Saturday, April 3, 2010's April

Where the hell has the time gone??

It's seems like it was just a few days ago I was celebrating joining the ranks of the "48 year club" and, well, it wasn't just a few days ago. It was like three weeks ago.

Oh well. They say times go by faster as you get older.

So let's see, what's been happening....

I'm feeling kinda sad today. SG's Grandma passed away. And while she was ready and willing to go, it is still a heart wrenching thing. Such a fabulously solid woman. A Grandmother to six. A Great Grandmother to 16 and a Great-Great Grandmother to fiver. Rest in Peace my love.... and make sure you catch the big one!! You will be missed.

Work is good. Very good. I'm off on course in another couple of weeks. Which will give me the full load of training that I've been waiting for. Now, just to figure out just what the hell it is I'm doing...

The boys have been driving me bonkers. And when I say "the boys" I mean... all of the boys!!! But, as they say, spring is in the air.... hopefully once that passes their brains will return.

Puppies galore around here as well. They are cute as all get out... yes, you read that right ~~ cute as all get out!! We've sold two for sure, three if we agree to board until the end of May. And giving the work schedule that I've got, I'm thinking that may be okay...

So #2 is giving me grief about my computer use... funny, it hasn't been that much lately and he's all up in my case because apparently, he wants me to make popcorn... bugger. I shall return, sooner rather than later.


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