I shall name it Chad.
It was a different kind of summer. And while it doesn’t sound like much, it was a pretty good summer. Now it’s back to school time for #2 and time for #1 to figure out what he’s going to do with his life. Oh to be seventeen again…. Wait, that’s a whole different blog.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I remembered the password!
So here I am, with lots having happened and lot more going to happen.
I guess the most important thing I need to tell you about is that the #1 son is okay. He's got himself some whiplash and some spinal misalignment, a few scrapes and scratches but he is, for the most part, going to be fine. I think back on how bad it could've turned out and I never want to let him out of my sight again.

Yes, that's my Maggie. He flipped her twice while avoiding hitting the deer that ran out in front of him.
But as I said, he's going to be okay. And I thank our Guardian Angel for looking out for him!
More to come.... just later.
So here I am, with lots having happened and lot more going to happen.
I guess the most important thing I need to tell you about is that the #1 son is okay. He's got himself some whiplash and some spinal misalignment, a few scrapes and scratches but he is, for the most part, going to be fine. I think back on how bad it could've turned out and I never want to let him out of my sight again.
Yes, that's my Maggie. He flipped her twice while avoiding hitting the deer that ran out in front of him.
But as I said, he's going to be okay. And I thank our Guardian Angel for looking out for him!
More to come.... just later.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Watch This.... Really... Watch This!!!
Okay. So y'all know I'm somewhat fanatical about my boy John. And it's been kinda hard to explain why I am that way to people who don't really want to get it.
And, in fear of blabbing my face off and turning you right away from clicking on the link, I shall just say this:
Watch this. And then watch it again. Hell, maybe even 2 more times after that.
And then, watch it one more time, but I mean really watch it. And by watch it, I mean watch it AND listen to it. He has this really nifty way of making the guitar talk. Then you stand a chance of knowing why I'm somewhat fanatical about my boy John.
Oh, and a well kept secret? I'm almost as fanatical about Keith too.
And, in fear of blabbing my face off and turning you right away from clicking on the link, I shall just say this:
Watch this. And then watch it again. Hell, maybe even 2 more times after that.
And then, watch it one more time, but I mean really watch it. And by watch it, I mean watch it AND listen to it. He has this really nifty way of making the guitar talk. Then you stand a chance of knowing why I'm somewhat fanatical about my boy John.
Oh, and a well kept secret? I'm almost as fanatical about Keith too.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
We interrupt this absence....
Got some news that absolutely MUST be shared!
After far too long, and two too many attempts, #1 got his license today.
Yes, yes he did.
He passed the test, including the parallel parking, in my beloved Maggie.
He was pretty pleased. As was I. Maybe.
Then, guess who shows up at my work right after school, asking if he can take the car? I would've thought he would have waited at least until the next day.
But noooo....
And you're never gonna believe this next part!
I gave him the keys!! Yes, yes I did. Was I stroking out a little bit? Did my already "slightly high" blood pressure go a wee bit higher? Was I incredibly distracted and thankful that it was a slow night at work? Uh huh...
But, if you think THAT is hard to believe, wait until you read this!! Are you sitting down? If not, you better.
Later on in the evening, I get a call from SG who just wanted to advise me to be on the alert for his call. I asked why and then nearly fell over.
He let #1 use the brand new truck!!! Oh wait, many of you didn't read about the truck yet, I didn't tell you the story.... van was a write off, got a new Ford. But maybe more on that later.
He let #1 use the brand new truck.... Yes, yes he did!!
The day I thought was going to be a loooonnnnng time coming, well, it came. And on the very same day the boy got the license yet!!
Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable!!
The funniest part about the whole thing was when #1 was talking about how nervous he was driving by himself and how aware he had to be of absolutely everything. He said it was hard not having the extra set of eyes. The situation didn't improve any when the police were following him as he cruised around town. He assumes that I pulled some strings and stuff and that they were sent out to do just that. Follow him around. Like they have nothing better to do.... So SG said to him, "That's right, they know who you are and they will be watching you."
Far be it for me to confirm or deny.
I think I'll just let him keep thinking that.
