Thursday, June 3, 2010

We interrupt this absence....

Got some news that absolutely MUST be shared!

After far too long, and two too many attempts, #1 got his license today.

Yes, yes he did.

He passed the test, including the parallel parking, in my beloved Maggie.

He was pretty pleased. As was I. Maybe.

Then, guess who shows up at my work right after school, asking if he can take the car? I would've thought he would have waited at least until the next day.

But noooo....

And you're never gonna believe this next part!

I gave him the keys!! Yes, yes I did. Was I stroking out a little bit? Did my already "slightly high" blood pressure go a wee bit higher? Was I incredibly distracted and thankful that it was a slow night at work? Uh huh...

But, if you think THAT is hard to believe, wait until you read this!! Are you sitting down? If not, you better.

Later on in the evening, I get a call from SG who just wanted to advise me to be on the alert for his call. I asked why and then nearly fell over.

He let #1 use the brand new truck!!! Oh wait, many of you didn't read about the truck yet, I didn't tell you the story.... van was a write off, got a new Ford. But maybe more on that later.

He let #1 use the brand new truck.... Yes, yes he did!!

The day I thought was going to be a loooonnnnng time coming, well, it came. And on the very same day the boy got the license yet!!

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable!!

The funniest part about the whole thing was when #1 was talking about how nervous he was driving by himself and how aware he had to be of absolutely everything. He said it was hard not having the extra set of eyes. The situation didn't improve any when the police were following him as he cruised around town. He assumes that I pulled some strings and stuff and that they were sent out to do just that. Follow him around. Like they have nothing better to do.... So SG said to him, "That's right, they know who you are and they will be watching you."

Far be it for me to confirm or deny.

I think I'll just let him keep thinking that.


1 comment:

  1. Love it! Let him keep wondering. AND WHAT has gotten into my brother???? Has he gotten soft in his old age or just just soft in the head? Sorry SG. But your NEW truck??? lol
