Sunday, June 7, 2009

Full Moon in June

SG and I have been waffling over whether or not we should plant a garden this year. And if we do, just how big it should be.

You see, we have a very large garden. Actually it was a very large weed bed until earlier this week when we (and by "we" I mean SG) tilled it. We debated about spraying it with some kind of chemical laden weed killer in order to make our lives (and by "our" I mean SG) easier on the weeding front, but didn't get around to it. Which is okay. We like to stay as close to "organic" as we can (and by we I mean me). No chemicals here...

But its been tough to get motivated to plant the damn thing now that it's ready for seeds and plants. The apparently "spring like" weather here on the Canadian prairies has left a lot to be desired and as such has completely de-motivated me. I was very excited back in March with the thought of gardening this year. Finally a summer with no pups and a chance to pay it the kind of attention it needs in order to bring forth massive amounts of home grown produce. Cucumbers for pickling, tomatoes for canning, so much corn on the cob that we can't give it away....

I hit a couple of nurseries this past week, trying to coax the thumb to turn green and get myself excited. But I found myself just not interested.

Until this morning.

I realized that I do want a garden. A BIG garden!!! I know, I know...last year I said we were downsizing (and by "we" I mean SG) but I'm giving it one last kick at the dirt! I'm going to ruin the manicure (okay, no manicure but I could do some damage to the feet) and get some mud under my nails! Get a sore back and scrape up my knees as I maneuver my way through the black mud that will give forth copious amounts of more work later this summer!

I looked at the calendar. It's June 7th.

It's a full moon today.

An old friend of mine once told me that you should never put your tomatoes in until after the first full moon in June. Not only is it suppose to bring you good luck with the garden, the chance of frost after the first full moon in June is pretty slim. I've listened to this advice for many years now and it's never proven otherwise.

Time to play in the mud!!


1 comment:

  1. Aw crappp!

    samll as ours is, "She" planted tomatoes today, as well as middle childs straberry plant...

    I guess Mother Nature is still going to be on the rag and wreak havoc on their efforts.

    Your borther.