After far too long, and two too many attempts, #1 got his license today.
Yes, yes he did.
He passed the test, including the parallel parking, in my beloved Maggie.
He was pretty pleased. As was I. Maybe.
Then, guess who shows up at my work right after school, asking if he can take the car? I would've thought he would have waited at least until the next day.
But noooo....
And you're never gonna believe this next part!
I gave him the keys!! Yes, yes I did. Was I stroking out a little bit? Did my already "slightly high" blood pressure go a wee bit higher? Was I incredibly distracted and thankful that it was a slow night at work? Uh huh...
But, if you think THAT is hard to believe, wait until you read this!! Are you sitting down? If not, you better.
Later on in the evening, I get a call from SG who just wanted to advise me to be on the alert for his call. I asked why and then nearly fell over.
He let #1 use the brand new truck!!! Oh wait, many of you didn't read about the truck yet, I didn't tell you the story.... van was a write off, got a new Ford. But maybe more on that later.
He let #1 use the brand new truck.... Yes, yes he did!!
The day I thought was going to be a loooonnnnng time coming, well, it came. And on the very same day the boy got the license yet!!
Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable!!
The funniest part about the whole thing was when #1 was talking about how nervous he was driving by himself and how aware he had to be of absolutely everything. He said it was hard not having the extra set of eyes. The situation didn't improve any when the police were following him as he cruised around town. He assumes that I pulled some strings and stuff and that they were sent out to do just that. Follow him around. Like they have nothing better to do.... So SG said to him, "That's right, they know who you are and they will be watching you."
Far be it for me to confirm or deny.
I think I'll just let him keep thinking that.
Monday, May 31, 2010
More visual
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
It's all in the Interpretation
One of the things that I find interesting about being a parent to two teenage boys is that, well, they're not quite like girls. Which is obviously obvious I know, but I'm talking about the inner pysche thing. Their thought processes tend to be a little different than a girls.
Okay, who am I kidding. Their thought processes are a LOT different!!
Take, for example, when asked "Could you please clean up the kitchen, get the dishes put away and make sure the counters are clean for when your mother gets home from work tonight."
Well, I've paraphrased that somewhat because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to read the exact wording .... I know it was probably a lot harsher and more than likely said with a volume level some might consider yelling. Hey, we're a loud household here, put your ear plugs in.
And I will say, I was pleasantly surprised the other night when I walked in at midnight and saw that my kitchen was tidy.
Okay, I was totally blown away.
You see, I'm used to coming home at night to one of two scenarios. Either the supper dishes are scattered all over the counter or they're neatly stacked in piles beside the sink. Waiting for me to wash them up. Sometimes they're rinsed. Sometimes they're not.
But the counters were clean. There weren't any dirty dishes to be seen! It was fabulous. I stood back and smiled. And thought, wow, I guess they've finally discovered that "considerate" gene. I was pretty pleased.
Short lived however. As I walked over to turn on the light above the sink, I saw it. Turns out the dishes were just placed in the sink. Rinsed and neatly stacked. Waiting, once again, for me to wash them up.
But hey, the counters were clean. Which goes to prove the theory that teenagers only hear the last few words of any sentence that contains a call to action.
Okay, who am I kidding. Their thought processes are a LOT different!!
Take, for example, when asked "Could you please clean up the kitchen, get the dishes put away and make sure the counters are clean for when your mother gets home from work tonight."
Well, I've paraphrased that somewhat because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to read the exact wording .... I know it was probably a lot harsher and more than likely said with a volume level some might consider yelling. Hey, we're a loud household here, put your ear plugs in.
And I will say, I was pleasantly surprised the other night when I walked in at midnight and saw that my kitchen was tidy.
Okay, I was totally blown away.
You see, I'm used to coming home at night to one of two scenarios. Either the supper dishes are scattered all over the counter or they're neatly stacked in piles beside the sink. Waiting for me to wash them up. Sometimes they're rinsed. Sometimes they're not.
But the counters were clean. There weren't any dirty dishes to be seen! It was fabulous. I stood back and smiled. And thought, wow, I guess they've finally discovered that "considerate" gene. I was pretty pleased.
Short lived however. As I walked over to turn on the light above the sink, I saw it. Turns out the dishes were just placed in the sink. Rinsed and neatly stacked. Waiting, once again, for me to wash them up.
But hey, the counters were clean. Which goes to prove the theory that teenagers only hear the last few words of any sentence that contains a call to action.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday Morning adventure...
I would've much rather been on the golf course ....
As some of you know, and many of you don't, SG was involved in a wee little traffic accident this past week. He's okay, a tad sore, some bones outta place, not broken, strained muscles, you know, the kind of injuries you sustain when you hit another car.
We went to the compound this morning to get the rest of his personal effects out of it.
We're not sure if it's going to be written off. Or repaired.

As some of you know, and many of you don't, SG was involved in a wee little traffic accident this past week. He's okay, a tad sore, some bones outta place, not broken, strained muscles, you know, the kind of injuries you sustain when you hit another car.
We went to the compound this morning to get the rest of his personal effects out of it.
We're not sure if it's going to be written off. Or repaired.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Talk about stage fright....
I've had a number of great blogs lately. Written in my head. Just there. No where else. Because life has been full of really, really, REALLY!!! interesting stuff.
I've been writing them in my head, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and type the frickin' things out. Really, I haven't. In case you didn't hear, we had puppies. Well, not "we"... the Girl Dog and the Boy Dog. They had the puppies. And while Girl Dog does the best she can to take care of them, most of the responsiblity eventually falls upon us, the humans, to make sure they survive. Make sure they grow to be the best puppies that those people who purchase them could possibly have. And, in case you were wondering, this takes up a fair bit of time. Earlier mornings, later nights. Trips home at lunch (yeah... I know... I can now, so I do!!), feeding, watering, playing, walking, feeding... well I'm sure you get the picture. Not to mention that they are so bloody cute, with their personalities starting to come out and the kerfuffling that goes on... You just want to spend time with them and nothing else.
And yes, I just typed kerfuffling...
Had some stuff going on with #1... I'm sure you all saw the picture. I am so freakin' proud of that kid. Just goes to prove the saying, "Throw enough shit at the wall and some of it's bound to stick". Apparently the continual hounding and asking and telling and yelling and freaking out right on to his head is working. For the most part I guess. At least the parts where it counts. He's graduating in a little over two months and, he's almost trustworthy enough to let him drive my Maggie. Well, that's when he passes his road test. No wait, maybe not.... Oh, and the "insert name of female friend here" hassles. Who knew teenage girls could be so... such... I don't know, if she don't smarten up she's going to have to deal with me....
Then there's my #2. He, who decides when and if he wants to... This child has given me more grey hair in the last couple of months than I'm sure I could've possibly earned in the last ten years! My first fourteen year old wasn't this bad, why does my second one have to be? Did they change something in the feed for the cows that has caused the milk to have different hormones in it that will inevitably change the way your child behaves??? That being said... he can still pull it off if he wants to. But only when he wants to.
Fun times I do say!
But for now, I must tend to the remaining few pups, and then I'm off to pluck the chin hairs that always seem to show up in times of stress. If you don't know about chin hairs, well I'm envious. If you want to know about pups, just ask!
I've been writing them in my head, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and type the frickin' things out. Really, I haven't. In case you didn't hear, we had puppies. Well, not "we"... the Girl Dog and the Boy Dog. They had the puppies. And while Girl Dog does the best she can to take care of them, most of the responsiblity eventually falls upon us, the humans, to make sure they survive. Make sure they grow to be the best puppies that those people who purchase them could possibly have. And, in case you were wondering, this takes up a fair bit of time. Earlier mornings, later nights. Trips home at lunch (yeah... I know... I can now, so I do!!), feeding, watering, playing, walking, feeding... well I'm sure you get the picture. Not to mention that they are so bloody cute, with their personalities starting to come out and the kerfuffling that goes on... You just want to spend time with them and nothing else.
And yes, I just typed kerfuffling...
Had some stuff going on with #1... I'm sure you all saw the picture. I am so freakin' proud of that kid. Just goes to prove the saying, "Throw enough shit at the wall and some of it's bound to stick". Apparently the continual hounding and asking and telling and yelling and freaking out right on to his head is working. For the most part I guess. At least the parts where it counts. He's graduating in a little over two months and, he's almost trustworthy enough to let him drive my Maggie. Well, that's when he passes his road test. No wait, maybe not.... Oh, and the "insert name of female friend here" hassles. Who knew teenage girls could be so... such... I don't know, if she don't smarten up she's going to have to deal with me....
Then there's my #2. He, who decides when and if he wants to... This child has given me more grey hair in the last couple of months than I'm sure I could've possibly earned in the last ten years! My first fourteen year old wasn't this bad, why does my second one have to be? Did they change something in the feed for the cows that has caused the milk to have different hormones in it that will inevitably change the way your child behaves??? That being said... he can still pull it off if he wants to. But only when he wants to.
Fun times I do say!
But for now, I must tend to the remaining few pups, and then I'm off to pluck the chin hairs that always seem to show up in times of stress. If you don't know about chin hairs, well I'm envious. If you want to know about pups, just ask!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Not that I'm bragging or anything
Saturday, April 3, 2010's April
Where the hell has the time gone??
It's seems like it was just a few days ago I was celebrating joining the ranks of the "48 year club" and, well, it wasn't just a few days ago. It was like three weeks ago.
Oh well. They say times go by faster as you get older.
So let's see, what's been happening....
I'm feeling kinda sad today. SG's Grandma passed away. And while she was ready and willing to go, it is still a heart wrenching thing. Such a fabulously solid woman. A Grandmother to six. A Great Grandmother to 16 and a Great-Great Grandmother to fiver. Rest in Peace my love.... and make sure you catch the big one!! You will be missed.
Work is good. Very good. I'm off on course in another couple of weeks. Which will give me the full load of training that I've been waiting for. Now, just to figure out just what the hell it is I'm doing...
The boys have been driving me bonkers. And when I say "the boys" I mean... all of the boys!!! But, as they say, spring is in the air.... hopefully once that passes their brains will return.
Puppies galore around here as well. They are cute as all get out... yes, you read that right ~~ cute as all get out!! We've sold two for sure, three if we agree to board until the end of May. And giving the work schedule that I've got, I'm thinking that may be okay...
So #2 is giving me grief about my computer use... funny, it hasn't been that much lately and he's all up in my case because apparently, he wants me to make popcorn... bugger. I shall return, sooner rather than later.
It's seems like it was just a few days ago I was celebrating joining the ranks of the "48 year club" and, well, it wasn't just a few days ago. It was like three weeks ago.
Oh well. They say times go by faster as you get older.
So let's see, what's been happening....
I'm feeling kinda sad today. SG's Grandma passed away. And while she was ready and willing to go, it is still a heart wrenching thing. Such a fabulously solid woman. A Grandmother to six. A Great Grandmother to 16 and a Great-Great Grandmother to fiver. Rest in Peace my love.... and make sure you catch the big one!! You will be missed.
Work is good. Very good. I'm off on course in another couple of weeks. Which will give me the full load of training that I've been waiting for. Now, just to figure out just what the hell it is I'm doing...
The boys have been driving me bonkers. And when I say "the boys" I mean... all of the boys!!! But, as they say, spring is in the air.... hopefully once that passes their brains will return.
Puppies galore around here as well. They are cute as all get out... yes, you read that right ~~ cute as all get out!! We've sold two for sure, three if we agree to board until the end of May. And giving the work schedule that I've got, I'm thinking that may be okay...
So #2 is giving me grief about my computer use... funny, it hasn't been that much lately and he's all up in my case because apparently, he wants me to make popcorn... bugger. I shall return, sooner rather than later.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Because after "Co" comes "Cu"
We recently found ourselves in the oh so nifty position of helping #2 make what will no doubt be a life altering decision. A decision that weighed quite heavily in the air for the two weeks they gave him to make this decision.
I've always been very thankful that the next school my children would attend, after the early and middle years school, which by the way, someone thought would be a good idea to change the names from "elementary" and "junior high" to the aforementioned descriptors, only to change them back to ... well, you get my point. For crying out loud, it's always been elementary and it's always been junior high and it's always been high school. We, the parents who are in and around my age, have always called them that. And then some wise ass comes along and thinks "early years" and "middle years" is the way to go.... I'm guessing someone got their brains and or their balls back and put the kibosh on that crap. Because now we're back to elementary and junior high.
Anyway, off track here. I'm glad that they have the opportunity to attend a school where they can learn more than just academics. They can test the waters and enter the world of various trades or head off to get the education they'll need in order to get them into University. The choices are endless. #1 has pursued his desire to be a mechanic. And as such, will graduate this year with the foundation to head off in that direction. And while I'm glad he's been given the knowledge to do this, I'm more blown away by the fact that he's graduating... And on time yet!! Shit, hope I didn't just curse it. After all, there's still a little under 3 months to go. But I shall keep the faith.
So #2 is there next year. At the high school. And, as I knew with #1, I know with #2. He's a hands on kinda guy and at this point in his life will not tolerate the pen to paper gig that he'd need to do in order to head off to University. So... he was faced with the decision of just what he thought he should take. Me, I know that computers and programming is what he should do. The kid is a frickin' genius when it comes to that kind of stuff. Or theatrics. I still, to this day, curse myself for not getting him involved with an acting group. But hey, there's still time if I can get it together. Anyway... I didn't interfere. I let him peruse the booklet and try and figure out by the words on the paper just what it was that he thought he might want to do. I'd occasionally toss in "so, getting any closer to figuring it out?" and he'd ignore me. So I stood back.
And then, we're sitting here one night and he says "Mom, I've decided what I want to take next year." Heaving a huge sigh of relief, because quite frankly, I was getting the feeling he was wanting to spend another year in grade nine while he made up his mind, I cautiously said, "You have? That's great!" And with my new found art of knowing where to place the pregnant pauses, I waited. I didn't want to push the envelope and force what might just be what I didn't want to hear out of him.
"I'm gonna take computers. But not the whole computer curriculum."
This didn't really make sense to me but I waited. For what seemed like an eternity. And then I asked, "Okay, so what else has peaked your interest?"
"Well, you see. I figure that with taking the two pre-requisite computer courses for grade ten I'll know if that's what I really want to do. But I still need to take 3 more courses in order to stay on track so I thought I'd take Culinary Arts too."
"Oh really? And where did this idea come from?" Go ahead, answer me this.... What the hell else was I suppose to say?
"I'm liking the home economics course this year. Cooking is fun. And it's not really that hard. And there's not a lot of writing involved. It'll give me the credits I need for the year and by the end I'll know."
So... I figure I've either got the next Bill Gates or Wolfgang Puck in the making here.
Only time will tell.
I've always been very thankful that the next school my children would attend, after the early and middle years school, which by the way, someone thought would be a good idea to change the names from "elementary" and "junior high" to the aforementioned descriptors, only to change them back to ... well, you get my point. For crying out loud, it's always been elementary and it's always been junior high and it's always been high school. We, the parents who are in and around my age, have always called them that. And then some wise ass comes along and thinks "early years" and "middle years" is the way to go.... I'm guessing someone got their brains and or their balls back and put the kibosh on that crap. Because now we're back to elementary and junior high.
Anyway, off track here. I'm glad that they have the opportunity to attend a school where they can learn more than just academics. They can test the waters and enter the world of various trades or head off to get the education they'll need in order to get them into University. The choices are endless. #1 has pursued his desire to be a mechanic. And as such, will graduate this year with the foundation to head off in that direction. And while I'm glad he's been given the knowledge to do this, I'm more blown away by the fact that he's graduating... And on time yet!! Shit, hope I didn't just curse it. After all, there's still a little under 3 months to go. But I shall keep the faith.
So #2 is there next year. At the high school. And, as I knew with #1, I know with #2. He's a hands on kinda guy and at this point in his life will not tolerate the pen to paper gig that he'd need to do in order to head off to University. So... he was faced with the decision of just what he thought he should take. Me, I know that computers and programming is what he should do. The kid is a frickin' genius when it comes to that kind of stuff. Or theatrics. I still, to this day, curse myself for not getting him involved with an acting group. But hey, there's still time if I can get it together. Anyway... I didn't interfere. I let him peruse the booklet and try and figure out by the words on the paper just what it was that he thought he might want to do. I'd occasionally toss in "so, getting any closer to figuring it out?" and he'd ignore me. So I stood back.
And then, we're sitting here one night and he says "Mom, I've decided what I want to take next year." Heaving a huge sigh of relief, because quite frankly, I was getting the feeling he was wanting to spend another year in grade nine while he made up his mind, I cautiously said, "You have? That's great!" And with my new found art of knowing where to place the pregnant pauses, I waited. I didn't want to push the envelope and force what might just be what I didn't want to hear out of him.
"I'm gonna take computers. But not the whole computer curriculum."
This didn't really make sense to me but I waited. For what seemed like an eternity. And then I asked, "Okay, so what else has peaked your interest?"
"Well, you see. I figure that with taking the two pre-requisite computer courses for grade ten I'll know if that's what I really want to do. But I still need to take 3 more courses in order to stay on track so I thought I'd take Culinary Arts too."
"Oh really? And where did this idea come from?" Go ahead, answer me this.... What the hell else was I suppose to say?
"I'm liking the home economics course this year. Cooking is fun. And it's not really that hard. And there's not a lot of writing involved. It'll give me the credits I need for the year and by the end I'll know."
So... I figure I've either got the next Bill Gates or Wolfgang Puck in the making here.
Only time will tell.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Enter room, hang head in ...
I feel almost kinda weird writing this blog. Sort of like the person that wasn't formally invited to the party but heard it would be okay if she showed up.
I needed to take time to keep the brain where it needed to be so I could learn the new gig. There's been a shit load of stuff to learn, which at the start was somewhat intimidating. I actually spent a day early in the going, doubting me (I know, tough to believe, but it happens to the best of us... that self-doubt thing) and my abilities to learn and whether I would be able to... learn that is. I knew that I could do the job, but only if I learned it. The old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" was starting to make the rounds in my head.
Anyway, I got myself out of that funk. Nothing like a 3 am stern talking to with yourself as you sit on the couch, staring out into the darkness, wondering "What the hell did I do? and realizing that it isn't quite the cakewalk you thought it would be but it was too late now to turn back and that you need to give it absolutely every thing you got and DO IT!!!
So, with 8:30 bedtimes and sleep that completely refreshes and rejuvenates, a slight change in diet, early morning walks and, well, other than those damn Facebook applications, I was focused entirely on getting to where I need to go. (Truth be told, the FB applications brought a really nice ending to the day. Mindless. No thought process involved whatsoever.)
Seemed to work because apparently, and yeah, I'm doing some self back patting here, but... I am that old dog... (not really, not even close to it but I like the saying...) and I'm learning new tricks!! Things are going very well. I'm well ahead of where most new people are. I'm scheduled for more off-site formal training. It's going good and I feel it. And I know this because I've started watching my life again for blog fodder.
Which means, there should be more incredibly high quality and entertaining reading to brighten your day and darken your night!
There, now I feel almost kinda like the person that wasn't formally invited to the party but heard it would be okay if she showed up and just tried to explain why she should be here.
I needed to take time to keep the brain where it needed to be so I could learn the new gig. There's been a shit load of stuff to learn, which at the start was somewhat intimidating. I actually spent a day early in the going, doubting me (I know, tough to believe, but it happens to the best of us... that self-doubt thing) and my abilities to learn and whether I would be able to... learn that is. I knew that I could do the job, but only if I learned it. The old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" was starting to make the rounds in my head.
Anyway, I got myself out of that funk. Nothing like a 3 am stern talking to with yourself as you sit on the couch, staring out into the darkness, wondering "What the hell did I do? and realizing that it isn't quite the cakewalk you thought it would be but it was too late now to turn back and that you need to give it absolutely every thing you got and DO IT!!!
So, with 8:30 bedtimes and sleep that completely refreshes and rejuvenates, a slight change in diet, early morning walks and, well, other than those damn Facebook applications, I was focused entirely on getting to where I need to go. (Truth be told, the FB applications brought a really nice ending to the day. Mindless. No thought process involved whatsoever.)
Seemed to work because apparently, and yeah, I'm doing some self back patting here, but... I am that old dog... (not really, not even close to it but I like the saying...) and I'm learning new tricks!! Things are going very well. I'm well ahead of where most new people are. I'm scheduled for more off-site formal training. It's going good and I feel it. And I know this because I've started watching my life again for blog fodder.
Which means, there should be more incredibly high quality and entertaining reading to brighten your day and darken your night!
There, now I feel almost kinda like the person that wasn't formally invited to the party but heard it would be okay if she showed up and just tried to explain why she should be here.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Time Delay = 27 minutes
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Pushing Buttons
There's a few things in this life of mine that really really bother me. Piss me right off if I'm going to be honest with you.
Not that my life isn't good. It is. I'm healthy. I'm happy. Well, happy unless you happen to be doing one of the few things that totally make me go to ten and want to flip out all over your head and face and stuff.
Take for example, sipping from my grape glass. I cannot stand it when someone does that. Or asks to do that... "Here, let me taste it. Just a sip"... Hello??? Get your own glass and sip from it!! This is my grape glass, not yours. I don't care who you are... I don't want you sipping from my grape glass. Oh, and the same can apply to my water, my milk, my beer... get your own!! I see no need in you having some of mine when there's plenty there, go get your own!! Selfish? Who cares, I can't stand this.
And doors. Whether they be the pantry, cupboards, closets, fridge or oven... close the frickin things! They don't need to be left open, they really don't. Especially part way... that drives me right bonkers. I can see if you have your hands full and can't quite maneuver yourself to close it at that precise moment in time. But go back and finish the job. Close the door!!! You opened it so you have the concept down. You understand how it works. It opens. It closes.
I've also had a long standing battle with the toilet seat. Living in a house with three males, I'm sure you can all appreciate and understand this. But really? Why is it so hard to put the damn thing back down when you're finished? You more than likely had to bend over to put it up. All you have to do now is lean forward to flip it to go back down. No bending. Not nearly as much effort as putting it up.... why can this not happen? And all my slamming, and I mean slamming!!! of the seat back to it's original position... yeah, its not working. I know that I should get over it, but why? I've gotten over a lot of things, I don't think I want to let this one slide.
And please, for your own safety, do not stir my pot! If I'm in the kitchen making food to keep you alive and give you energy, keep your hands off my pot!! There's nothing worse than having someone come in and lift the lid and decide the contents need to be stirred!! For the most part, I'm nice about it. "get the f*#k away from my pot!!" is usually what you'll hear. But if you don't listen the first time, I have been known to grab the big spatula and chase you out! There are no second chances! Leave my pots alone dammit!!
I have, however, managed to get over some stuff that use to really piss me off. It's not like I'm high maintenance and prone to temper tantrums if I don't get what I want. I am, after all, an adult and know that some battles are not worth fighting. For example, I no longer fret over the toilet paper roll not being put on the holder. That's what we have a counter for, right? And the lower part of the windows do not need to be clean all the time. I'm a taller kind of girl and never really use that part to look out of anyway. Besides, I'm not fond of cleaning up the dog smudges that are there. I call it smudges, but I'm fairly sure its dog snot. Gross I know. Try cleaning it everyday.. you'd get over it pretty quick too! Oh, and snow on the stairs? I'm past that too. I no longer feel the entrance to my home needs to be clean and clear of snow. As long as you can hold the handrail I see no need to fear that you'll slip. That's why SG put the handrail up. So we didn't need to clear off the snow.
I'm going to stop now. Only because I fear you'll think I'm somewhat neurotic. Or, more neurotic than you already think I am.
Besides, I'm beginning to feel somewhat anxious about the state of the lower portion of my windows. Best to not talk about it.
Not that my life isn't good. It is. I'm healthy. I'm happy. Well, happy unless you happen to be doing one of the few things that totally make me go to ten and want to flip out all over your head and face and stuff.
Take for example, sipping from my grape glass. I cannot stand it when someone does that. Or asks to do that... "Here, let me taste it. Just a sip"... Hello??? Get your own glass and sip from it!! This is my grape glass, not yours. I don't care who you are... I don't want you sipping from my grape glass. Oh, and the same can apply to my water, my milk, my beer... get your own!! I see no need in you having some of mine when there's plenty there, go get your own!! Selfish? Who cares, I can't stand this.
And doors. Whether they be the pantry, cupboards, closets, fridge or oven... close the frickin things! They don't need to be left open, they really don't. Especially part way... that drives me right bonkers. I can see if you have your hands full and can't quite maneuver yourself to close it at that precise moment in time. But go back and finish the job. Close the door!!! You opened it so you have the concept down. You understand how it works. It opens. It closes.
I've also had a long standing battle with the toilet seat. Living in a house with three males, I'm sure you can all appreciate and understand this. But really? Why is it so hard to put the damn thing back down when you're finished? You more than likely had to bend over to put it up. All you have to do now is lean forward to flip it to go back down. No bending. Not nearly as much effort as putting it up.... why can this not happen? And all my slamming, and I mean slamming!!! of the seat back to it's original position... yeah, its not working. I know that I should get over it, but why? I've gotten over a lot of things, I don't think I want to let this one slide.
And please, for your own safety, do not stir my pot! If I'm in the kitchen making food to keep you alive and give you energy, keep your hands off my pot!! There's nothing worse than having someone come in and lift the lid and decide the contents need to be stirred!! For the most part, I'm nice about it. "get the f*#k away from my pot!!" is usually what you'll hear. But if you don't listen the first time, I have been known to grab the big spatula and chase you out! There are no second chances! Leave my pots alone dammit!!
I have, however, managed to get over some stuff that use to really piss me off. It's not like I'm high maintenance and prone to temper tantrums if I don't get what I want. I am, after all, an adult and know that some battles are not worth fighting. For example, I no longer fret over the toilet paper roll not being put on the holder. That's what we have a counter for, right? And the lower part of the windows do not need to be clean all the time. I'm a taller kind of girl and never really use that part to look out of anyway. Besides, I'm not fond of cleaning up the dog smudges that are there. I call it smudges, but I'm fairly sure its dog snot. Gross I know. Try cleaning it everyday.. you'd get over it pretty quick too! Oh, and snow on the stairs? I'm past that too. I no longer feel the entrance to my home needs to be clean and clear of snow. As long as you can hold the handrail I see no need to fear that you'll slip. That's why SG put the handrail up. So we didn't need to clear off the snow.
I'm going to stop now. Only because I fear you'll think I'm somewhat neurotic. Or, more neurotic than you already think I am.
Besides, I'm beginning to feel somewhat anxious about the state of the lower portion of my windows. Best to not talk about it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Did you see this?
A photo-chroncile of this morning's sunrise...

If you didn't see it, well now you have!
It was spectacular. And a certain sign that spring is imminent as it was more to the left than to the right!! It also means that I don't have to worry so much about the footprints discovered on the side of the road that, for some reason, stop right in front of the house.
SG thinks I have me a peeper who likes to look into the bathroom window whilst I enter the shower. But not to worry.... there will be some sort of blind installed prior to the change of season in the fall. I mean, really, we're at the point in time that you can't see in now that it's light out... and guess what? It's light out when I'm entering the shower!!
And if that don't work, I've got me some friends that can take care of any peeper that may be out there!
If you didn't see it, well now you have!
It was spectacular. And a certain sign that spring is imminent as it was more to the left than to the right!! It also means that I don't have to worry so much about the footprints discovered on the side of the road that, for some reason, stop right in front of the house.
SG thinks I have me a peeper who likes to look into the bathroom window whilst I enter the shower. But not to worry.... there will be some sort of blind installed prior to the change of season in the fall. I mean, really, we're at the point in time that you can't see in now that it's light out... and guess what? It's light out when I'm entering the shower!!
And if that don't work, I've got me some friends that can take care of any peeper that may be out there!
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